Chapter 11 Wet Bone Forest

Huoying Office.

The acrid smell of smoke pervaded the room.

Yunting doesn't smoke.

The only person who can smoke freely in his office is the respected three generations of apes.

"Jiuwei Renzhuli Protection Plan?"

After receiving the scroll specially handed by Ape Feiri Chop, Yunting opened it and looked complicated.

So, has this day finally come?

Looking at the pregnancy information of Vortex Nine Sinai issued by the Wooden Leaf Hospital on the scroll, Yunting now thinks of the Nine Tail Rebellion after October.

There is no doubt that the countdown has officially started.

Opposite the desk, Ape Feiri cut his pipe and said, "As Jiu Xinnai is the pillar of Jiuwei, pregnancy is very important for Muye. After all, in her weakest days, it is inevitable that hostile forces will come to destroy her. Once Jiuwei loses control, it will pose a serious threat to Muye Village."

Yun Ting suppressed his thoughts and agreed, "Indeed, especially when he was in labor, it was also the time when Jiuwei was most likely to lose control."

Ape Feiri nodded: "There will be the most strict protection then, but before that, the village also needs to arrange more secret personnel to protect Jiusinai."

"Can you take Jiu Xinnai to a hidden place that is not known by outsiders to spend the pregnancy? This can avoid the eyes of the outside world to the greatest extent. At least, it can also let those who are harboring evil thoughts not know her birth date, so that she can spend the day at the lowest risk." Suddenly, Yunting thought of an idea.

Ape Feirizhan was a bit excited, but when he thought about it, he wondered: "I'm afraid it's hard to do it with the character of Jiu Sinai."


At the thought that Naruto, who inherited his mother's personality, would limit him to one place for ten months, Yunting shook his head decisively.

If so, with the nickname of "Blood Red Pepper" and the irritability of pregnant women, Jiu Xinnai may soon tear up her hiding place.

Forget it, when he didn't say.

Yun Ting bowed his head again and looked at the list of dark places selected by Ape Feiri Chop in the lower scroll. Among them, the name of Qimukakashi was exactly on the list.

"Kakashi was specifically asked by Watergate to join after learning about the plan." The ape Feirizhan who saw in his eyes explained, "Watergate hopes Kakashi will be calm in the process of guarding Jiusinai and walk out of the shadow before."

"To witness the new life coming to the world bit by bit is really a warm sunshine that can be grasped by Kakashi, who is in despair. The personnel arrangement of three generations of adults is very reasonable, and I have no objection."

With these words, Yunting signed his own name on the scroll next to the signature of Ape Feiri Chop.

It is a matter of human power. Even if the power of ape flying and sun cutting is quite great, we must explain it to Yunting, the fourth generation target.

"In that case, I will order the secret department to do it." The ape Feirizhan who picked up the scroll got up and said goodbye to Yunting.

Soon, there was only Yunting left in Huoying's office.

Unlike his kindred leader, who will be on the desk every day after he becomes the Five Generations' Eye, Yunting is now much more relaxed.

After quickly processing a few documents, he got up from his seat and looked out of the window behind him. His real attention drifted far away.

The Jiuwei Rebellion is approaching. In fact, he also wondered whether he would go directly to the Rainy Kingdom to kill the other party before the dark hand came.

He didn't have this ability before, but now he has Wooden Dun and has mastered many powerful Wooden Dun secrets in the following time.

After all, the current Uzhibo Daitu is still a teenager. Even with the kaleidoscope wheel eye, his actual combat ability is very poor.

This can be seen from the fight between Bofengshuimen and him. In a short time, he saw through his ability and broke his right arm with one move. It was almost impossible to escape.

At this time, Yuzhi Bodai soil was far from the level of strength that would stir up the world of tolerance more than a decade later.

Although Yunting's idea is good, it is almost impossible to realize it.

His current status as the fourth generation Huoying decides that he can't run around at all.

Not to mention going to the country of rain, but just going out of Muye Village, the consequences are amazing.

In addition, at this time, Yuzhi Bodai Tu is not without help.

Long gate with reincarnation eyes, and Xiao Nan, whose strength can not be underestimated.

With the cooperation of the three, Yunting is not sure whether he can come out again after entering.

Although he can escape, after all, he is not a man of thousands of hands.

In addition, if the other party has mastered Yiyenaqi at this time, then with the support of high fault tolerance rate, if he is alone now, he can win, but if he wants to kill, it will be very difficult.

Therefore, what Yunting can do now is to constantly improve its strength and guard against death.

However, even with strong protection, how effective can it be in the face of the enemy who has the power of time and space and the ability to sneak into the world of tolerance.

Could he have been at the side of Vortex Nine Sinai when he arrived.

Stop making noise!

It is reasonable for a woman to give birth while her husband is around.

What does he look like there.

I'm not Lao Wang next door.

Forget it. There is still time. Think about it later.

Yunting rubbed his eyebrows, sat down at the desk again, and pulled out a long arm scroll tied with string, which seemed to have a sense of historical age.

This is a contract scroll about a psychic beast that he accidentally found when he was looking for the secret art of Mu Dun in the Thousand Hands Collection.

The object of the contract is the slug in the wet bone forest, which is one of the three holy places in the world of tolerance and has a deep relationship with his thousands of hands.

Unfolding the scroll, Yunting looked at the Ninja surnames who had signed their names one by one.

In addition to the most familiar names of the Qianshou clan, there are also the Whirlpool clan, the Huiye clan and so on.

These were undoubtedly the top families in the tolerance world.

However, when faced with the contract of one of the three holy places, they all flocked to it.

Think of the charm of the wet bone forest.

Yunting continued to roll the scroll and nodded clearly when he saw that the names of the two closest people were "Qianshouzhujian" and "Qianshougangshou" respectively.

If you turn back, you will see a blank.

Obviously, there is still room for this psychic contract.

Without any hesitation, Yunting bit his finger, signed his name in the empty column immediately after the "Thousand Hands", and then pressed the blood fingerprint under the "Thousand Hands".

The reason why the fire shadow of the early generation was powerful was that besides Wooden Dun, there was also the magic he cultivated.

Yun Ting, who aspires to complete the evolution from the early trumpet generation to the whole early generation, will certainly not miss this opportunity.

He needn't worry that he can't practice.

The reason why Gang Shou, who is also a member of a thousand hands family, cannot cultivate the Immortal Arts of the Wet Bone Forest is that her constitution cannot withstand the corrosive damage associated with cultivating the Immortal Arts of the Wet Bone Forest.

However, Yunting is different. He has Wooden Dun as in the early generation. He recovers his life very quickly and is not afraid of corrosion, which fully meets the conditions for cultivating the Immortal Arts of the Wet Bone Forest.

What's more, even if the cultivation is not smooth, there is still a system.

As long as he is exposed to the cultivation method of Shigu Forest Immortal Arts, he can exchange the Immortal Arts on the system.

So why not!