Chapter 85 New Start

If Yunting is sober, he will slap himself for what he just said.

You know, that's a big dish of Gangshou!

The Holy Land in the eyes of countless fans.

What a good chance!

Just be wasted by yourself.

In particular, most of the time is in a confused state, and even the aftertaste is less than a taste.

I don't know if there will be such a good chance in the future.

What a pity!

Just think about it

Well, now is not the time for heartache.

Only because Yunting thought he had won when he found nobody, he closed his eyes again and began to sleep foolishly.

This is Muye Village, his own territory, and there is a shadow guard outside. He is not worried about any accident.

All we can do is to worry about it after waking up.

It was the unexpectedly awakened Gangshou who quickly returned through the wet bone forest while sobering up.

As a person who has spent a long time in various wine kilns, she has a quick way to wake up even when she is drunk.

Otherwise, she would have been taken advantage of by many people.

However, so far, the most likely distance is from childhood.

However, before the other party saw it, he paid several broken ribs for himself, which almost ended up dead.

by the way!

Now we have to add Yunting, who has gone too far.

But at the moment, the master who worries about silence has no time to think about it.

It is hard to imagine what would happen to silence because she was not familiar with the casino in Sichuan for the first time.

Just when she thought that she would sweep the country of Sichuan and the surrounding human traffickers' strongholds to find the poor silence Oh, I almost forgot! With the help of live slugs, she finally drove back the dolphin that might be pushed into the pig slaughterhouse.

However, what she saw next surprised her.

It is still the casino, but the noisy scene in the past has become very desolate. A group of once arrogant casino thugs have fallen to the ground and cried out in pain.

Silence is the only person still standing here, not the dolphin.

"Hehe... Master Gangshou is finally back."

As if abandoned by the scum man, at the moment of seeing Gangshou, the silent face was expressionless and secluded.

"Haha... haha... It's all the fault of Yunting that boy who dragged me to Muye to work as a coolie. I'm not busy until now, so I'll come back at the first time. I didn't expect! I've never seen you fight in silence before, when did you become so fierce? I thought I was going to a peddler... cough cough!!"

It was very embarrassing for the master to explain quickly, and he almost revealed his true idea at last.

However, the silence just moved her nose, and then she said more plaintively: "Is the so-called busyness of Master Gangshou drinking?"

You know, this day she lived in fear.

In the end, when the casino crowd who could not afford to lose again swarmed, she was even more desperate.

But she forgot a little.

Although what she learned from Master Gangshou was more medical ninja, and she didn't have much chance to fight for many years, she was a ninja with Chakla after all, and still could tear down when facing a group of ordinary strong men.

That's why we have the same picture.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I'm just an unimportant pawn, and it's normal that Master Gangshou can't remember me." It seems that he has seen through the world of mortals, and the silence becomes more and more desperate.

What can the wrong master do?

It can only be a hard time to be a "mother" and comfort the angry "little daughter".

In the end, the kind-hearted silence still calmed down.

Gangshou felt relieved.

Then, the dull pain in her chest finally attracted her attention.

She looked down and saw that there were many red handprints in the original white.

"Damn Yunting!" He remembered all the anger of his master at once.

This is the first time that she has been taken advantage of.

She was sure to go back and teach the initiator a lesson with her temper, but after watching the silence, she thought about it or gave it up.

If you leave now, I'm afraid that the silence that has just been pacified will blow up again.

Of course, there is another reason why she would not admit it even if she killed herself.

That is, in the face of Yunting's offence, she seems not as angry as she imagined.

You know, I wanted to peep at her in the hot spring before, but I really wanted to kick her to death.

Even now, if anyone dares to be unfaithful, she is merciless.

On the contrary, Yunting has already taken advantage. Even if she is ready to go back, all she wants is to ask for an explanation. At most, she will hit a few punches.

This treatment is totally different from others.

The reason is that she doesn't think about it subconsciously.

"Let's go, keep quiet! We've been tired all day, let's go to the hot spring." He pulled his skirt up, raised his head again, and waved his big hand.

"Okay, Master Gangshou."

No longer in the silent state of resentment, he picked up the dolphin. As he was about to step, he suddenly thought of something, turned around and pointed to the coins piled up on the gambling table like hills,

"Master Gangshou, that's the money I won yesterday. Let's take it with us."

"Is this the money you won?"


Gangshou's eyes lit up like a light bulb.

After being confirmed by Mute, she asked the other person carefully, as if she had found a great treasure, she looked at Mute more and more kindly.



"It's up to you whether we can live a free life in the future!"



Muye Village.

When Yunting woke up, he first noticed a pair of black silk.

Unconsciously, he compared the beauty of black silk and ferocity.


Why do you want to compare the two.

Yunting ponders.

Soon, a large memory flooded into his mind.

Fuck me!

Instantly he regretted it!

What a good opportunity, just because a mouth is wasted.

If it weren't for the fact that Loko Yamanaka is around now, Yunting would really like to slap his mouth to protect his image.

"Lord Huoying, drink a bowl of sober soup." Seeing Yunting wake up, Lvzi, who had been waiting for a long time, handed over a bowl of hot soup.

"Thank you."

Yunting took the soup and drank it, and soon felt his mind clear.

He looked up and looked around. It was the same place where he had drunk with Gangshou before.

It's just that the mess before has been cleaned up very well. I think it should be done by the female secretary beside me.

"What time is it now?" he inquired.

Lvzi said, "On October 11, at three o'clock in the afternoon."

When Yun Tingming arrived, he passed the night without delay.

Then he got up and stretched his body. Suddenly, he smelled that the wine smell on his clothes was too strong, and his eyebrows could not help wrinkling. He was about to say that he would go back to change his clothes, and a set of clean Huoying Royal Robes had been handed over.

As the female secretary who has served for more than half a year, the careful and earnest lawyer has already made many preparations for Yunting without reminding.

Just like now, looking at the new clothes that Lvzi had already prepared, and then helping him to dress skillfully, Yunting could not help sighing: "I can't live without you in the future!"

I have to say that he had a good eye for selecting female secretaries.

Yamanaka not only has blond hair and long legs, but also handles his work well. He also seems to be a conscientious housekeeper at Yunting's home. He can prepare everything for himself without reminding himself.

As he said, he has been used to meticulous service, and he really cannot leave each other.

In response, Ryoko Yamanaka accepted the praise of Yunting with unchanged face.

Well, that's not good.

The mentality is too calm. There are few lively and changeable girls at this age. They are not like the girls of the mountain tribe at all.

However, the female secretary of the abstinence department is different from the female secretary of the charming department.

Cloud Court can't help thinking of a hook in the mouth.

At that moment, Takako Yamanaka, who was helping him tidy his collar, paused with her hands and looked at Yanyunting in doubt. For some reason, she suddenly felt an impulse to swing her fist just at that moment.

Although Yunting did not change his appearance, he was surprised.

Is this a woman's sixth sense?

There is no solution.

Fortunately, he responded in time and almost lost his image.

"Cough, cough!" Yunting coughed twice and asked seriously, "Is there anything wrong in the village during my sleep?"

When he didn't find anything, he didn't care about it any more. On hearing this, he said, "There is nothing important to deal with in the village, but because of the reason of the end of last night, the two consultants sent people to inquire during the day."

"Two old men, who don't take care of themselves, just show their sense of existence all day long.

Even if they had made great efforts in their own election campaign, it was more to ensure their own power.

After all, it is better to recommend a puppet of general reputation to the stage than a person of high reputation like Bo Feng Shui Men.

Sometimes Yun Tingting envies Sharen Village.

The latter has two counselor elders who have never come and really retire.

However, the fate of Fengying people is not so good.

The so-called strongest three generations of Fengying were killed by the scorpions in their teens. The fourth generation of Fengying was assassinated by the Big Snake Pill, and the fifth generation of Fengying was taken away by Didala. If it was not for the life of the thousand generation mother-in-law, it would inevitably die.

From this point of view, the country of wind is worthy of the end of the five major countries.

The wind shadow is also the shame of the Five Shadows.

Now, of course, is different from the past.

Maybe the future will not happen.


When Yunting changed his clothes again and paid for the day's consumption, he walked out of the store with a bright smile from the fat man in Qiudao and stretched out on Muye Street.

A new day has begun!

"Lord Huoying, what are you going to do next?" Yamanaka asked carefully.

When Yunting heard the words, he looked back at the little ghosts who were playing ninja games from afar, turned around and said with a bright smile:

"Write books, educate people, and preach!"