Chapter 77 Promotion

Looking at the information on the attribute panel, Wen Lianggong was embarrassed. Two days ago, he found that the body of Painted Skin was extremely flexible and had a huge capacity. Then he pumped up his blood, burst out his iron grinding force, and showed his extreme body like armor, making himself look like a little giant. His little brother also rose with the tide. Naturally, he had to try.

Unexpectedly, the other side is really top.

One step below my stomach, I could still withstand it, but it was I who finally lost my armor.

How could he stand this? Of course, he suffered repeated defeats. The Vietnam War became more and more tiring. Finally, he found that he was unable to bear it.

That's okay?!

He is not so weak in life and death. How can a big man overturn here.

After reading this, Wen Lianggong decided to learn from the bitter experience, while scrubbing his shorts and clothes, he swore to himself that he would step up to a new level when his physique reached 25 o'clock.

Then we will fight with the Painted Skin for 300 rounds, and we will kill seven in and seven out, so that our opponents will lose their armor.

After calming down for several days, Wen Lianggong opened the temple as usual to receive tourists, but most of the time he stayed in the backyard to hone his iron strength and fortify his will according to the mountain momentum of Chengshan Gong.

In the past, the accumulation of proficiency did not disappear because of the promotion, making the proficiency of Chengshan Gong nearly complete.


With the sound of beating on a drum made of cowhide drums, his heart beats as fast as a water pump, and his own blood surges with it. The strength of grinding iron penetrates into the muscles and skin membrane, making his body grow like a balloon. The bare upper body, if the muscles of steel wire fiber bundles keep beating, will grow by one point every time it beats, and finally reach the limit, The visual impact is extremely shocking.

It is like the undulation of waves, the ebb and flow of tides, and then slowly solidify and flatten. Under the tension of muscles, obvious muscle grooves have formed.

Even if the characters in the Dragon Ball came out to see it, they could not find out the weakness of gentleness, gentleness and respect.

He slowly pushed his body and stretched his arms. The iron grinding force did not flow only in the meridians, or simply did not go through his own meridian system, but flowed in the blood and skin membrane, and circulated in the route of three palaces and nine orifices.

After getting Chengshan momentum from Tie Shuxin's incomplete memory, the skill level of Chengshan Skill at a slightly lower level rose rapidly, making him not want to use skill points to add, but want to rely on his own efforts to break the barrier.

Even if there were two days in the middle of the myth world, Wen Lianggong did not immediately push the door to enter the Vajra Temple, but stood outside the temple gate, silently practicing Chengshan Gong.

As the weather gets colder, the mountains and seas of Shu Road are higher. In the morning, the leaves of several evergreen trees in the backyard are frozen.

However, Wenlianggong was very hot at the moment, and the breath spread between his actions made him like an oven, constantly practicing the mountain.

In the next moment, only the Chengshan Skill proficiency point on the attribute panel jumped by 1 point, completely filling the 1000 proficiency points of Chengshan Skill at a slightly lower level.

'Your Chengshan Skill proficiency is satisfactory, and you have successfully advanced and become familiar with it.'

In a flash, he suddenly came up with countless images of himself practicing mountain accomplishments day and night. He walked on foot in famous mountains, climbed dangerous peaks, forced himself to climb snow mountains, traveled around the world, and measured mountains with his steps.

Finally, he stood on the top of an extremely high mountain and slowly opened his posture. In the next moment, he seemed to be integrated with the mountain at his feet, as if he was the mountain, and the mountain was him.

Take advantage of the situation to build a mountain!

So it is, this is the prerequisite of turning God into something!

It suddenly occurred to Wen Lianggong that before he could think about it carefully, he felt his body was tender, sore and itchy. At the same time, with the help of the iron grinding force, he rushed to the tail orifices.

I heard the thunder rumbling in my body, and suddenly there was a flash of lightning, which was extremely intense. The iron grinding force suddenly rose with the momentum of wind and thunder.

The wind and thunder break the bitter wheel!

With a "bang", the tailgate closed as if it had been torn open. Gentle and respectful, they felt the air of Yuanyang rushing up and into the midst of all the bodies in an instant.

After the opening of the end orifices, strange energy was unexpectedly released from the air, which made the iron grinding force, which was even thinner than hair, grow rapidly, and suddenly became as thick as chopsticks.

At the same time, his muscles immediately lost weight and seemed to be consumed rapidly, like a thin bamboo pole, with ribs in front of his chest leaking out.

'Chengshan Skill (Four Bulls' Power, taking advantage of the situation to become a mountain, two iron sharpening power, easy driving, 0/2000)'

The original momentum was strong and heavy, but it was replaced by the power of four bulls. Maybe Chengshan Kung Fu will be perfected. Maybe it really has the power of nine bulls and two tigers.

Moreover, the spirit and will of the martial arts derived a heavy state of taking advantage of the momentum to become a mountain, which made him powerful and his spirit gradually changed.

Wen Lianggong looked down at his body and sighed to himself. Sure enough, even though the iron grinding force belongs to extraordinary force, he still spoke a little truth and knew the conservation and transformation of energy and matter.

The strength of grinding iron can grow to the size of chopsticks, which completely consumes his body muscle energy as a price.

However, although the reduction of muscle mass has greatly weakened his own strength

With a gentle and respectful thought, the iron grinding force immediately spread all over the body. The collapsed muscles became plump again, and the veins and blood vessels on the body surface became more powerful.

Although his body shape is not as powerful and scary as before, he can definitely be called a giant. With the increase of iron grinding power, his strength even rises without dropping.

Moreover, it only takes more than ten days for the muscles dropped from your body to be quickly repaired with the help of a daily feast.

In the next stage, we need to open the two orifices of Mingmen and Scapular Ridge to lift the back like a dragon. Then, we may really feel the strength of the Iron Tree Heart of the Iron Sword Sect.

At that time, in the memory fragment of Iron Shuxin, he could feel the inhuman combat power of the other side. Although he could not fight against the elder of the Longevity Sect, he could force the Iron Sword Sect with his own strength at that time, which showed that the combat power was absolutely powerful.

Moreover, because the upgrade is assisted by the attribute panel, every upgrade will bring everything in this layer to the limit.

Take the eighteen falls with clothes as an example. When he reached the full level, even if the person who created this method came to Wen Lianggong, he could not say that he knew this kung fu better than him.

After Chengshan Gong stepped into the stage of becoming proficient, his physique rose by 2 points, and his spirit also rose by 2 points, which made him happy.

He has found that if the difference between the two attribute values of physique and spirit is too large, there may be a sense of distortion. If the body and spirit cannot match, even if the physique is strong, once the spirit is weak, it will affect the fluency.

"Sure enough, depending on yourself, you can improve your proficiency and enter the next stage!"