Chapter 15 Master

Wet bone forest.

After telling the outside world about his schedule, Yunting will spend some time here every day to learn magic from live slugs.

The so-called immortal magic refers to the power that is fused by absorbing the natural energy of the outside world into the body, combining the balance between the physical energy and the mental energy of oneself, and then launched by this power, which is far more than ordinary Chakra can achieve.

The key to cultivating immortality is how to absorb natural energy from the outside, in addition to how to balance the three internal energies.

Miaomu Mountain Immortal Cultivation, one of the three holy places, began by smearing toad oil on the body to feel and absorb natural energy.

The way of wet bone forest is different. Living slugs divide into small slugs with abundant natural energy in the transparent mucus secreted in their mouths.

At the beginning of Yunting's immortal cultivation, he smeared these transparent mucus on his body to directly absorb the natural energy inside.

In terms of efficiency, it is much faster than Miaomu Mountain.

But this way of cultivation also has serious shortcomings.

That is, the transparent mucus of slugs is also highly corrosive.

Once smeared on the skin, the cultivator must endure physical corrosion and injury while absorbing natural energy.

It is difficult to persist unless you master medical ninja or have strong self-healing ability.

However, the former will increase the consumption of Chakra, and it is also the time to absorb natural energy. Such an in and out will further test the ability of practitioners to balance the three streams of energy in their bodies.

In the latter case, even the Qianshou or Whirlpool people, who are famous for their physique, have good self-healing ability, but they are still not enough in the face of slime corrosion from slugs.

Therefore, in terms of the danger level, the Immortal Cultivation of Shigu Forest is much higher than that of Miaomu Mountain.

Even if genius is like a master, after several attempts, he chose to give up.

The only exception is Qianshouzhujian.

The reason why he was successful was that Wooden Dun itself contained rich vitality. Combined with the constitution of a thousand hands, it had the effect of one plus one more than two. The self-healing and recovery ability reached an extremely horrible state, so he could turn a blind eye to the slime corrosion.

Now Yunting, who also owns Mu Dun, naturally inherited this.

Therefore, he has great confidence in himself in cultivating the Immortals of the Wet Bone Forest.

Unfortunately, my reputation gained slowly during this period.

Not only because many people in Muye Village know each other well, but also because Maitkai, a VIP family he respects, has been out on a mission and has not returned to the village for a long time.

Unless you can do something earth shaking, your reputation will only rise rapidly in a short time.

This is why he has been patiently practicing fairy arts step by step.

Three words, not enough points.

Fortunately, if the completion of magic is calculated by percentage, if he has completed 10%, then if he wants to exchange it in the system, he only needs to pay 90% more, which is very humanized.


The pale and bare trees cut into the sky.

Inside, in a specially arranged space, he stripped off his coat and allowed small blue and white slugs to sit on the ground with cloud faces full of natural energy mucus.

From time to time, white smoke with corrosive smell came out from his skin. However, before he could breathe, the green life force rushed out of his body and quickly repaired the wound.

So repeatedly, although Yunting seems to be all right, his upper body skin has been renovated several times, and his sense of corrosion pain has not been shielded, causing him to frown from time to time.

"I seriously doubt that the reason why the master didn't persist is that he didn't want to see his body destroyed like this," muttered Yunting.

After all, the woman who is still in her seventies and eighties is still acting tender.

What beauty loving woman would like to see her skin destroyed like a ghost, especially when her self-healing ability is not as good as him.

Even if the opponent is a great medical ninja, he can recover quickly if he uses the medical ninja, but this will only increase the consumption of Chakra, and the balance of the three strands of energy in his body will become more unstable, thus increasing the possibility of failure in the cultivation of magic.

"Lord Yunting, today's cultivation task has been completed."

After a period of time, the gentle voice of the living slug sounded in the ears of Yunting.

The cultivation of immortality is not achieved overnight, but a gradual process.

Under the guidance of the live slug, Yunting can stop after completing the corresponding indicators every day.

After all, there is a limit to the amount of natural energy your body can sustain every day.

At this time, all the small slugs that used to lie on the upper body of Cloud Court crawled down and moved towards the nearby bone forest.

When Yunting got up and was getting ready to dress, suddenly a bright female voice sounded behind him:

"Oh, isn't this the famous four generations of Huoying adults? Why are they naked here? It's really indecent!"

Yun Ting paused with his hands slightly, and then calmly said: "First, I'm not naked, my language is more refined, and I should change my 'body' to my upper body; Second, this is the wet bone forest. There was no one else before, but now there is only one more person. Gangshou, you are not a little girl anymore, and you are really not immoral; Thirdly, Muye is making a ninja gang. It's all right to leave the village for so long and never return. Anyway, you should respect my fire shadow. "

After saying that, Yunting turned around and saw a pair of pale gold ponytails tied behind his head. He was still dressed in a familiar tea green gown and a gray sleeveless shirt. At the moment, he was hugging his hands, setting off a particularly ambitious master who was looking at himself with a mocking smile.

With both eyes looking at each other, the Gangshou picked a light yellow short eyebrow and said, "You are really angry when you are a fireshadow. I said Yunting, do you remember how hard my fist is?"

Yun Ting was stunned. When he was young, the image of the original being chased and beaten by a gang hand suddenly came to his mind. He could not help but wince at the corners of his mouth. He said, "Do you remember being pressed by me at the table, all the IOUs for borrowing money from you?"

As soon as she said this, Gangshou's arrogance suddenly withered. She looked left and right in a subconscious panic, yawned guiltily and changed the subject: "Hmm~that~haha... That's right! Why did you contract with Shigulin, Yunting? When did it happen?"

Seeing the appearance of Gangshou, Yunting, who was used to it, could only shrug his shoulders and expose it.