Chapter 19 Naruto's Diary (1/2)

53 Year Autumn of Wooden Leaves

The third generation grandfather told me that I would go to the ninja school tomorrow. I heard the third generation grandfather say that there are many children in the ninja school. I can find real friends there. I'm really looking forward to it.


The third generation grandfather was right. I really made friends at the ninja school. Although many children don't like me and don't want to play with me, only she doesn't dislike me. Her name is Rixiang Ueda. She is very cute and gentle. As expected, there is nothing wrong with listening to the words of three generations of grandfather.

It's so happy to make friends. It's really a meaningful day.


Three generations of grandpas came to see me again today. I'm very happy

Muye October 10, 2004

Three generations of grandpas have not come to see me for a week. Is Naruto naughty?


Today is my birthday. My grandfather of three generations has prepared a big cake for me. It is the first time that I have tasted the taste of cake. Previously, I only heard from other children. It's really sweet, but such delicious food can't be eaten at one go. I'll keep it for later.


The cake was broken. Three generations of grandfather told me that the cake cannot be kept for too long. If you want to keep it for a longer time, you need a refrigerator. But I can't afford a refrigerator. It's a pity. But my grandfather of three generations said that he would also bring me a cake in the year, which is really good to look forward to.

Wood leaf 55 years - summer

Three generation grandfather



The whole diary records daily trivial things, sometimes just one sentence, sometimes just one thing. At first glance, most of them are meaningless journal accounts, recording the joys, sorrows and sorrows of a child.

Three generations are the most mentioned in the diary. At least 60% of the contents of the diary mention three generations, of which more than 50% mention listening to the words of three generations, and 30% mention missing the three generations and only looking at the diary contents. This is a record of a lonely little ghost who longs for family affection and relies on someone.

If you only read the diary.

Three generation Huoying nodded with satisfaction and closed Naruto's diary gently, and quietly put the diary back in the drawer where it was originally located.

Looking at Naruto in his sleep, his eyes are full of "kindness".

Then use the Instant Body Skill to disappear without leaving any trace.

Only Naruto, who has already fallen asleep, is left with a trace of crystal liquid flowing out of his mouth.

... Quiet

It didn't take long for the figure of the third generation to reappear, and Naruto, who was still asleep, nodded with satisfaction and disappeared again.


Only this time, at the moment when he just left the hut, Naruto suddenly opened his eyes, sat up and looked at where the third generation had left, watching the other side disappear.

Whether it is the surveillance of the dark, the spying of the crystal ball, or his own sneaking in.

From the beginning to the end, three generations were in Naruto's sight.

As a child growing up under surveillance, Naruto has a strong anti reconnaissance ability.

With malicious perception and breath perception, no one can hide Naruto's detection.

no one.

All the actions of the three generations were watched by Naruto.

In terms of investigative means and scope, Xiang Zong's blind eye is slightly inferior to Naruto's today.

Looking at the drawer where the diary is located not far away, Naruto couldn't help laughing, and his smile was full of sarcasm and ridicule.

Who keeps a diary.

Early in the morning, he guessed that three generations would come.

Early judgment was made.

He prepared ten different versions of the same thing.

The purpose is to let the three generations see it in different places at different times.

The contents in the diary are also written by Naruto specially.

It was very deliberately, so deliberately that I had to write my favorite grandpa of three generations.

If it was written by other Muye Ninja, three generations would doubted it.

Naruto is different. It is precisely these intentions that make the three generations feel more real.

Because Naruto is only eight years old.

What's the reason why an orphan who has lost all his relatives and been ostracized by the whole village and villagers should not like the only old man who is willing to be close to him?

Naruto is just a child. What bad thoughts can an eight year old child have?

Just want to destroy the leaves.

This wave of three generations is on the first floor, and Naruto is on the fifth floor.

How about taking so much trouble to calculate an old man? Interesting?

The answer is: Of course.

You want to play, and you started.

Since you want to play, let's play to the end.

How interesting.

It is worth mentioning that what the three generations did was clearly seen by the four generations in Naruto's body

So the breath of the fourth generation changed again.


"Ming... Naruto, please send me back every day." In front of Rixiang's front door, Shida said in a gossamer voice not much bigger than mosquitoes, with a reddish face playing with his clothes.

At Ninja School, Naruto is a normal student. He never arrives late or leaves early. He has to pick up and send Shida to and from school on time, and has little sense of existence. Because he is Naruto, the teacher always selectively ignores him in the mind that more is better than less.

As for Naruto himself, he neither actively provokes right or wrong, nor sensationalizes, just like a small transparent baby.

Over time, the students got used to this Naruto.

In addition, Naruto's character of not causing trouble but not being afraid of trouble also makes many people who are looking for trouble flinch.

The main reason is that Naruto's eyes are too evil, let alone the students of Ninja School. Even the teachers of the school can't stand Naruto's gaze. With the combination of nine tail chakras, Naruto can make the other party not have the courage to resist just by his own momentum. There is no intention of finding fault.

Even the name "Vortex Naruto" once became a taboo topic, and everyone would subconsciously avoid it.

So that Naruto's sense of existence is not equal to a small sunglass.

"I want to spend more time with Akita." Naruto smiled and gently touched Akita's head. His eyes were spoiled. "Don't you like it?"


Miss Uchida only felt that she had been hit by an arrow, and the whole brain was only filled with the words' I want to accompany Uchida '. So that the questions of Naruto behind were not heard clearly.

'Sing Naruto Jun said that he wanted to accompany me... '

Toda's face turned red in an instant, like a ripe apple, with white smoke rising from his forehead.

"Naruto, I..."

Just when Akita finally summoned up the courage to say something to Naruto, a slightly chilly voice inserted.

"Miss, what are you doing standing at the door?"

It was a boy with the same eyes as Akita, with a delicate face and long hair at the waist. When he looked at Akita, his face showed sarcasm.

"It's time to go home. The patriarch has just been looking for you."

"It's... Brother Ningci." Uchida looked like a deflated ball, and in an instant.

Naruto was stopped just as he was about to leave.

"Please wait..."

Turning around, I found that it was the Sun Xiang little brother with long hair and waist just now.

"I've heard of you, Vortex Naruto."