Chapter 19 Tortoise Colossus

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

With the blessing of the terrorist forces, the delicate fists shot out rapidly, and burst into another round of shells.

Under this fierce rhythm, Yunting dare not slack off.

But if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it.

Soon, when Yunting bent over to avoid the kick of Gangshou, he was about to launch a counterattack. The latter unexpectedly accelerated again. He had no time to react and was directly hit by a blow.


Yun Ting's body froze, and the next second his whole body melted, turning into dark mud and falling into the quagmire below.

"It's the soil separation again, Yunting, you are playing very well now." Gangshou withdrew his fist path unhappily.

"Somehow, I'm a teenager. I can't be too careful with Muye Sanren, who has rich combat experience." Behind me came the voice of Yunting, accompanied by the sound of a dozen swords breaking through the air.

"Very good!" Gangshou said every word.

I didn't think much of it before, but now when I hear the words "more than ten years", her forehead is full of blue veins.

In the face of the sword in her hand, she did not hide, just like swatting a fly. She waved it casually, and in a moment, the former were all scattered around.

Just as she wanted to move on, she saw the opposite Yunting suddenly pull his fingers.

The next second, the swords in the hands that had been knocked down before flew up again and quickly revolved around the Gang Shou.

In the middle, transparent steel wires suddenly appeared. Without waiting for the master to act, he suddenly drew back to the middle and tied the latter.

"Huodun, the art of dragon fire."

The hot flame spurted out from the mouth of the cloud court, and shot rapidly along the transparent steel wire towards the steel hand.

Soon, a humanoid torch appeared in front of him.

The plan succeeded!

In the whole process, Yunting deliberately provoked him with words first, and then made him look down on him with his sword. In fact, he hid a hidden opportunity to kill, and finally saw with a dagger. This is the wisdom of battle.

The fight between ninjas, although paper strength is very important, but the mind is more important.

At the right time, an ordinary ninja can also make a powerful ninja bleed.

Yunting believes that under his hand, most ninjas will lose their fighting power.

Only, are the Gang Shou the overwhelming majority?

Past experience tells Yunting that of course not.

So, in this spare time, he once again tied the seal.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a footstep to ring from the torch.

When Gangshou appeared in front of Yunting again, he could see that the other party was in a lot of confusion, and his bare arms were even blacker.

However, green energy soon emerged from all the wounds, and it was as white and smooth as it was at the beginning.

Except for a little burning on the clothes, there is no change from the original.

'Is there some kind of medical ninja? It's really It's unfortunate to fight such a bloody, fast recovering and powerful enemy! ' Yunting complained.

On the other side, regardless of his appearance, the Gangshou, who had just made a big mistake, looked at Xiangyunting angrily and said, "Sword in hand, steel wire, fire escape, these colorful things are combined together. If I don't know, I think I just met a Yuzhi wave. When did you learn these moves?"

Gangshou asked himself that he could not understand the cloud court which has become the fourth generation of fire shadow.

She and Yunting are also very knowledgeable. In the past, there was no lack of fighting and communication between them. But just now, a series of ninja exercises have never been performed by the other side.

Besides, this guy seems to have too many chakras.

I haven't seen you for a long time. Has the other party grown to this point.

But it's also good. At least he can hold the identity of four generations of Huoying.

Gang Shou is a little relieved.

Of course, in addition, she is still unhappy.

It's the first time for her to suffer such a big loss. It's hard for her not to retaliate!

Seeing that the Gang Shou's prestige is not declining, Yunting also made a final decision.

After finishing the last seal in his hand, he opened his mouth and said, "It's OK if the moves are useful, regardless of whether they are Yuzhibo or not. In addition, I learned more than that. I have developed the next ninja for a long time, and prepared it for you. So, be careful!"

"Tudun, the Colossus of Tuling!"

With that, Yunting suddenly pushed his hands on the muddy ground, and the whole quagmire suddenly rolled like boiling oil.

The next second, a huge muddy palm stretched out from the mud, followed by the other hand, then the whole arm, head, chest, and finally the legs.

When all the dust fell to the ground, only a huge earth giant, 20 meters high, appeared in front of the cloud court.

It is the earth spirit colossus.

"So, this big toy is your real dependence?"

The master who saw all this was surprised, and his fighting spirit did not decrease.

"You can try," said Yunting with a faint smile.

As the original self created ninja for several years, developed specifically for the fighting style of the master, it is far more than just big.

"Just try!"

Without saying a word, Gang Shou rushed towards the giant figure of Tuling with fierce fighting in his eyes.

The Colossus of the Earth Spirit also marched forward with great strides.


The violent interaction sounds from the center of both sides.

It was like a comet hitting the earth. In the field, a delicate fist collided with a huge earth fist that was many times bigger than it, which made people worry about the fate of the former.

However, the actual result is unexpectedly the opposite.

I saw that the once formidable and invincible figure of the earth spirit could not help taking three steps back under the tiny fist of the Gang Shou.

Not only that, the palm that just collided with the other side fell off like a domino.

In a twinkling of an eye, one of the hands of the Colossus of the Earth Spirit was abandoned.

On the other hand, as a price, Gangshou only paid for the redness of her fist.

"Enough strength! It's rare to meet an opponent with such great strength, which just makes me relax."

Gangshou twisted his fist comfortably, and his face was still unconvinced,

"It's just Yunting. It seems that this guy can't stand my dismantling several times, which is not consistent with your previous vows!"

In this regard, Yunting is still not worried: "Don't worry, the battle has just begun."

As the development level is at S level, it is not easy to lose the battle after consuming so many of his ninja skills.