Chapter 10 48 Years of Wood Leaves

Muye, January 48.

While Yunting was concentrating on developing his own ability to escape wood, the new year came quietly.

During this period of time, the outside world seemed calm, but in fact, there were hidden tides.

Apart from the country of fire, the country of wind and the country of earth are tired of retreating to their homes and quietly and dutifully repairing their injuries.

The frequency of the water country's forbearance is also gradually decreasing, not only because of the huge threat of Matt Dai kicking four forbearance seven people to death, but also because of the uneasiness of the domestic bloodstained families.

However, the country of Lei is still not satisfied with the status quo, and has been making various exploratory moves at the border of the country of fire, which has caused the relationship between the two countries to remain like a powder keg that may explode at any time.

In the Rainy Country, one of the small countries ignored by the world outside the five major countries, Dawn Organization, which will affect the whole tolerant world in the future, has transformed and reborn under the guidance of masked men who claim to be "Yuzhi Boban", moving towards a path completely opposite to the way of acting at the beginning of its establishment.

The interior of fire.

The village was dissatisfied with the compromise of the three wars to the land of earth, and the three generations of flying apes who had to step down were still secretly holding the power of Muye.

Independent of the dark, the root deeply rooted in the dark is still in the hands of another Muye consultant, Zhicun Tuanshan. Even three generations of Huoying can't command anything.

At this moment, the root base buried deep underground.

In the extremely dark office, Zhicun Tuanshig, who is known as "the darkness of tolerance" by the tolerance world, is sitting on a chair with a stick.

Standing beside him was his most capable assistant, Younv Longma.

"What's our new Huo Ying doing recently?" A deep, cold voice said from Zhicun Tuan's mouth.

The Younv Longma lifted the sunglasses on her nose and replied: "As at the beginning, except for stamping in the Huoying Building and chatting with villagers after work, she has recently spent a lot of time on personal cultivation. Because the shadow guards around the latter have bad eyes, our people can't find out from a close distance, and we can't know what the four generations are cultivating."

"If you can't find it, you can't find it." Zhicun Tuanzang said quietly, and then thought of something. He said coldly, "It's just a brat who took the lead in good luck in the name of 'Thousand Hands'. I think he now knows how free he is, and can only vent his energy on cultivation. Hum! The daily cut is really a good calculation!"

Obviously, Zhicun Tuanzao is still unhappy that he cannot take the role of Huoying, and that the Big Snake Pill he recommended has not been able to take.

"Forget it! Let's put aside the issue of the fourth generation Huoying. What's the matter with the Big Snake Pill recently?" Zhicun Tuanshan's crutch put a little emphasis on the ground and complained, "The experiment process that was handed to him recently is much slower than before. What is he thinking about? Haven't he come out of the defeat of the election Huoying yet?"

"It seems that the words of Big Snake Pill were not affected by the defeat of the election campaign." Younv Longma hesitated for a moment, but said her own judgment. "On the contrary, he seems to have spent more time in the laboratory recently, but many research things are not within the scope of our requirements."

Zhicun Tuanzang said coldly, "The resources given to him by the root are not for him to use. It seems that I have to remind him personally."

"In addition, during this period, the number of living people required by the Big Snake Pill experiment was so large that the root could not meet it. He personally went outside and brought back a lot of people. It seems that there is something missing in this matter, which has attracted some attention in the village." The Younv Longma thought of something and said again.

Hearing Yan Zhicun's group frowned: "Why are you so careless? There are many people outside the village. Why does the Big Snake Pill have to start in the village? Long Ma, you should send someone to press this matter first. As for the Big Snake Pill... it seems that there is no delay. I must go to talk with him carefully as soon as possible."

After that, Zhicun Tuanzao stood up and walked to the root laboratory.

"By the way, Wuren Village has been unstable during this period of time. It seems that the conflict between the senior management of Wuren Village and the Xueji Family is getting more and more serious. Send another team of root ninjas to go. If you have the opportunity, add a hot oil to their conflict."

Zhicun Tuancang's figure has disappeared in the darkness, leaving only his voice full of iron and blood and heartless ringing in the room.


The Oil Lady Dragon Horse calmly answered the order.

The root deeply rooted in the darkness, although it constantly absorbs the nutrients of the main wood leaf, it will still be fearless to cut out a sword when facing foreign enemies.

This is an extremely sharp double-edged sword.


Also regarded as a double-edged sword, even the Uzhibo people who are simply eyesore in the Muye Advisory Group are very busy at this time.

Nanhe Shrine.

Every once in a while, the main ninjas from Uchibo will come here to have a closed meeting to discuss the major events in the family.

Today is no exception.

In the shrine.

Yu Zhibo Fuyue, sitting at the top of the table, frowned at the noisy scene of people on both sides in front of him.

The reason for this is that the ethnic people are dissatisfied with the upper class of the village.

Especially this time, in their opinion, Yu Zhibo made a lot of efforts and made great sacrifices in the three wars. They should have lost the position of Huoying and let their former enemy, another "thousand hands", take the position.

You should know that in the early and second generations, only the four heads on the Huoyingyan now account for three of the thousand hands.

This made them feel embarrassed to be called the elders of Muye when they created Muye together with the Qianshou people in the past.

Therefore, the mood of Yuzhibo people is very irritable now, and the force of the martial arts sect is rising.

Although it is unlikely that most people, except a few people, would agree to launch a bloodless revolution six or seven years later, there is a faint sign of such a trend now.

Therefore, Yuzhibo Fuyue, as the leader of the family, is very tired at this time.

Although he also chose a bloodless revolution in the future, it was more in the case of public expectations.

In essence, he still hopes to solve the contradiction in a gentle way.

Finally, after several hours of meetings, Yu Zhibo Fuyue, who barely calmed down the emotions of his people, returned home with fatigue. He saw his son Yu Zhibo weasel in a daze in front of the pond, so he walked forward and patted him on the shoulder and said:

"What are you thinking, weasel?"

Yu Zhibo Fuyue has always been very satisfied and proud of his son, a ninja with outstanding talent.

"Father, I'm thinking about Ninjutsu."

The weasel of Zhengtai lied.

At the age of four, he was taken to the battlefield by his father and killed a man himself. At this time, he was thinking about the problem of "what is the meaning of life" that many adults would never consider.

Yuzhibo Fuyue naturally did not know that his son had the potential of a philosopher at a young age. He was pleased to say, "If you don't understand something, you can ask me" and walked into the house.

Inside, Yuzhi Bomeiqin, whose belly has been slightly undulating, is coming gently.

After the couple warmed up a little, Yuzhi Bomeiqin smiled and said, "I met Jiu Xinnai on the street today. Unexpectedly, she was also pregnant like me."

Yu Zhibo Fuyue was slightly stunned and smiled, "Jiu Xinnai is pregnant? It seems that Shuimen is going to be a father."

In the previous war, he had teamed up with Bofengshuimen. In addition, the relationship between Meiqin and Jiusinai was good.

'Unfortunately, if Shuimen were the fire shadow, Yu Zhibo would be much better off.'

Yuzhi Bo Fuyue suddenly thought of it.

Then he remembered that Jiu Xinnai was a Jiuwei man named Zhu Li. During the period of childbirth, it was hard not to keep the foreign forces fishing in troubled waters.

But on second thought, he sniffed again.

What you can think of is beyond the imagination of Muye executives.

I'm afraid that the latter will not only defend against foreign enemies, but also defend against the owner of the wheel eye.

Meiqin doesn't know her husband's mental journey. After telling about Nine Sinai, she touches her stomach and expects to say:

"I don't know whether Jiu Xinnai and I are boys or girls. If they are boys, they will become best friends in the future."

"Of course, it will also be a pair of great ninja partners." Yu Zhibo Fuyue put his palm on his wife's belly and smiled expectantly.