Chapter 50 Kakashi and Yu Zhibo (Next)

Back to the present.

Seeing that Yuzhibo's people did not find trouble for themselves, Kakashi also continued on his way.

Passing by a fragrant dumpling shop on the way, Kakashi suddenly had a craving for noodles. He was thinking about whether to give up a Lala noodles and choose here. Suddenly, he saw the familiar Yuzhibo fan out of his eyes.

"It's really..."

Kakashi was about to complain helplessly when the man with Uchibo fan came into his sight.

In an instant, his words stopped.

Just two Uchibo kids.

"Weasel, try this tricolor dumpling, it's delicious!" The little girl named Quan Yuzhibo raised the tricolor dumpling in her hand and handed it to another little boy.

Uchibo weasel was helpless.

At this time, he should still be practicing his sword, but accidentally saved the bullied girl in front of him. Then the latter dragged him here to show his gratitude.

Seeing that Yuzhi Boquan would not give up without eating, the weasel had no choice but to take a mouthful. Just as he was about to make a perfunctory reply, his eyes suddenly lit up!

"It's delicious!" the weasel praised from the bottom of his heart, and then ate all the tricolor dumplings in one breath.

"That... I'm sorry! I didn't notice, I forgot to leave it for you." Looking at the empty bamboo stick in his hand, he rarely blushed, embarrassed.

In this regard, Quan was not angry, but he was even more happy when he saw the weasel finish eating: "It doesn't matter! You can buy again after eating. Why don't we go to eat some more three color dumplings?"

The weasel, attracted by the delicious food, hesitated for a moment, then nodded his head in a less sophisticated way,

Watching two Uchibo kids running happily towards the dumpling shop, Kakashi touched his chin:

"Why don't you go and eat that tricolor dumpling, too?"

Kakashi, who was also attracted, followed.

Then he was disappointed.

The boss of the dumpling shop told him that the only few buns left in the shop had been bought by two children who had just come in.

There should be a lot of goods in the store at this time.

It's just that today there is a big stomach king.

The boss pointed to a little girl in the corner of the store who was gobbling up a bunch of dumplings, apparently into the other party's stomach.

"You can't judge a person by his appearance!" Kakashi sighed. "But... this girl seems familiar."

Kakashi thought about it for a while and soon recognized it.

'It's the one from Yushou Xijia. If I remember correctly, she was a new disciple of Big Snake Pill before. '

Thinking of this, Kakashi also understood why the other party was overeating.

Without disturbing the other party, he left the dumpling shop with slight regret.

However, within a few steps, a powerful arm suddenly wrapped around his shoulder, and the familiar voice said in his ear:

"Yo, Kakashi! I haven't seen you for a long time. Let's have a duel!"

"Kai, when did you come back? I heard that you have been taking out tasks recently." Kakashi said idly without looking back.

It was Maitkai who came.

He was still wearing the green tights that would last forever. When facing Kakashi's question, a trace of embarrassment flashed on his face, and he immediately firmly believed: "Youth does not allow cowardly escape, and blood does not allow to say not do, so I came back! In order to prove that my youth will never regret!"

Kakashi did not understand what Kai meant, and was too lazy to understand.

But he knew that he had to agree to the other party's duel request at the moment, otherwise the guy would be dogged.


"Then let's have a contest of speed! Let's finish with a bowl of noodles. Now, start!"

"Ha ha, bloom my youth!"

At the end of the day, the race ended.


The next morning.

Just when Kakashi went to the darkroom to report on Hache, Yunting also came to the office early and started the one-day fire shadow work.

"Daiwa, you will work in the dark in the future. I have found you a good senior. Remember to learn from each other."

In front of him, the former A, now dressed in a dark suit, said respectfully, "Yes, Lord Huoying."

"Then go." Cloud Court waved.

For Yamato, after he took him away from his roots, he did not treat him as an experiment.

Although he is a member of the root, the former has not been really brainwashed into a cold and ruthless killing tool, but has always maintained the precious kindness in his heart. In addition, its potential is good, and its future growth is at least at the level of elite tolerance, which can make no small contribution to the leaves.

After extracting some blood cells needed for the experiment from the other party's body for research, Yunting sent him to the dark for tempering along the original track and handed him to Kakashi for leadership.

Although the two have not yet intersected, they will still spark their destiny.

Daiwa has left, and only Yunting and Ryoko Yamanaka are left in the office.

After signing a document, Yunting handed it to Lvzi and said, "Give it to the head of Wooden Lab."

The document was signed with the consent of misappropriating the funds of Qianshou people to inject into Wooden Lab.

The Wooden Laboratory, which has inter column cells, Yunting and Gangshou blood cells, and Dahe blood cells, now has sufficient experimental materials, and it is time to officially invest in research.

As Yun Ting's confidant, Lvzi naturally knew the research of Mu Dun, which was highly confidential.

She nodded, put the document away solemnly, and walked out with high heels.

After that, Nara Lujiu and Bofengshuimen, as the assistant of Huoying, came to the office on time and took most of the daily working documents after greeting as usual.

Looking at the few documents left on the table, Yunting nodded with satisfaction.

After work, there is still a lot of time to fish.

This is what a leader should look like!

However, today is different from usual, but there are several new things to be handled by the cloud court.

"Yu Zhibo... Ling?"

Looking at the ninja information card in his hand, and looking at the tall and slender female ninja standing in front of him at this time, whose temperament and appearance were very cold, Yunting's face was slightly surprised.

As early as Yu Zhibo came to his side from his position in Fuyue, he did not complain about renovating the police force according to his requirements. To show his heart, he specially brought out a quota of shadow guards to give to Yu Zhibo's family.

He has heard that the competition for this place among the Yuzhibo people is very hot. which

I'm afraid Yuzhi Bo Fuyue himself has many difficulties in selecting the person he thinks.

Originally, Yunting thought that this matter would be delayed for a long time. Unexpectedly, the candidate had already arrived.

What surprised him more was that Yuzhibo's visitor was a young woman.

'Is it a trick to show yourself beauty?'

Yunting said to himself.

After all, the woman in front of me, called Yuzhi Boyin, is still outstanding in appearance although the airport is flatter.

However, after seeing the detailed information about Yuzhi Boyin in his hand, his doubts also subsided.