Chapter 418 Call Thunder to Kill Evil

"I don't think you are the same way. You must have a shot!"

Sun Li shouted.

The gentle and respectful eyes slightly twitched and said angrily: "Where are you going? This is a true skill I cultivate. If you deal with it properly, you can kill it!"

Sun Li's face was full of disbelief. After all, this ghost was told by his older generation. It was extremely scary. Sticking to it would kill you, and touching it would kill you.

There is no solution!

Wen Lianggong is too lazy to talk to Sun Li more. He meditates for a long time to activate the power of the body's orifices and acupoints. He just runs the thunder qi that has not been used for a long time.


All of a sudden, he was covered with golden thunder

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