Chapter 291 The First, Second and Third Dynasties

  • I, Muye, the new Huoying
  • Han Wuguang
  • 2222 characters
  • 2022-09-17 19:07:56

Just as Muye left at the bottom card, on the other side, between the Qianshouzhu and Qianshoufei, they were also going through many obstacles and went straight to Muye Railway Station.

When! When! When! When!

Dozens of Kuwushou swords shot from all directions were shot away by thousands of hands, without slowing down his speed.

"Damn it! Don't look down on people!"

Looking at the two people without looking at themselves and others, they just ignored the behavior of moving forward. A wooden leaf ninja standing in front of them angrily went straight up and quickly made a seal with his hands,

"Huodun, the art of fire ball!"

In an instant, a huge

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