Chapter 70 The Blind and Foolish God

"It's really interesting."

After listening to Russell's story of the villain, the bad day nodded thoughtfully and said, "I have heard of the villain before. He is very famous in the mercenary circle."

"It's a bad name."

Russell spouted.

The bad day shrugged his shoulders: "What about the bad name?"

His body is still leaning backwards. The angle between the chair and the ground is close to 40 degrees. Although he should have fallen to the ground, he still sits on the chair safely.

At first, Russell secretly looked forward to when the bad day would fall on the ground, preferably soaked in cola or buttoned half cooked cheese on his face... But now he realized that this should be part of the bad day's power, and immediately became very disappointed.

It's boring.

"As a company dog, the villain has a bad reputation in Xiacheng District, which shows that his ability is really excellent."

The bad day is leisurely.

Russell had heard of this kind of black name before when he was working in Xiacheng District.

People without code in the lower urban area refer to people in the executive department and special executive department as "company dogs". As the name implies, it refers to those who serve as hunting dogs for the company to catch them.

In addition to "company dog", there are also "salary slave" and "wild dog".

The former is used to describe those employees who work honestly in Shangcheng District and receive monthly salary; The latter describes the kind of "vigilante" who is not from the executive department, nor serves the head office - or even does not have a chip. He is a codeless person, but only eliminates evil by his own will, but does not necessarily promote good.

After all, it is almost impossible for those who have chips and can locate them at any time to commit crimes.

In other words, if ordinary people are reluctant to decide to commit crimes, they don't even need the Executive Department to arrest them

There are detection chip devices everywhere at the intersection, and there are cameras capable of face recognition. At the same time, almost every slightly larger store will connect all people entering the store to the LAN, and will register at the moment of entry.

If they rob, steal or kill people, the news from the company will be sent directly to them before they have gone out of the street. Go to surrender.

——Of course, the company is just mentioned. Unless the media sends out supervision, or the church or other head offices intervene in this matter, they may not even bother to send the executive department.

After all, this is a "company", not a "country", and there is no written law.

The head office does not need to be responsible for the property and life safety of residents, so they only need to make due statements in front of the media - for example, directly freeze all the property on the other party's account, disable the key to the house, do not allow the other party to transfer money or do any type of shopping, and do not allow the use of various software. Previously purchased items, such as floating cars, game goggles, and game bins, will also be rejected for use and login.

At the same time, when prisoners enter any place, they will immediately send an alarm to other people in the same place, especially security personnel, to allow them to conduct "pre defense" and "preparatory suppression".

This is enough.

Therefore, in this era of data, the company does not need to send personnel to arrest at all... unless the other party has caused losses to the company itself, the executive department should immediately send personnel back.

In other cases, as long as the fingers move and the other party's various authorities are blocked, the prisoner can only surrender to the crime; Or escape into the black market and remove the chip to become a "codeless person".

And those without code will really commit crimes.

Because they have no scruples - they will become codeless, which means that they have committed crimes or have criminal consciousness.

Once the chip is removed, it will never go back. From then on, life under the sun has been completely isolated from them, and they will live in a chaotic world with scarce commodities, no network and no restrictions all their lives.

In this case, they naturally have nothing to fear.

Crowds of people jump back to the upper city area at night to kidnap, rob and steal money, but they can rob people and things.

Beautiful girls can sell at a high price in lower urban areas, and boys in some places can't sell... Even if they can't sell, they can also break up and sell organs, or sell them to some science maniacs in lower urban areas as materials and experiments.

Or you can record some videos as consumables. Besides Xiacheng District, there is also a large market in Shangcheng District.

As long as they are not arrested on the spot, they can drill back to the lower city from the garbage roads, sewage outlets and other places.

Xiacheng District is densely populated with important factories, and only a few places have networks. The cameras were also completely removed.

When weapons of mass destruction cannot be used, the Executive Department can only be forced to fight with them in the street.

However, the Executive Department is also full of people of the day. We don't want to work hard for the head office to that extent - after all, if someone really makes a name in Xiacheng District, it is revenge against his family that awaits him.

It's like a loser.

"Maybe there are not few people who can be as excellent as the inferior, but the real problem is that they dare not be so excellent."

Russell sighed: "The head office will not protect them at all, and public opinion will not protect them. People hate the criminals in the downtown area, and they also hate these 'company dogs'... They would rather their dogs bite their dogs and die together. At most, when their families are being retaliated, they shout two words to clean up the downtown area, and at most that's the case."

When Russell talked about this topic, the bad day also gave a rare sigh and was returning to his chair: "Don't you just talk the hell out of it..."

His expression became serious: "I can create an opportunity for you to investigate... You become a mage first. In this way, the success of the plan will be higher."

"... why are you so solemn?"

Russell was a little surprised: "Don't you have a die piercing sword technique that can kill people at a distance?"

"You have some points in mind. The spirit who can be a director must be the core member who conveys' 84 fates', either a mage or a priest. They are not as weak as they seem. When converted into psionics, they are all at the level of seven or eight. There are also very few strange things, such as Theron."

Bad day said angrily, "It's OK for me to go by myself, but if you want to go, I can't keep you... Are you sure you must go?"

"Yes, I have to go myself."

Russell said seriously: "Even if it is an elf, I must take responsibility for his death - at least to witness his death."

"... You are strange. It seems that you are higher than these elves."

The expression of the bad day is somewhat subtle.

Then he thought about it carefully and added: "If you are worried about 'the memory inheritance of elves after death', that problem is easy to solve. After that, I can teach you how to kill elves hand by hand. I am very knowledgeable about this knowledge.

"Kamalse's words... I know that guy. He is about 600 years old this year. In the concept of elves, he just came of age and began to pursue his destiny... As a result, he completed such a flower life.

"But even so, he has lived from the heyday of the mage to the present. Even without the constraints of that fate, your colleague called the villain could not defeat him."

"... In that case, what about the 'Amirus' on the empty boat before?"

Russell could not help asking, "He can easily defeat those mercenaries."

The bad day looked at Russell and frowned: "You have guessed it in your heart."

"I just want to confirm."

Russell repeated.

"Of course he did it on purpose. After all, he can't die, or it doesn't matter if he dies... Elves don't care about life and death so much, 'fate' is more important for them."

"What does he want to do?"

"One thing you should know, Russell," Bad Sun leaned back again, "he doesn't know where you will be, let alone where I will be.

"What if you and I didn't show up?"

"What will happen to...?"

The answer is unquestionable.

There is only one possibility... Those mercenaries will succeed, and they will catch him.

No matter whether the empty boat will fall or not, no matter whether other first-class passengers will survive... Only this answer will not change.

"Those mercenaries were invited by him?!"

Russell felt a little unbelievable, but felt inexplicably reasonable about it.

After being kidnapped, up to now, Amirus has not sent anyone to investigate this matter... From this point of view, he has not hidden his purpose at all.

The whole plan is almost explicit.

"That's not true. If he had hired himself, the strength of this plan would be too light. Other directors could easily find out the truth... You guessed wrong here."

The bad day shook his head: "Think again, what kind of news has the deer head brought to you?"

"The mage team in the lower city has revived..."

"Yes, let me say it directly. The answer is very simple.

"These mercenaries were indeed recruited by the Mages' Association in the lower city. They bought some viruses from Babel Tower through middlemen to carry out this plan. But their original purpose was really just to ask for a memory in Amerousse's mind... to fight against the reputation of the Saibo Church by searching for some dirty and cruel secrets inside it.

"But they are too young. They don't know that the reason why they found out that Amerousse would take this empty boat was that Amerousse deliberately disclosed information; Amerousse didn't let any guards follow him, which was also his intention.

"Amirus will not reveal any information. He has set a ban on himself. Once any memory is burned into a chip, he will immediately kill himself to destroy the memory. He hopes that he can use his own death to promote the revenge of the church on the association of wizards in the lower urban area, so that the board of directors can let go of the restriction on the church - to increase the security of directors, so that angels can take over the security of the "upper urban area", not just the lower urban area. "

The bad day laughed: "Amirus is more powerful than Kamalse. If those crazy mages on the ground could really kill the Iron Man Bishop when they heard the rubbish sent by those innocent children... they might doubt whether they were crazy enough to have hallucinations."

"... is he so loyal to the church?"

"If they are ordinary elves, of course not. Even if they become cardinals, they are the embodiment of capital and power."

The bad day shrugged his shoulders: "But Amerius is different. He is the biggest exception and a real pious person. Amerius' fate is' persistent '... He is persistent in the coming of the' day of returning with God 'promised by the church, and even believes in it more than the pope.

"Even the pope is not as pious as he is. There are few popes in the past who can be relieved of angels. But unlike Amirus, he is a real 'fundamentalist'."

This is understandable.

Russell nodded.

The pope of Cyber Church is a rotating system, and is re elected every seven years. Considering that the Pope has no real power, the elves are not interested in this position.

From various political struggles and interest concessions, the person who becomes the pope has such a complex mind that the power to awaken the Holy Rank is already the limit.

"Even the weakest angel is far more sacred than the pope and the cardinal - but ironically, only the bishop can appoint or remove angels. Most angels come from the grassroots of the church, not the high-level. Because of this, the pope is the person who is most alert to angels and who does not believe in the" device of god ".

"But Amerousse is different. He really trusts angels... He even tried to transform himself into an angel, but failed. It is just because the spirit can't use the device of god falling. Because the brainwashing strength of the device of god falling, it can't shake the 'fate' of the spirit."

At this point, the bad day suddenly thought of some fun and suddenly laughed.

"Speaking... do you know the name of Theron?"

"Chairman of Tianen Group?"

Russell must have heard the name.

Every day when he goes to work, he sees a huge statue of Ms. Theron in the park.

"Yes. But at the same time, she is also the clerk of the church. She is second only to the pope... and this position does not need to be rotated."

But the bad day showed a malicious smile: "Then guess, your Tianen Group... why do you want to test happiness? Or, what is the reference value of that 'happiness'?"

"What does... mean?"

Russell sensed a trace of trouble.

But he instinctively refused to admit it.

In the case of a bad day, it is easy to break the last illusion: "Happiness Island is an empty island under her rule, and it is also the region with the highest 'happiness' in the world. A wide variety of entertainment industries, uncontrolled media news, various social benefits, fairly low housing prices, preparatory work to prevent unemployment, free reimbursement of psychotherapy, and even drug treatment... And I tell you, she also made the empty island plan that year. It can be said that it was she who received the survivors of the teaching war to the island.

"The way to judge happiness comes from the research of the church. How do you think the world consciousness will judge this?"

"... will give her the power of Holy Rank."

"Of course!"

The bad day laughed, and the voice full of mockery was extremely harsh: "She saved the people of the world in front of the world war and led them to the empty island; she gave happiness to one seventh of the people of the world, provided them with work and welfare, and gave them food and shelter

"- Chairman Salon is now a living sage with more power than all angels!

"What do you think the statue in Tianen Group is? That's the statue she set up for herself!"

The bad day shook his head repeatedly and sighed with mockery and compassion: "Our blind and stupid God -"