Chapter 85 The Wisdom of the Lion

After the "lover" left, the strangulation patted Russell on the shoulder, took him back to the basement, and vomited out his decision.

——In these two nights, the hanging decided to temporarily stop exploring the dream world.

In order to keep pace, he persuaded the barber to take a two-day rest.

This is because the hanging did not trust its own "compatriots" who had no code... especially the "veil of ignorance" and "eternal return".

"The vision of ordinary people without code is certainly different from that of me as the leader of the White Lion Group."

The ignorance of being able to help his subordinates carry out high-intensity semantic transformation in batches seems to have nothing to do with the "seven giants" - because they never explain their source of goods. And they are also the only organization that can drive nails into the company in the upper urban area and take the initiative to open up a positive confrontation with the executive department.

"In the view of Shangcheng District, the most dangerous organization of codeless people is the 'veil of ignorance'; while for residents in the lower urban area, the veil of ignorance is the most prestigious organization and is the most worthy to join.

"With strict discipline and a clear path to promotion, they dare to confront the Executive Department head-on and conduct all kinds of large-scale criminal acts without concealment. Many members of the organization are even richer than most residents in the upper urban areas... They even have special and aggressive 'ideas'."

This is why the veil of ignorance obeys the rules.

That is, they have clear internal promotion and demotion paths.

They are divided into seven levels internally. The promotion and demotion principles of each level, as well as the treatment, responsibility and cost enjoyed by each level, are determined by the vote of everyone "outside this level". The types of tasks performed by each class are also determined by them in advance.

Because everyone can't stay at the current level, they will always rise or fall, so they must consider how they will be in the future.

This system can measure the moral sum of this group very well. If it is placed in the upper urban area, it may become a fair and democratic principle.

Unfortunately, those without code have no morality.

"They were originally criminals, and almost everyone was not good at creating and guarding... So the members of the curtain of ignorance jointly determined the 'first consensus' within the curtain of ignorance, and tacitly put their best skills first."

The hanging replied in a low voice: "It is the 'crime' itself.

"This is something that people without chips can do without any talent and knowledge, and those who have chips can't do. It is the 'bottom line' they set for themselves subconsciously, and it has also become a barrier to the truly talented people."

"So under their common will... and perhaps because of their leader's deliberate connivance. In a word, the act of ignorance has become a criminal organization full of animal nature and strict discipline. They are very active in seeking battle, killing, looting and destruction in order to seek war achievements and glory... Everyone does not think there is any problem with this.

"As a result, members become active in dangerous tasks - because this means faster promotion; they are eager for grand destruction and destruction, which also means further degradation, and the alienation of codeless people who still want to obey the order."

In a sense, this rule itself is also a "user filtering".

Such an organization is too aggressive in terms of hanging.

It is entirely possible for them to annex and expand other organizations.

The "eternal return" is another extreme. They are not so much underground organizations as sects that believe in crime.

Yongjie regression believes that the world has a dynamic balance mechanism, just as the system will crash and restart when it is overloaded. The reason why people are so unlucky is that the operation of the world is so smooth that most people are satisfied with it - so they will create chaos, accelerate chaos, until chaos sweeps everything, destroys everything, and a new balance will be born.

"It must be admitted that there are some smart people in the return of Yongzai. They are much smarter than me."

Hanging slowly said: "Among them, there are a lot of schemers, fraudsters and abettors.

"It is not because of this theory that such talents are born, but because of this theory that they do evil without any psychological burden. That is why they gather together."

——Anyway, the world has hung on the edge of the cliff, so it's better to push again to end all this; If you haven't pushed it down, you can push it again, and then push it again

Their main battlefield is not only in the upper city, but also in the lower city. The scope of "accelerating chaos to reset everything", of course, also includes the already very chaotic lower urban area.

There are no so-called "comrades in arms" and "allies" for the return of Yongjiu. Shangcheng District is eager to maintain the rules of Shangcheng District. The "veil of ignorance" maintains their own consensus. Even the "White Lion Group" is maintaining the dark order of the underground world.

The hanging believed that this must be a positive plot of "the curtain of ignorance".

"If neither I nor the leader who returned from Yongzai will go, then the curtain of ignorance can swallow up all other small organizations attending the meeting.

"But if only one leader arrives, the one who doesn't will become the target of the public. He will unite to attack the other side.

"Because neither we nor Yongzai can determine the attitude of the other party, we have to go... But if either party shows weakness and cowardice at the meeting, the others will certainly act immediately and kill him."

The strangulation slowly exhaled, and the lion like face was extremely solemn: "It was like several seriously injured beasts confronting each other. The one who escaped first and fell first would be eaten by others.

"I must stay in shape and can't go hunting any more. Fortunately, I only have two days... I should not fall too much."

In order to maintain its own strength, strangulation dare not continue to explore in the dream world... If he dies accidentally in the dream world, he will temporarily lose the ability to cast spells.

There are at least three known mages in the "veil of ignorance" and two in the "eternal return". The White Lion Group and other small organizations are the same. Only because the strangulation itself can fight and has prestige, will it be mentioned separately.

That is, the so-called "T1 is insufficient and T2 is surplus".

The legendary T1.5, T1 goalkeeper.

Because of this, the veil of ignorance can continue to be explored in the dream world. The same is true for the return of Yongjiu.

This is just a "despicable blockade".

Russell, on the other hand, has another point of view... that is another purpose of hanging that is not directly stated.

Because it just blocks the dream world exploration for two days, which has no meaning at all. It may not be possible to explore an area in two days... According to the strangulation, it will take about five or six days to reach the destination just for the "Furious Volcano".

Russell is acutely aware that this may be a kind of temptation

If the veil of ignorance determines that the plan is effective, they may hold such meetings frequently. So they can rely on their own advantages of having multiple mages to block and limit the development speed of other organizations for a long time.

——This clumsy looking lion may have been aware of this scene. That's why he didn't have any accidents.

This is why the strangulation risked wasting a lot of time to return to the original plain and forcibly recruited Russell!

He must increase the number of "mages".

If there is only one mage, the limit is too big.

But his behavior is far less efficient than the righteous plundering and efficiency of the "veil of ignorance".

The plan of the veil of ignorance is like the plunder of capital - they can quickly expand the number of their own mages by plundering the mages in those small organizations. Then suppress the development of other organization mages, and slowly open the resource gap.

"But now I realize whether it's too late..."

The "barber", who has reset the time of transformation, sighed with anxiety and jumped into the deep well leading to the upper city.

The morning after tomorrow

Russell decided to go to the company tomorrow to inquire about the situation.

The little angel has heard all this, and the angel may also intervene.

As an obvious excuse for the meeting, most of the therapeutic chips were made by the company, or at least by other "giants". The company's executive department will also be dispatched.

I don't know whether the villains will go out together... If he needs to go out, Russell must remind him to be more careful.

Because this time he was facing more than mercenaries and psychics. There are also mages who are not in his cognition.

Fortunately, Russell will be there the day after tomorrow. He was also granted admission.

——In that case.

"This time, it's finally my turn to come to the whole show."

Russell murmured in a low voice, and his heart gradually swelled with excitement.

The dark blue pupil bottom of the "blue robin", the continuously burning group of blue flames... With Russell's excitement, gradually faded into pale.