Chapter 13 Immortal Arts

As a contractual partner who will fight side by side in the future, live slugs also fulfill their contractual obligations after a cordial exchange with Yunting, and talk about their capabilities carefully to the latter.

The former is famous for its extreme medical ability in the whole world of tolerance, but also has the ability of tongue and tooth mucus, splitting, vision sharing, etc.

Among them, the tongue and teeth sticky acid, a rare offensive means, is that the Big Snake Pill can kill him by default.

The live slugs themselves are mollusks, and pure physical attacks are even more ineffective.

These are just part of the strength of the other side.

After all, both Yunting and Gangshou can only summon a small part of live slugs at present, and can't make them exert their full power.

I don't know whether the Qianshouzhu in the peak period can do it?

Yun Ting shook his head. Although there was a bug in the cells between the columns in his body, he really wanted to summon all of the giant live slugs by force. I'm afraid that after all the chakras in his body were evacuated in a flash, the cells between the columns could not be replenished in time, so he would die.

Back to the topic.

At this time, Yunting proposed to the live slug the core purpose of his signing the channeling scroll.

"Cultivate immortality?" The gentle female voice of the living slug was not surprising.

As long as people know about the three holy places, they are naturally very interested in the magic that is different from the Chakra system, but few of them can be cultivated in the end.

The living slug didn't refuse this. First, he explained patiently: "If Lord Yunting wants to practice, I won't refuse. But Lord Yunting also needs to know that, unlike Miaomu Mountain and Dragon Cave, the immortals in the wet bone forest are not suitable for cultivation. For thousands of years, only the adults in the column have succeeded in cultivation. Even the master of steel has to give up after a period of cultivation. Because the process of cultivating immortality is also full of danger. If you are careless, you will be assimilated by natural energy and die. Please remember this. "

"I understand." Cloud Court clearly said, "But just because I can't practice, doesn't mean I can't practice."

Although they belong to the same family, Yunting and Gangshou are not so close by blood. After all, in the past, there were thousands of hands and many branches.

Seriously speaking, he is the same generation as Gangshou, who is a teenager older than him, so he calls him by his first name.

The live slug didn't care about this, but was surprised by Yunting's self-confidence: "Oh? Why does Yunting adults think so?"

Yunting speaks with facts.

He clapped his hands together for eleven times. Suddenly, the ground with him as the center rushed out one huge tree after another like an earthquake.

Soon, in a roar, I saw that the original snow covered bone forest quickly added a large amount of green forest land.

"Master Zhujian was able to cultivate the Immortal Arts of the Wet Bone Forest, presumably because his life power of Wooden Dun was far superior to others." Yunting, standing among the trees, said confidently, "Now I also have Wooden Dun, and I think the probability of success in the cultivation of Immortal Arts is also greater."

"Wooden Dun!" said the live slug.

At this moment, he looked at Qianshouyunting again. It seemed that through the other side, he saw an old friend who was invincible in the tolerance world but still kind and generous in character.

"In that case, Lord Yunting is really likely to succeed in cultivating immortality." The live slug soon came back to his senses and congratulated him, "Lord Yunting asked me to agree. So, is it right to start cultivating immortality now?"

Yun Ting was about to agree, but after noticing the time, he found that he had been away for a long time, so he changed his mouth and said, "Not today, I have to go back and explain something. Start tomorrow, after that, I will spare some time to learn magic in the Shigu Forest every day, and then I will trouble you."

"Don't bother, if you have Yunting, you can relieve my boredom." The live slug cheered.

"Oh? Don't Gangshou come here?" asked Yunting curiously.

Live slug: "If you are a master, you should spend more time on drinking and gambling. Even if you come to Shigulin, most of the reasons are to avoid creditors."

Well, it really conforms to the style of Gangshou.

Only the bills of account sent to Qianshou every year with the signature of Gangshou, Yunting did not know how many stacks he had received.

At first, he helped to pay back some of the bills, but later, seeing that the bills were still only sent in more and more, he gave up his mind.

After all, no matter how rich the assets left by a thousand handed clan are, they cannot withstand the other party's extravagance!

For this reason, the gang player who traveled around the country or ran away sent a letter to scold him for his injustice.

Now Yunting thinks again and just wants to say that he has done too well.

There is also that the old people who once had thousands of hands do have good taste.

He chose to entrust the heritage of the Qianshou people to him, rather than to the more legitimate Gang Shou.

In addition to the idea of son preference, there is also a deep understanding of the influence of Gangshou's personality.

If I really want to hand it over to the latter, I'm afraid that the thousand handed inheritance will disappear soon in the style of the black sheep.

At this time, Yunting could not help thinking of the silence of Kato who followed Gangshou.

I don't know whether this little girl is a blessing or a curse. She has followed such an out of tune adult at a young age.

I think her childhood must be very colorful.

After a second's silence, Yunting was about to leave, when he suddenly thought of something, put down his hand and said to the live slug:

"By the way, live slug, please help me keep secret about Mu Dun."

"Do you want to keep it secret from the Master Gang Shou?" The live slug soon wanted to understand.

"Yes, because of some things at the moment, the story of Wooden Dun can't be exposed. In addition, compared with the live slug, I still expect her to react when she overhears it in person." Cloud Court said with a smirk on his face.

I think that as the grandson of Qianshouzhu, he did not inherit Mu Dun. After hearing the news that he would become Mu Dun, his face would be very emotional.

"Well, although we are both contractors, since Lord Yunting has proposed to keep it secret, I will keep my mouth shut in front of Lord Gangshou. In addition..." Speaking of this, the voice of a live slug also brings a hint of expectation, "I would like to see the reaction of Lord Gangshou."

"Don't worry! When it comes to that day, I will specially remind you of the live slug."

Yunting finally said goodbye with a smile, then turned into a cloud of smoke and left from the wet bone forest.

Looking at the seat where the former disappeared, the live slug moved slightly, smiled and said: "What an interesting contractor!"