Chapter 77 Jiuwei Riot

The enemy has withdrawn, but left a problem.

"Wooden Dun, Thorn Killing Skill!"

Strong wooden pillars were stretching out from the ground at full speed, like vines, which tightly bound Jiusinai in Chakla's coat.

Soon, however, the explosion sounded.

The strong wooden pillars were destroyed by the manic nine tail chakra.

When the irrational Jiu Xinnai reappears, a tail condenses behind her.

Seeing that the body surface is now completely covered by the dark red nine tail chakra, and the Nine Sinai and the tottering building are almost indistinct, Yunting frowns, He ordered: "Gangshou takes Naruto to leave first, Kakashi goes to inform the surrounding people to evacuate, and Shuimen, please send all the medical staff here first, and I will deal with the problems of Jiu Sinai. Don't worry! I will send her to you safely later."

Kakashi nodded quickly without hesitation, and Gangshou looked at Naruto in his arms, but only so.

Shuimen looked at his wife deeply, suppressed his anxiety, and listened to the command: "Please, Lord Huoying!"


At the end of Shuimen's voice, the strange beast roared out of the mouth of "Nine Sinai", which had turned into a fox's head, and her five tails suddenly patted in all directions.

Click click!

Gravel splashes and cracks spread quickly on the floor and wall.

The whole building where the delivery room is located shook violently.

"Let's go!"

With a clap of his hands, Yunting quickly lifted the "Nine Sinai", which was about to be slapped again, into the ceiling.

Kakashi and Gangshou with Naruto quickly ran out after hearing Yan.

And Watergate also quickly adjusted its attitude and transferred the medical staff in the delivery room who had no time to escape one by one with the technique of flying thunder.

Looking at Yunting in the eyes, he nodded. Now he can concentrate on dealing with the Jiuwei riot.


Now, from the appearance, it can be seen as a small "nine tailed" nine sinai with four sharp claws dragging long traces on the ground, breaking free from the wooden platform, and killing Yunting very quickly.


The sound of nine tail chakras burning in the air is getting closer and closer.

Yunting's eyes were frozen, and he rushed forward without retreating.


"Nine Sinai" roared, and the sharp claws and teeth were about to catch Yunting.

But Yunting is faster.

The next moment, he disappeared from the vision of the former.

When they reappear, they have come to the back of each other like ghosts.


Yunting kicked out with all his strength, and "Nine Sinai" had no time to react. It flew out as if hit by a truck, breaking several walls in succession, and finally stopped after hitting dozens of big trees outside.

Even so, when "Nine Sinai" regained its footing, it still did not see any harm on its body.

Or the original damage will be repaired by her soon.

However, the "Nine Sinai" who was hit by such a heavy foot is very angry at the moment.

The more angry she was, the more violent the nine Chakras in her body became.

Soon, the sixth tail behind her condensed out.

Even the seventh tail is going to take shape.

Yunting could not sit still.


A sharp sonic boom sounded.

He flashed in front of "Nine Sinai" at a very fast speed, hit him again and interrupted his progress.


Many towering trees fell down.

Under the pain, "Nine Sinai" with six tails open, exposed Yunting to fight.

Seriously speaking, under the same six tail state, Jiusinai is much stronger than Naruto in the future.

Because at this time, her body is sealed with nine tails in a complete state, while Naruto is only the nine tails of Yang attribute, which is half of the former.

Of course, even so, the former is still beaten by Yunting.

Just six tails is not enough for the latter who has reached the peak of tolerance.


Another punch hit the face, and the "Nine Sinai" who could not dodge flew out, dragging a long gully on the ground.

Yun Ting could not forgive him, but when he was about to get up, he hit him instantly and hit him in the stomach with another fist.

In an instant, the dust was flying and the rubble was rushing, and the "Nine Sinai", which was almost broken, was driven into the ground.

Yunting didn't give her another chance.

One root of woody vine successively tied the neck, limbs and five tails of "Nine Sinai" tightly.

Then he opened his right hand, and suddenly a word "seat" appeared on his palm.

"It's time to end," said Yunting calmly.

He wanted to suppress Jiuwei, but "Jiu Sinai", the leading character, suddenly disappeared in front of him.

His pupils suddenly shrank, but it was too late to withdraw!

After all, Yunting underestimated the speed at which the Nine Tail Seal became a beast when it was the weakest.

Just listen to a loud bang.

"Nine Sinai" suddenly came out of the ground.

It seems that there was a change of identity before. Under her hard attack, the whole Yunting people also flew out like shells.

The sharp wind blew all over the body. After retreating, Yunting caught the seventh tail of "Nine Sinai".

Not only that, her eighth tail is also inconsistent with common sense, and it is growing rapidly with the naked eye.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

I don't know how many big trees were knocked down by the back. When Yunting got up again, most of the royal robes on his body had been broken, and the chest just hit by "Nine Sinai" had five more bloody claw wounds.

It was the first time in a year that he was so embarrassed.

However, it is good to have Mu Dun's thousand hand physical healing ability.

By the time he got up, the wound on his body had scabbed and he was about to recover as before.

But Yunting can't care about it now.

Because of the "Nine Sinai" not far away, the eighth tail was already swinging behind her.

Not only that, her whole body is also expanding rapidly.

In the end, the "nine sinai" in Yunting's eyes had almost become a real nine tailed figure.

In other words, we can call it Jiuwei now.

The monstrous nine tail chakra flew freely over the forest, and the air was filled with a taboo atmosphere of unknown. The mighty pressure centered on the nine tail and attacked in all directions.

At this moment, in addition to Yunting, Kakasi, who is close to him, still holds Naruto's hand, Shuimen, who has just flown back from Thor, and many dark ninjas can't help but raise their heads in fear, staring at the huge red figure of Chakla, whose tail is wildly dancing in the distance.

Even though they had never seen it before, they now fully recognized it at the first sight.

It is Nine tails!

In the Muye Village farther away, many people suddenly felt an indescribable depression.

When Feirizhan, the three generations of Huoying apes sitting in the Huoying Building, felt it, he suddenly raised his head, looked quickly at the direction of the secret base, and said in surprise, "That smell... is Jiuwei?"

He who has seen Jiuwei Power will never admit his mistake.

Is something wrong with Nine Sinai?

The ape flew to the sun and cut a deep frown.

It's a big deal. Now that there's nothing to do in Muye Village, he can't sit still and run towards Jiuwei anymore.