Chapter 33 Fault of Three Generations

"Lord Huoying!"

"Four generations of adults!"


After Yunting finished the Big Snake Pill, on the edge of the battlefield, Muye people who opened their mouths wide OB during the whole battle also came to their senses and saluted in front of Yunting.

With respect, I don't know how much more sincere I am when I face him than before.

I can't help it. After seeing the real wood hiding in Yunting's hands and the silent body of Big Snake Pill, all the people on the scene, if they are not idiots, know that the sky of Muye will change from today.

Yun Ting nodded to this. Now that he has become a big player, there is no need to do extra heart invitation.

After dispelling Mulong and Huashujie, he directly ordered: "Seal the body of Big Snake Pill and send it to the analysis class to study after returning to the wood leaf."

Even if the ninja is dead, the corpse can also collect a large amount of information about the original secret art of tolerance.

It can be said that each of the dead powerful ninjas is a great treasure.

The most typical example is Qianshouzhujian. The famous cells between columns have been studied by various forces in the tolerance world for many years.

If Yunting dies in the future, his treatment will not be inferior to his ancestors.

The leader of the Muye Analysis Team, Shan Zhonghai, was right in the crowd at this time. When he heard the words, he immediately answered, took out the seal scroll, and stored the body of Big Snake Pill in it.

In this way, under the complicated eyes of people, one of the most famous three forbearances in the world of tolerance ended his career in this way.

"Muye has been killed for treason. This trip has come to an end. I... hmm?"

While Yunting was talking, he suddenly let out a light sigh, took the initiative to interrupt his conversation, and turned his head to look behind the crowd.

There, a figure was approaching them very quickly.

"It's three generations of eyes." Rixiang Rizu said.

When this was said, people's minds were different.

Seeing this, Yunting said faintly: "Three generations of people are coming at the right time, and some things will be settled here."

Hearing the words, Bo Fengshuimen in the crowd opened his mouth to say something, but it finally turned into a sigh.

Others also tacitly kept silent.

In this way, in an atmosphere of rain, ape feirizhan in battle suit came to the public.

After seeing Qianshou Yunting and a group of wooden leaves appear here, and then noticing that there are obvious battle traces left by the Big Snake Pill around, the ape feiri cut his mouth and asked, although he had a guess in his heart:

"Where's the Big Snake Pill?"

The crowd subconsciously looked at Xiang Yunting. After the latter nodded, Shan Zhonghai raised the seal scroll in his hand and replied, "Three generations of eyes, the rebel and tolerant snake pill has been killed by four generations of eyes, and the body has been recovered."

Is this the end?

Ape Feiri cut his eyes and closed them slowly. At this time, he looked as if he was a teenager.

Yun Ting looked at it, but he didn't feel soft at all. "If I remember correctly, you should be the first to lead the team to capture the Big Snake Pill. Why didn't you succeed? You shouldn't lose with the strength of three generations?"

"I......" When confronted with Yunting's question, Ape Feirizhan reopened his tired eyes and opened his mouth to say something, but found himself speechless.

Seeing this, Yun Ting shook his head and replied for him: "Three generations of adults naturally have the ability to take the Big Snake Pill, but at the last moment, after all, their personal feelings outweighed their responsibilities. Facing their disciples who were growing up little by little, they could not do anything and let them go. Three generations of adults, am I right?"

"The fact... is true." The ape feirizhan sighed deeply and admitted.

Although it is not clear how Yunting knew this in detail, he would not cheat with his character even though he knew it would greatly damage his reputation if the former's statement was true.

Compared with Tuan Zang, who does not break the means, the ape flying day chop has its own ambition, but it still has its own persistence.

Sure enough, after ape feiri cut admitted the truth, everyone's face changed, including bofengshuimen.

As Huo Ying, he even allowed the traitor to leave on his own initiative, even though the two sides had deep feelings, which they would never accept.

The ninja regards completing the task as his bounden duty. At the same time, under the indoctrination of the will of fire, people in Muye also remember their concern for their companions.

However, this concern does not include the betrayal of the village and the tolerance of the companions.

In particular, as a village fire shadow, he even took the initiative to cover up the rebellion.

In the eyes of Muye ninjas, the situation of three generations is similar to that of "Your Majesty, why do you surrender first when your ministers are about to fight to the death".

For a while, there was a new change in the eyes of the people on the scene who looked at the ape Feirizhan again.

Seeing this, Yun Ting finally nailed down the act of ape flying day, saying: "Three generations of people have seen the scroll of criminal evidence about Big Snake Pill that I gave you earlier, and only four missing people related to each other are recorded on it. But in fact, this is just what we have found in the past few months. In the years before that, even in the decades before that, there were only more living people forced into the experiment by the Big Snake Pill. You have also seen the rows of glass jars containing human organs in the secret base of Big Snake Pill for three generations. Do you think that is the scale that only a few people can reach? "

The ape flies and the sun cuts silence.

Yun Ting continued: "It's not a matter of two days for Big Snake Pill to go astray. It can be said that in these years, he has wasted his life to study the taboo research that is forbidden by the wooden leaves. It's absolutely a heinous crime. Considering the old feelings, you can't do it at the beginning, but what I want to ask is..."

Speaking of this, Yun Ting's face was full of sternness and said, "After Big Snake Pill killed a group of secret ninjas accompanying you, why don't you still let them go? Don't you care about those dark ninjas of wood leaves?"

As soon as this remark was made, Muye Ninja was in an uproar at the scene, and Ape Feiri cut his face white.

After the sound wave ninja technique used by Big Snake Pill in the secret base, a group of dark parts accompanied by Ape Feiri Chop fell one after another. Although not all of them were killed, death did occur, and the living people are now seriously injured.

The ape flying day saw in the eyes, but still did not start, this is undoubtedly his major fault.

The life of his disciples is life, and the life of his subordinates is not life?

In particular, the former is still rebellious.

At this moment, the reputation of the three generations of ape feirizhan in people's hearts can be said to have dropped to the lowest point ever.

Finally, he himself felt guilty under the last blow of Yunting.

Without saying anything more about the latter, ape feirizhan used a voice that was older than before to admit the mistake and said, "I taught you to be the first to betray Big Snake Pill. After letting him leave for selfish reasons, I will ignore the fault of fellow villagers. I am willing to bear all the punishment of the village. I hope you can cooperate with the four generations of people in the future to make the leaves more prosperous."