Chapter 55 Boring Political Struggle

Cleaning up the underground black market in the country of fire will take time to ferment.

After solving the tail behind the first wave, Yunting continues on the road with Yamanaka.

In the time after that, although there was a warning from the past, there were still people who were captured by interests streaming towards Yunting.

But they didn't even meet the latter, so they were swept by the members of the Shadow Guard one by one in the dark.

Apart from the four major powers and a very few forces, few organizations can break through the protective forces of two Shangren and two Shangren in particular.

The first day was just like this.

After enjoying a night of Wooden Dun · Luxury Villa, the next morning, Yunting went on the road with Lvzi and members of the Shadow Guard.

Unlike yesterday, today there is less temptation from those who overestimate themselves.

I walked for several hours without any accident.

In this regard, the guarding mentality of the shadow guards around Yunting has risen rather than declined.

Because they all know that this should be the calm before the storm.

After people who make up the wrong number are eliminated on the first day, what remains is the real danger.



In a narrow valley about five kilometers away from Yunting, a group of uninvited guests are gathering here.

There are thirty-three people on the count.

The vast majority of them are ninjas wearing Yunrenhuo forehead, 11 of them.

The second most are Ninjas wearing fog to protect their forehead, a total of six.

As for the rest, there may be powerful bounty hunters, or they may simply be people sent from other tolerant villages. It's just different from water. The two great powers of Lei are still at war with the country of fire, so they can expose their identities without fear.

They have nothing to show their identity.

In any case, these people can be gathered here, and their strength is definitely much stronger than yesterday's cannon fodders.

The leader of Yunren's team, Shangren named Meteor, flashed a light of joy after observing all the people who were on the same front.

In this action, the eleven Yunren led by him are all of the upper tolerance strength, and the same is true of the Wuren beside him. In addition, these unidentified people whose momentum does not seem to be inferior to their own, which means that there are thirty-three upper tolerance strength people gathered here.

With such strength, it's really easy to destroy a small tolerant village.

Even if it is to attack and kill a movie power, its success is very high.

When Choe accepted this task, his original goal was just to test four generations of Huo Ying. If he was unable to do so, he could just collect his blood and evacuate. He did not have to kill Huo Ying.

But now, the latter is not impossible!

What about Wooden? Even if he has the same blood inheritance limit, it doesn't mean that today's four generations of fire shadows are Qianshouzhu.

The latter also won the title of God of Tolerance after decades of war.

He doesn't believe that the current four generation Huoying has such strength.

Therefore, if they act together, the probability of killing Huoying is high.

In this way, the trees and leaves are leaderless, which can make Yunyin Village gain more benefits in this war.

When he thought of this, his heart was full of fire. At the same time, his eyes could not help turning to a man with a cold mask in the crowd.

It was the arrival of this person that allowed Yunren, Wuren and other forces to converge purposefully, and did not leak any information to ambush the only way of the fourth generation Huoying.

Although he made great contributions, he still despised him.

They can be found in the country of fire and brought here quietly. Obviously, their influence is deeply rooted in the country of fire, and they are inextricably linked with Muye Village, so they may be one of Muye's senior leaders.

Boring political struggle!

Although his body is covered with muscles, his brain is very intelligent. Naturally, it is clear that some people in Muye Village want to use their hands to kill the fourth generation Huoying.

No wonder the country of fire, as the largest country in the tolerance world, always performs poorly in the war.

There are so many people with strange ideas and dragging their feet inside, how can they exert 100% strength to fight against foreign enemies.

It's not like their Yunyin Village. They don't have so many crooked intestines at all. They attack with one fist from beginning to end.

This is also the reason why they have always achieved success in Yunyin Village since so many wars in the world of tolerance.

Traitors are disgusting wherever they are.

Although he was not ashamed of this man, Choi, who knew that his task was very important, asked him, "As far as I know, there are white eyed ninjas in the shadow guards around Huoying. If we were discovered early, would Huoying and his party leave here?"

The contact person, or simply the root person. After all, they are the only ones who have powerful intelligence sources in the country of fire, and who have conflicts with Yunting and dare to act by means.

Although Roots also sent an assassination team at the request of the Tibetan leader, after discovering other forces, they also purposely combined these forces in the principle of not using them for nothing to achieve the greatest threat to Yunting.

At this moment, the man at the root who heard the words answered indifferently: "Don't worry, we have set a seal to cover the border here. As long as we don't leave the valley, white eyes will not detect it."

"Seal the boundary!" Meteorite sighed with relief after listening.

Muye Village, which has inherited the seal of the Vortex clan, is envied by the other four big countries.

In particular, Yunren, who are used to extorting and seizing various secrets in the tolerance world, have been eyesore for a long time.

They also made great efforts to destroy the country of whirlpool. Although they also got many seals, the essence was destroyed by the former, so it is still far inferior to the wood leaf.

Not only the sealing technique, but also Muye Village's white eyes, Shulunyan, Mudun, and so on, have made the robber style Yunren salivate.

This also strengthened the determination of Choi to kill the fourth generation Huoying.

Only when the trees and leaves are in chaos, can the possibility they have been longing for come true.

However, not everyone is interested in these.

It's like a man in the fog hit Hache and said impatiently, "Why are you so troublesome? If I told you, let's go straight out and fight head-on. I guess we won't run away without a fight!"

'You think everyone has no brains like you! In the face of more than 30 enemies of Shangren strength, even the shadow will temporarily avoid the edge! ' Chui looked at the speaker while he was complaining in his heart.

Soon, his eyes became clear.

No wonder talking is so thoughtless.

Looking at the speaker's white hair and two red dots between his eyebrows, Choe, who had once fought with Wu Ren, quickly recognized him as a member of the Huiye clan.

The Huiye people with bones and veins are belligerent and full of muscles. They are more reckless than Yunren. It's normal to say this.

The root people ignored him.

He is too lazy to talk about his character.

In addition, he also found that all the people who came to Wu Ren seemed to be blood heirs.

Bright night, water without moon and so on, because he didn't hide his face, he could recognize these people who had made great reputation in the previous war.

Recently, he heard that there was a deep conflict between the high level of Wu Ren and the family of Xueji Jiejie. This time, the Water Shadow Sect was full of Xueji Jiejie ninjas, and there were only so few people. Did they have the idea of killing people with a knife?

He shook his head in silence.

Another boring political struggle.

I'm afraid that besides Yunren, other forces want to achieve their own goals by taking advantage of the four generations of Huoying. Instead, they put aside the real assassination work.

However, now that we have roots as a link, we have an unexpected surprise.

Looking at the direction of the coming of the four generations of fire shadows in the distance, Choe pinched his huge fist, and his eyes were full of expectations.