Chapter 265 The Debate between Yunting and Ban

  • I, Muye, the new Huoying
  • Han Wuguang
  • 2622 words
  • 2022-09-03 19:12:44

"The so-called unity is just like the one country one village system created by the Pillars at that time. After a short period of stability, the tolerance world will eventually usher in such an endless war. As long as the human desire is still there, peace cannot exist forever."

At this moment, Ban lightly makes a conclusion about what Yunting and Muye are doing.

Hearing the words, Yunting was not angry.

After all, for an old fogy who thought in the Warring States period and didn't know what science was, let alone what great changes it would bring to the world of tolerance after its great development

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