Chapter 3 What Never Exists

"-- Fool, you just added to the picture."

The captain's reprimand sounded in the trigger intercom.

The radio bone conduction headset implanted in the forehead and deep into the skull is not only hidden, but also can make normal calls in the silent area without network, and the call content is not easy to be eavesdropped by others.

This is definitely contraband.

At the same time, it was also one of the deposits given by the generous "customer" this time.

"I just want to make trouble for those rich people."

Xiong'er mercenary, code named "trigger", could not help but retort in a muffled voice: "Since I said that, it would be like a thorn in their hearts..."

He muttered and opened the door without scruple.

There is no need to guard against the defensive forces inside.

This induced virus from Babel provided by the big boss can even penetrate the "ICE" of the highest protection level.

In fact, two weeks ago, a director of the head office was attacked by the Tower of Babel.

All his bodyguards were paralyzed by the virus, and no one was spared. This matter has gone crazy in the mercenary side of Xiacheng District.

——Even those steel monsters whose meaning is nearly 100% can't remove the virus once they are attacked.

Unfortunately, the virus they got this time has a self killing effect and can only be used for this operation.

Otherwise, if he sells the virus, he may get enough money to wash his hands and retire


After the trigger enters the door, lock the first class door with a backhand.

The mechanical lock in the first-class cabin gave a long warning sound of "drip", and a dazzling red light came out.

As the trigger was brushed on the door handle with a black magnetic card, its alarm stopped abruptly.

Although the people inside won't resist or speak any more, there may still be people passing by outside... It is also necessary to close the door behind you.

"Captain, I think so..."

The trigger explained carefully: "After we steal their memory, we can't jump off the empty boat directly. If we fall into the sea, we will die. We still have to mix with ordinary passengers and get off the empty boat normally.

"However, if there is a first-class passenger who has a high status and is too brave to take the risk of not catching us and making a big deal by blocking the airport and forcibly retrieving the memory of all passengers, we will probably reveal the truth."


"So I have to remind them that as long as this matter is exposed, they will be scrutinized by their superiors, suspecting that they have lost any important information, and may also be attacked by colleagues. In this way, they will have to calm down and think..."

"You think that those who can achieve that position will never think of such a thing?"

The captain grunted: "Do you think you are smarter than them?"

"No, no, captain --"

The trigger immediately felt a chill in the back, and did not bother to check the room. He quickly defended: "Listen to me, I have a deeper plan... Even if I warned them like this, they could not have said nothing. Finally, someone must have leaked.

"As long as one person goes out and says, 'The memory of one of the first-class passengers has been stolen', all the people aboard this empty boat will doubt each other. Even if there is only doubt without any evidence, it can also be an excuse. In this way, the happiness island will become confused. The plan of the 'Monkey faced Eagle' group can proceed more smoothly... "

"-- pretending to be smart."

"... Eh?"

"What you think is too simple, trigger."

A cold and disappointed voice came from the earphone: "In this way, we can leave the plane more safely. But you got the most important thing wrong - Babel doesn't want to keep a low profile. They want to keep a high profile as good as possible."

"How could it be? They have been wanted by the Big Seven at the highest level..."

"Because they are not memory thieves at all, fools! This is just an excuse for the elves to want them... Their real crime is to try to contact history!"

In the earphones, the captain's voice suddenly became a little louder, even overflowed to the outside.

His voice was filled with a harsh cold feeling: "Your ambition has blinded you and triggered the trigger. You want to take my position, so you began to cross your team's identity and try to directly support other teams to make contributions."

"I didn't..."

"Do you want to take away my position? Or do you want to be a 'staff'? I can only explain that your so-called wisdom is just a little cleverness.

"-- After you go back, you can apologize to the boss yourself."

The trigger's pupil magnified with fear in a flash.

He could not have guessed that the "Babel Tower", as a group of psychic hackers and memory thieves, was actually a legendary historian

You should know that the study of history is absolutely taboo, and even the born and noble elves are not allowed to touch anything.

Studying history is the only taboo and the only death penalty written in the code. Even trying to sort out the time lines in ancient literary works into books is the biggest sin. Anyone who tries to touch, understand and learn history will be sentenced to death.

What people know about the past can only be those things that are passed down by word of mouth... It can talk freely, but it can never be written on paper.

It was an absolute death - erasing the existence of this person and letting everyone forget about "it".

"All the little people in my position can know that the Tower of Babel has been exposed to history, and these big people in the first class must know better. They must be aware of the mistakes and omissions in your words, which means that you have directly proved that 'we are not the Tower of Babel'. Then we can't throw the memory theft on the Tower of Babel... soon they will also figure out who was the one who stole the memory. "

"All channels, plan changes. Search the memory of first-class passengers, and report to me immediately after finding the target. It is not necessary to copy the target memory, but directly bring the target to the captain's room, or remove the target's limbs as the case may be. All other passengers are injected with chronic poison, and the onset time is set to 10 minutes later."

The captain's voice sounded quietly: "Everyone, please reply."

"... Yes, I have."

The trigger answered hoarsely.

He grinned as if he had eaten something spicy.

... How to say. Somehow regretful.

Is it self defeating because it is too active

His eyes, hidden behind his mask, gradually became more murderous.

It's OK. It's not hopeless.

As long as these people can't go back, no one will know that such stupid words are his own. He could easily throw the pot on the other two people

... As long as the boss doesn't retrieve his memory, he can trust his words.

He grunted angrily and looked back at the room.

Sitting in the first-class cabin is a cat ear girl who looks gentle and petite.

Considering that Lingqin is a small cat, people will be smaller. Maybe it is not a girl, but a young woman.

She wears a pair of ponytails, one of which is in front of her left shoulder, and the thicker one is behind her. It looks like she is only 14 or 15 years old, but it gives people a kind of virtuous and gentle motherly feeling.

At the moment, she is sitting in the seat with her eyes closed and her head bent.

In front of her was an open box.

——There is a gun in it, and the safety has been opened.

The trigger's pupil suddenly shrinks.

He knows the gun.

Peace maker, portable shotgun. The gun body and barrel can be carried separately. After assembly, it can be turned into a long gun, and its power will be greatly improved.

The captain also has one, which is very useful for assassination.

In the Sky Age, although the dragons acquiesced in the power of the elves to form giant enterprises, they did not give them the right to deprive other people of their lives, nor did they allow the elves to compile codes. Therefore, even the "seven giants" dare not use lethal weapons to arm their psionic private forces, but can only use anesthetic guns, mesh throwers, electric shock guns and cold weapons.

Such lethal firearms can only be dangerous goods that these "codeless people" dare to produce, carry and use.

In addition to the "directors" and immediate family members of the privileged class. Other people can be sentenced to three years' imprisonment by the local head office in accordance with the Company Law just for holding.


The trigger muttered.

... How is it possible?

They were able to bring in the gun because the security personnel had entered their own people two years in advance for this plan.

But this little girl

Many possibilities flashed through his mind. For example, she may be the mistress of an underground gang, or a sneaking killer... In short, contrary to the feeling, she is definitely not a good person.

Then, the trigger quickly felt a panic.

"Fortunately, there is that virus..."

Otherwise, he would be killed directly if he broke in so rashly.

After all, even he himself only holds a small caliber silencing pistol.

As long as you have it, you can take the captain——

He immediately felt greedy and wanted to reach for the gun, but suddenly stopped.

With the last vigilance, the trigger pulled out the gun and blocked it on the girl's temple.

"Stop pretending. You heard it."

The trigger grunted and whispered, "Who are you?"

No response.

After a while, he sneered again: "In this case, I can only kill you first."

Still no response.

The girl still kept her head down, quiet as if she had really fallen asleep.

If there is no response at this level, it must not be a trap!

The trigger was ecstatic.

He reached out to capture his booty.

While he was holding the gun, he suddenly felt the cold pain coming from his right chest.

He was stunned for a moment, and then he saw that the cat ear girl was holding a light fluorescence in her three fingers.

Its end is sinking into its right chest.

It's like a sculptor with a carving knife, or a surgeon with a scalpel.

There is no murderous spirit, and there is no action of accumulating strength. Silent action... If she attacks her heart or head that has not been strengthened, she may not even know how to die.

Obviously, his clothes and skin were not damaged, but the trigger felt a cold flow in his right chest.

His personal system immediately reminded him that his three right lung lobes were cut vertically by something.

His clothes, his muscles and his ribs did not block the slender scalpel.

... but fortunately.

The lung that was reformed and strengthened because of smoking too much in the past... now it has saved his life.

At the moment when his right lung was paralyzed, his left artificial lung was activated in an emergency.

——It's an illegal psychic!

Damn it, it is indeed a peer!

"Go to hell!"

The fear that his life was in crisis made him furious and hit the girl on the cheek with a heavy blow from his left hand.

The left fist embedded in the steel skeleton was strong and powerful, which directly hit her to the chair and tumbled to the ground. The table with tea set was also taken down. The delicate tea set on the table was shattered in a burst of crisp sound.

If the right fist is more powerful and implanted with a reinforced prosthesis, only one blow is enough to blow her skull out directly.

The reason why the left hand is an unfavourable hand is that the right hand of the trigger is holding the gun. He subconsciously didn't want the precious weapon to be damaged by impact - after all, they could not have a weapon master who was good at repairing such contraband.

But the trigger also has confidence.

This blow is enough to knock the weak psychic unconscious directly


The trigger immediately realized that something was wrong.

Because it doesn't feel right.

The feeling he felt at the first time was really the feeling when he hit below the cheekbones and above the chin... He also clearly heard the sound of the cervical spine twisting and cracking, and the "sense of paragraph" when the bone broke from the face of the fist.

But after that, I didn't feel any resistance.

It is like breaking some very thin and brittle glass.

The figure of the "girl" fluctuated like a bad signal screen, becoming a cat eared teenager with a larger size than her, but a similar face.

A second ago, I also suffered serious injuries... even the cervical spine has been damaged.

But now that guy looks like he's doing nothing.

... I see. Is it the power of change system?

"This should be your body."

With a cruel smile on the trigger's face, he lifted the newly obtained shotgun and pointed it at the cat eared boy who was lying on the ground and looked at him alertly, but did not rush again: "Then, let's use it to send you a ride."

If you approach again, you may be injured by the strange psionic power that can penetrate the protection.

It's better to end the battle at this distance.

Although the power of the guns may break the glass... the captain controls the captain's room. Even if the glass is broken, the empty boat will no longer give an alarm.

Be careful, it should not fall.

But looking at himself, the desperate young cat ear suddenly smiled and relaxed a little.

——He's looking behind him?

The experience of the trigger immediately identified the intersection of the other party's line of sight.

No, it's just a trap. He is deceiving himself into turning back.

The door of the room had been closed by him, and his hearing strengthened by the righteous body had not heard the sound of footsteps; The monitoring in the captain's room showed that no one entered or left the first-class cabin after the empty boat took off.

There can't be anyone else here.


The trigger gave a sneer.

He hated the guy who was dying but didn't say a word or beg for mercy.

Don't recognize the situation. Just looking at it is disgusting.

So the trigger didn't talk much and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

He imagined the moment when the head of the other side was hit by a bullet, and a cheerful and cruel smile appeared on his mouth.

——However, nothing happened.

Only heard the clear click sound, which made his back tense in an instant.

... No bullets?

The trigger looked down at the gun in his hand in disbelief, and confirmed again that it was really ready to fire.

There is only one possibility.

The gun is unloaded.

... Are you sick?

What do you want to do with an unloaded gun?

But in the next moment.

The trigger consciousness suddenly disappeared.

There was no pain, but the picture in front of him changed rapidly - starting from his toe, the lens of his vision suddenly moved upward.

He didn't realize what had happened until he saw his headless body and the man slowly approaching from behind.

... Where did you come from?

This is the last thought before the trigger loses consciousness.

"Russell... You didn't use your mother's power like this."

Like a ghost, the big white haired dog reappeared in the room silently.

But Russell could see clearly that he did not hold a sword in his hand. There is not even anything sharp.

Just holding a plastic straw for drinking drinks.

He didn't even touch the two meter tall beareared masked man!

But at such a distance, the strong mercenary whose body has been half righteousness is the separation of body and head.

The young man looked up at Russell, who had changed back, and his eyes became somewhat complicated.

Looking at his expression, Russell subconsciously revealed a pure and harmless smile.