Chapter 70 October 10

On July 7, Muye 48, the son of the head of the Kozuka clan, Kozuka Ya, was born, and Yunting accompanied the money.

On July 23, Muye 48, the famous Yuzhibo Zuosu, the son of Yuzhibo patriarch, was born. Yuzhibo weasel turned into a senior brother in an instant, and Yunting followed the money.

On September 22, Muye 48, Nara Lumaru, the eldest son of Nara family, was born, and Yunting accompanied the money.

Then only one day later, on September 23, Yamanaka Inoue, the daughter of the patriarch in the mountain, was born. In order to show his respect for the law of the nearby mountain, Yunting paid double money.

Of the remaining twelve Kobayashi Kobayashi, only Naruto has the youngest ruda, and Yunting has no accompanying money.

However, as time went on step by step, the former also saw that it was coming soon.

Wood leaf October 10, 2008.

This is a very special day.

Earlier, the Wooden Leaf Hospital had chosen this day to deliver the baby to Vortex Nine Sinai.

Unlike in the past, Yunting postponed everything early today, making full preparations for the birth of Naruto.

Not only he, but also the three generations of Huoying Ape Feirizhan who had lived in the home for a long time came to help.

Because as a pillar of the Jiuwei people, the birth of a son by Juxinai is not only a personal matter, but also a matter of great importance for the leaves of wood.

On this day, because of the birth of a son, Vortex Nine Sinai will face the worst situation, which is likely to cause instability of the Nine Tail Seal.

As a man of wood and leaves, everyone knows what a disaster it will be if Jiuwei goes wrong.

In addition, we should also prevent external forces from making waves.

Therefore, not only did the three generations join in personally, but under the command of Yunting, the whole Muye Village also became loose outside and tight inside. All ninjas remained in wartime status and stood ready at any time.

At this time, Jiu Xinnai had been sent to a hidden place specially prepared for production in the dark.

There is not only dark protection nearby, but also a border to guard around.

Of course, Yunting, who knows everything, doesn't think it will help much.

So he took a Bofengshui leave early to stay with his wife all day long.

And he himself, after arranging everything, will go to Vortex Nine Sinai and stay outside.

Unfortunately, the delivery room cannot enter by itself.

Otherwise, it will be more foolproof.

"Yunting, it's better for Jiu Xinnai to have a familiar and experienced person to accompany him in the delivery room, so let me ask Pipa Lake to help." At this time, seeing Yunting's free ape Feiri cut his mouth and suggested.

Yunting glanced at him. In order to prevent the old man from losing his spouse, he kindly refused: "Master Pipa Lake is really good, but I have prepared a better candidate. It will only be safer to have her in Jiuxinnai."

Ape Feiri saw whether his proposal was paid attention to, but he asked curiously, "Who is it?"

Cloud Court replied, "Gang Shou."

"Gangshou?" Jifeiri cut his face in disbelief, and then said: "Gangshou, as a medical master, is really the best candidate. But is she willing to return to Muye?"

The ape flying day chop is very clear about the character of Gangshou.

In the past, he did not fail to persuade the other party to come back, but he was refused every time.

Even if Qianshou Cloud Court is in the upper position now, he has not seen the other party come back, so we can know his intention.

"Just let her come back temporarily! Three generations can rest assured that I can do it since I said it." Yunting said confidently.

Then, he said to ape feirizhan, "leave for now and come back soon", then he turned into a cloud of white smoke and disappeared in the office.

"Inverse · psychic technique?" The experienced ape Feiri Chop soon guessed how Yunting recalled the master thousands of miles away to Muye.

But what puzzled him was when Gangshou and Yunting were so good that they could make such a ticket.

If so, it is really possible to realize the things that used to be really close to you and never forget to mention!

The apes cut their eyes in the sun.

For Wooden Dun, not only the thousands of hands care, but also Muye hopes that this powerful blood inheritance limit can continue to pass on.


Wet bone forest.

When Yunting arrived, he did not see Gangshou arriving on time as agreed a few days ago.

I must be gambling again. I got addicted and forgot the time.

It's time to stand up!

Without getting angry, Yunting said to the live slug, "Live slug, go and channelize the woman from Gangshou. You heard that before, she and I have an appointment to meet at this time today."

The live slug is a man of principle. Under normal circumstances, it will not do any anti channeling without the permission of the contractor. Just as Gangshou had hoped that after learning the news of the death of Big Snake Pill, he would invite Yunting and be rejected.

Only this time is different.

After all, both parties have a prior agreement, and the living slug is not so stubborn and inflexible.

In addition, Gangshou patted his chest before leaving a few days ago to ensure that he would arrive on time.

Therefore, in order to maintain the reputation of Master Gangshou, the living slug nodded and said, "OK, Master Yunting."


In a gambling house in Chuanzhiguo.

The gang player in the green war robe with gambling characters excitedly shook the dice and shouted "Dada" expectantly.

Now it is undoubtedly the critical moment for her to ignore the arrival of Tianwang Laozi.

As for meeting Yunting at the appointed time, she had already forgotten everything.

At one side, holding a pink little fragrant pig named Fudou in his arms, the silence could only be a tearful look at the money on the table decreasing one by one.

If we continue like this, we will sleep on the street again today!

Have you come to stop Master Gangshou!

Silence shouted in his heart.

Next second!

It seemed to hear her voice.

A cloud of white smoke suddenly appeared on Gangshou.

After vanishing, only to see, Gangshou with her dice cup in hand has disappeared.

It's no surprise to have seen many times of silence.

She naturally knew that it was the Master Gangshou who was summoned to Shigu Forest.

Although I don't understand why she was summoned at this time, it is the best news for her now.

I don't have to sleep on the street tonight!

The quiet little face was full of surprises and was about to put away the money on the table.

However, at this moment, a thick palm with black hair pressed on the money with a loud "bang".

Silence subconsciously raises his head.

A ferocious face full of flesh was smiling and said to himself:

"Little girl, you should know that children should not run around after adults leave, or they will easily get lost. Just stay here until your adults come back. By the way, you can continue to gamble for your adults."

"No... no good," said the mute trembling.

"Nothing bad, we are taking care of you for your family!" When he said this, the silence was now full of huge men with muscles and tattoos.

The dolphin was so frightened that its head ran hard into the barren chest of silence, leaving only a pink buttock outside.

Silence also swallowed saliva nervously.

In this case, she could only nod stiffly.

"Well... OK."

So, Mute instead of Gangshou sat on the gambling table.

As for Gangshou, he was holding the dice cup in his hand and came to the Shigu Forest with an ignorant face.