Chapter 52 Human Nature

Li Xuewu pointed a gun at Jia Zhang's head and said, "What are you going to do? Hmm? Take ignorance of the law as capricious capital?"

Li Xuewu looked around and said, "It's just a trivial matter. Is it necessary to do such a complicated thing? Xu Damao lost his chicken, and He Yuzhu knows why he is so stupid. Is that why you learned from an old man?"

When Silly Zhu heard Li Xuewu's words, he was struck by lightning How did he know

Li Xuewu then said to Qin Huairu, "I know my son has made a mistake. If I come to apologize and pay for it, and then go home to discipline my son, is there so much more to do? You just set an example for your son? It's not enough to take advantage of small things. One day you will send your son to the execution ground"

Hearing Li Xuewu's reprimand, Qin Huairu sat down on the chair crying and watched Bang Yu shed tears.

Li Xuewu said to Xu Damao again, "You are so stupid. I don't know where to put the whole pair of chickens. Next time, I will lose the money in my pants, so that people will not report that you accept the gift from fellow villagers and lose your job."

Li Xuewu's words were unpleasant, but the last sentence poked Xu Damao's weakness, which was also a reminder of his meaning. He dared not say more than one sentence, so he quickly lowered his head.

Looking at the silly column standing on the side, Li Xuewu said, "If you don't have the heart to be a father, don't get used to other people's children. If you get used to them, it's like a bad child. Why do you have a grudge against the Jia family?"

Silly Zhu thinks he has nothing to do when he sees others being scolded. Who knows his own sin is the biggest? It's his fault to steal things with a stick stick.

At this time, Silly Zhu was intent on finding a good partner, but he didn't mean to spend time with the widow. He quickly nodded and said, "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Put the gun away quickly. Aunt Jia is also worried."

Li Xuewu asked him, "Why do you really want to find a mother?"

Silly Column blushed at being hated and returned to his seat without saying a word.

Li Xuewu then pointed the gun at Jia Zhang again and said, "If you don't understand the law, I tell you that attacking Jingcha will be shot! If you don't understand the law, attacking Jingcha will also be shot! Do you know?"

Jia Zhang kept nodding at the moment. He was afraid that this thing would ring. He had seen animals in Japan use this thing to harm people before, and he would shiver unconsciously if he thought about it.

Li Xuewu looked at the old woman, Avenue: "If you really commit any evil act, I will kill you even if you steal a needle from someone else. It's a pity that you don't teach your grandson to steal. You are really a good grandmother, a good grandmother who sent her grandson to the execution ground. I will tell you another law. Those who encourage children to commit crimes and steal will also be sent to prison. You will be more spiteful in the hospital and more open mouthed with me so that I can write down the general ledger for you Calculate "

"No, no, no more"

Slowly took back the May 4th, retired, closed the insurance, and put the holster in.

Jia Zhang Kuang suddenly sat down on the ground and dared not cry if he wanted to. Qin Huairu and Silly Zhu hurried forward to help him.

Li Xuewu sat on the chair and looked at the straight stick stick and said, "I'm going to ask you a question now. If you have a lie, I won't ask you a second question. I'll send you in directly."

Bang Yu was afraid of Li Er's manga. He pointed a gun at his grandmother just now. Now his dependence is gone, and he dare not cry.

Li Xuewu is going to break the dependence of Bang Yu's heart, otherwise the child will always want someone to wipe his bottom and become lawless.

"Did you steal the chicken?"

Bang Yu looked at his mother, and saw that her mother was only crying and did not dare to help herself. She looked at her grandmother, collapsed in the chair and shivered, and then looked at Uncle Silly Why are you sitting beside your mother?

When Li Xuewu saw that the boy was still looking for a scapegoat, he said, "Hmm?"

Seeing that no one can help him, Bang Yu said trembling, "It's me..."

Li Xuewu shouted, "Speak louder"

Bang Yu cried, "I stole it."

Li Xuewu asked, "Did your mother teach you or your grandmother teach you?"

When this was asked, everyone in the hospital straightened their necks, because this is a key problem. The mistakes of children are a way to deal with it, and the mistakes instigated by adults are another way to deal with it.

Bang Yu had already shed tears, but did not dare to cry out. She said in a hoarse voice, "It was my own greed. Grandma and Mom only knew about it at dinner. Grandma said that she was not allowed to say anything."

"This old woman is not a good cake at first sight!"

"That's why we educate children like this"

"Wait for the day you get shot"

"You should guard against her in the future."


The people in the courtyard pointed at Jia Zhang, and a sudden voice of discussion arose.

Li Xuewu has no way to deal with this old woman. Concealing is not instigation. Even detention is not enough, and it is easy to cause a fuss. But it is different to strip her face off. People still have to face now. She will have to live in the yard with her tail between her legs.

"Do you know what punishment you will get for stealing?" Now adults do not know the law, let alone hope to talk to children.

Bang Yu shook his head and nodded again: "I know it's wrong."

Pretty good, just know what's wrong.

Li Xuewu lit a stick with a handcuff and said, "Children who make mistakes will also be punished. Considering that you are the first offender, I will give you two ways. One is that I send you in for reform, and the other is that I accept the supervision of everyone in the hospital and reform through labor in the hospital."

Bang Yuan Te is not stupid at all. Now he doesn't mean to be stupid. His thinking is very clear: "I choose the second one"

Li Xuewu pointed to the people in the courtyard: "See? Because of your mistake, the whole courtyard is freezing with you. In the future, the sanitation of the outer, front, middle and rear yards will be yours. When everyone in the courtyard agrees with you, can it be over?"

Bang Yu hesitated, nodded and said, "OK"

Li Xuewu's condition is enough for the boy to work until the Third Uncle dies. If the Third Uncle is spared, he will not be the Third Uncle.

Li Xuewu said to Xu Damao and Qin Huairu, "Tomorrow you three will go to the food market, and you will buy the chicken Xu Damao and his wife choose."

Qin Huairu nodded happily and said, "OK"

Li Xuewu said to Jia Zhang: "I will go to the factory security office tomorrow to record your crime of assaulting the police. I will not deal with you for the time being, but as long as there is another theft in this hospital, I will directly arrest you and Bang Yu."

Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu wanted to say something, but they didn't have the guts.

Li Xuewu then said to Bang Geng, "Your own fault is your own responsibility. You are also responsible for feeding the two chickens. Didn't Xu Damao say that the chickens kept laying eggs for his daughter-in-law to nurse in the month? You kept feeding until his daughter-in-law gave birth to a baby and sat in the month."

Bang Gan didn't think it was difficult. His mother had only given birth to Sophora japonica for less than a year, so he was not tired.

This made Lou Xiao'e blush, and Xu Damao looked embarrassed.

Li Xuewu is Sao Sao, a group of people who know how to cause trouble when they are too busy.

Turning back to the three masters at the table, he said, "You can handle it like this."

An old man nodded and said, "Very good. It's time to take care of it. In the future, our children will take care of it, or we will send it directly."

The second uncle also nodded his head and said yes. Only the third uncle, who had been hated twice, did not express his opinion or oppose.

Li Xuewu ignored him, stood up and said with a smile: "After talking about business matters, I talked about personal matters, because after I came back, I had a separate household registration. The factory coordinated with the street to distribute houses to me. The street distributed to me the screen door of the outer courtyard and the four inverted seats. I saw that there were still some items of our residents in the inverted seats. Please move away within three days. After three days, I will be treated as garbage."

There are many things belonging to the Third Uncle's family in the inverted room.

The third uncle hurriedly said, "We haven't received any notice about learning martial arts. Besides, you can use all four rooms! Let one of our rooms be used as a warehouse."

Seeing the third uncle coming forward, other residents in the courtyard agreed: "Yes, you don't need it anyway..."

Li Xuewu looked at the third uncle with a grim smile and said, "I have the deed in my hand. If you want to see it, you can come to my house later."

Li Xuewu then said to the crowd, "We live in the neighborhood and don't want to make trouble. We have a lot of families and the house is tight. I am eager to move out. Three days later, I began to clean up the house. If you don't pick up the things in the house, look at yourself. Don't talk to me about nothing."

The people did not speak, and the three uncles did not speak. They did not dare to speak hard.

Li Xuewu lit a cigarette and said, "Of course, you can also use your methods on me. I will follow you. I will clear the scene as soon as the time comes."

Li Xuewu turned and walked home. He paused again and said, "Take what you should take, and don't move what you shouldn't. I will go to your house to demolish if one brick is missing." Then he went into the house.

Everyone was left to look at each other.

Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are working days. I have no time to go to work during the day. Now I have to move things in the room. I'm afraid that others will take my own things.

For a while, every family moved out of the inverted seat room to remove water tanks, kang mats, stoves, coal balls, broken furniture

Naturally, Liu Yin in the room heard what Li Xuewu said. Seeing Li Xuewu enter the room, she asked, "Isn't that a bad thing to say? I will live in the same courtyard in the future."

Li Xuewu said nonchalantly, "I want to talk well, do you listen to me? I ate pork last night, but today I dare to show my teeth when I touch their interests, because I am not familiar with it..."

Your kindness to others is like a sugar, which will disappear after eating.

On the contrary, your bad behavior is like a scar to others, which will remain forever.

This is human nature.