Chapter 18 Killing

What he did not expect was that the dark ink man who had been stabbed into his head did not die, but fell into a violent state. The slow wriggling body of his whole body suddenly became solid at this moment, and powerful forces erupted, and he suddenly broke free from the gentle hand.

Turning over and grabbing it with a sharp claw, Wen Lianggong made an iron plate bridge to avoid it.

Rao, the sharp claw still pulled a huge gap on his anti stab suit, almost touching his body.

Seeing that he didn't grasp it, the dark ink man came to kill Wen Lianggong silently with a roar.

Watching the dark ink man use the tiger pouncing in the 36 way dragon rolling fist, his gentle and respectful face is calm, his toes grasp the ground, and the whole person suddenly shrinks like a ball when taking root.

The dark ink man jumped into the air. Under the huge inertia, he could not stop walking forward for two steps, which were the best opportunities for gentle and respectful play.

The Thirty Six Way Dragon Roll Boxing is gentle, courteous and clear, and focuses more on beating the body. It is the basic boxing skill of the Iron Sword Sect. Although it has the ability to capture, wrestle, throw, throw and throw, it is weaker than the ability to touch clothes and fall 18 times.

The dark ink man is like a tiger pouncing. If he doesn't pounce on the person, his hand will change, so as to prevent him from falling into a passive position.

However, Wen Lianggong was not clear about the joints. He stepped on the ground and shrunk into a ball. His waist, abdomen and back were used to exert his strength. The man was like a spring, and the raised skyward foot hit the end of the hilt precisely.

The powerful force made the long sword pierce the spirit of heaven, and the sword case was against the jaw of the dark ink man.

His head was lifted high, and his whole upper body lost its strength. He couldn't stop leaning back.

In the fight of life and death, such a huge flaw, the next moment is the moment of death.

The gentle, gentle and respectful expression did not move at all. The focus of Taiqing's swordsmanship made him keep enough spirit to cope with the fierce battle to the greatest extent.

He raised his arms, stretched his body, and his feet were like wading through the mud. He ran around the body and rushed to the back of the dark ink man. His hands were folded around his waist, his waist and crotch were slightly heavy, and his feet were riding from the ground.


Wen Lianggong breathed out his breath and opened his voice, and a falling guillotine hit the dark ink man heavily on the ground.


With a dull sound, the bluestone bricks on the ground were smashed out of the cobweb crack.

Wen Lianggong did not stop. He released his hand and pulled out the long sword. The sword was so bright that the dark ink man was cut into pieces.

'Ding, you successfully killed a Mohist, and your Taiqing swordsmanship proficiency increased slightly.'

This is it?!

Looking at the skill panel, Taiqing's swordsmanship proficiency increased by 20 points, Wen Lianggong said foul words in his heart, and then ran away without hesitation.

Stepping out of the door, I took a look deep into the Taoist Temple.

Sure enough, the dull sound from the house just now shook the deep part of the Taoist Temple, and the sky filled with black water fell from the void, overwhelming and surging.

Gentle, gentle and respectful, take great steps, no longer scruple to exert force, and every step can make a thump sound at your feet.

He didn't even dare to look back. He still tried to keep his breathing rate in order to keep his body as active as possible.

When he stepped out of the Taoist Temple, the black water followed him and wanted to rush through the gate of the Taoist Temple to swallow up the gentleness. However, although the gate of the Taoist Temple was empty, another inexplicable force stopped him and imprisoned the black water in the Taoist Temple.

Looking at the surging black water, Wen Lianggong silently raised a middle finger.

The next second, the body disappears.

The gentle and respectful man who appeared in the real world looked down at his chest. Just now, in order to avoid the claws of the dark ink people, he set up a hard bridge. When it was inevitable, the anti stab suit on his body was still made a huge hole by the claws because it was slightly bulky.

This anti stab suit can no longer be worn. In the battle with the Dark Ink Man, though the sharp claws did not touch his body, they still left shocking marks on the anti stab suit.

You have to spend money!

Wen Lianggong takes off his clothes after a long breath, revealing his massive upper body. When he reaches the 15 point physical attribute, his body has changed to a certain extent. With a little strength, the veins on his arms highlight, the roots are densely covered, and he looks extremely ferocious.

This is the effect of the body only after the special effect of "strong and powerful" appeared after the 18th step down and promotion with clothes.

I went to the bathroom to wash it for several times, wore a slightly tight Taoist robe and went out, ready to surf the Internet, irrigate water, and watch my video. Only when I saw the tourists I hadn't seen for several days, I stepped into the Taoist Temple again.

"I said that there is definitely a Taoist temple in this place. Although the signboard at the fork in the road is worn and slanted, maybe there is another cave in it!"

The voice was slightly green. Wen Lianggong came to the front yard from the back yard and looked at several college students. Although they were slightly tired, they still looked energetic and green.

He could not help feeling that he had such a youth ten years ago!

"Do you all come here to offer incense?"

Watching the gentle and respectful walk from the back yard of the Taoist Temple, several people could not help but breathe. They had never seen such a tall and powerful Taoist.

Looking at the slightly flustered faces of several people, Wen Lianggong smiled mildly and said, "I am the abbot of the Taoist Temple here, and the Taoist title is evergreen."

The four men and women with green faces relaxed when they saw that they were gentle, good and kind. Although they were tall and walked slowly, they were easy-going.

One thin boy looked at Wen Lianggong with a little envy.

"Taoist Priest's figure is really top. If you run in the gym, you may attract a lot of eyeballs."

Wen Lianggong smiled a little: "It's just a regular exercise on weekdays."

As he spoke, he pointed to the incense wax placed beside the door.

"These incense are free. If you want to worship, you can have three sticks for one person."

Looking at Wen Lianggong, who didn't continue to entertain him at all, turned around to leave. A petite girl with short hair and an apple face could not help whispering: "Taoist Priest, do you provide visa release here?"

Wen Lianggong turned his head to look at the girl when he heard Yan. He smiled and said, "That thing is just psychological comfort. If you want something, just take the initiative to pursue it. Be firm in heart, keep self-discipline, and let nature take its course. You just work hard, and leave the rest to God."

Girl with short hair: "..."

The boy next to him who had been slightly depressed sighed at this time: "The world is originally gloomy, and in essence, it is lonely. Why put your destiny on the nihilistic bid? In terms of destiny, people's life is already doomed."

Gentle and respectful, he raised his eyebrows and looked back at the boy who was slightly in the middle of the second breath, saying, "This monk's words are wrong. Life is full of variables, but his position is different.

(It is very important to follow up during the new book. Please support me and thank you!)