Chapter 49 Massacre

"The merciful queen has finally grown up!"

Chen Fan takes back her eyes to Shirley.

"I thought there would be some sacrifice, but it seems pretty good."

Mei Mei said faintly, but the mental strength in her hands showed her heart.

Chen Fan did not say.

"After all, the potential evaluation is higher than yours. If you don't have this awareness, how can you face the future war?"

"Speaking of Xiaomei, don't you panic when facing the genocide for the first time? Just throw up if you want!"

At this time, the effect of insight is constantly triggered, and Mei Mei is also undergoing transformation.

"Sacrifice is necessary, in order to be stronger! Massacre is necessary, in order not to sacrifice anymore!"

Mei Mei kept telling herself in her heart, and her accomplishments were also rising little by little.

"It's really a neurotic skill. I hope you don't spoil Xiaomei."

The hundreds of regular troops of red lizards were wiped out by the dragon snowflakes without turning up any waves.

At this time, the distant smoke and dust also followed.

When the horn sounded, it meant that the race had entered the moment of life and death.

At that moment, all the Red Lizard clansmen put down their hands to work, and all the clansmen took up arms and joined the war.

Long Xuehua can even see women and children with babies on their backs, old, weak, sick and disabled with crutches, and children with sticks.

At this moment, Chen Fan's men looked solemn.

Shirley held her trembling right hand in her left hand and stared at these generous people with tears.

Meimei desperately suppressed her pity and even used self hypnosis.

The next second, when Mei Mei opened her eyes again, her eyes became dull and lifeless.

"Can I help you?"

Meimei turns her head to Shirley coldly.

Shirley shivers all over, only feeling that Mei Mei is so strange at this time.

"No, no need."

"I hope you won't be soft hearted later. This is war. Think about those lovely students behind you!"

"Although a little admired, it's really a nuisance. Kill!"

Dragon Xuehua is the first to kill.

Then the people followed and killed the enemy.

Shirley gritted her teeth and followed her.

At this time, everyone turned into a merciless god of death, harvesting life crazily.

The three thousand red lizard men that appeared later were basically first-order and second-order accomplishments, which was not a threat to people at all.

Because Mei Mei disliked the slow harvest, she directly showed the illusion of flowers.

This is the first time for Mei Mei to change her shape. Four amethyst like petals slowly unfold, revealing a blue bud.

A circle of purple and blue ripples swung open, covering the whole area of five miles.

All Red Lizard people fell into a dreamland of ecstasy.

When the Vientiane Magic Flower closed again, all the red lizard people fell to the ground slowly, and their faces were still full of happy smiles before death.

The blow killed thousands of people.

On the other side, Shirley's eyes turn red.

At the moment, her body was smelling black and red, and her hair was like a crazy devil.

After the massacre, people found Shirley's abnormality.

"It seems that it's a bit exciting. It's possessed!"

Chen Fan showed a headache expression.

"Snow girl, let her stop."

Long Xuehua tries to stop her, but Shirley directly attacks with her sword.


Dragon Xuehua is repelled.

After shaking her hand, Long Xuehua looks at the crazy Shirley with interest.


Long Xuehua comes forward again with a sword, and the two fight together.

"This is the top! Bailey, tell Zuoning to collect the booty! And send Meimei back."

"Yes, Lord!"

"Really, everyone is so worried!"

Meimei turns back into a person and falls into a deep sleep.