Chapter 127 Whispers about You... (Please specify completely or by yourself)

Shen Ling had already found the water army to prepare for the counter attack, but unexpectedly, Jiang Li's reputation was so good.

The negative news was forced to reverse before he started.

Many Ci and Qu people who don't post microblogs all the year round make an exception. They step down to support him personally, analyze his chances of success, and finally draw a conclusion——

In the absence of Han Shuo and his inexperienced talents, Jiang Li and Zhou Wentian split up in five.

Now under that announcement, the first thirty floors are full of positive praise, and each comment has 50000 praise from the top, which is the point of the fans' team.

The comments of melon eating people were far away

Go to QQ and read the APP to see the following highlights