Chapter 25 Psionic Power: Lethal Love

"To be precise... there are still three normal people left."

The inferior's tired eyes with dark circles became as deep as an abyss: "I remember when the minister first joined four years ago... there were still five of us here, right?"

"Six at most."

The green bird corrects the way.

"A traitor is not a man."

The man with a pair of sika antlers, with his arms around his chest, said coldly, "Not counting the traitor, he has sacrificed two people in the past four years. On the plus side, at least the sacrifice rate is much lower than that of the executive department.

"In addition, there is another. He is also our former colleague... or the former minister. He is still alive, and you may see him later."

"... He got promoted?"

Russell inquired with luck.

"He has become a devil. Of course, I think he is under too much mental pressure... The company's final report is that he abused psionics."

The villain reached out and took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms, but the bird glared at him, and then angrily put the pack back: "That guy is now being held in the research institute to provide us with a healing power chip. He used to be a good man, but after he became a devil, it is no longer him.

"If I have a chance later, I can show you what the devil is like... Stop talking. Change the subject. You, take this."

As he spoke, the villain took out a U-disk sized chip box and threw it directly to Russell.

Russell took it and pushed it out to check.

"What is this?"

He asked as he looked.

There are four chips, red, yellow, blue and green.

Look at the shape, it is similar to the chip used on the empty boat in the bad day before.

"You certainly don't know this, because this is the technology that the executive department can only access."

As the villain said, he rolled up the sleeve of his left hand to expose his forearm with interface.

Only then did Russell realize that the meaning of the bad is in the left arm.

I saw the villain insert a blue label chip into the slot of his left arm - his uninhibited and indifferent temperament suddenly became much calmer.

"For example, this is the power chip burned by the minister's power. As long as this chip is inserted, I can use the minister's power."

After saying that, the loser returned the chip intact.

The chip is still green, not red. This means that it has not been consumed.

"If you had used it just now, I would have said something about you."

At one side, the Delphine smiled and seemed not angry, just joking.

But the villain bowed his head and replied seriously, "I understand, Minister. I won't waste it again."

"... How is psionic power burned?"

Russell couldn't help asking.

"The essence of psionic power is memory and emotion. As long as you are willing to... or forced to be imprisoned, you can copy the memory of the moment when you awaken the psionic power and the emotion accompanying that moment, and give it to others for use."

The villain said seriously, "But remember, you must only use the chip issued by the head office, and only use one psionic chip at the same time. Never pick up the chip of those mercenaries."

"And why?"

"Just like the psychics in the executive department. The chips issued by the company are also processed safely. After you use them, you will delete those memories and emotions. On the one hand, it is to protect personal privacy, and on the other hand, it is to avoid personality disorder.

"The technology in Xiacheng District is not so good, but it also saves costs. What they make is a semi permanent chip. After the chip is inserted, it can be used for several hours, or even days. But the remaining memory will not be deleted completely, but will remain deep in the brain, even stronger than your own memory.

"You should know that memory is very easy to be deceived. That kind of memory is mixed with your own memory, which is very easy to be confused with your own memory and create non-existent false memories. Basically, once you use it once, it will definitely cause negative effects. If you use it several times, you will go crazy.

"Considering the human rights and privacy issues, it is up to you to make your own psionic chip and distribute it to anyone. But demons have no human rights - we can capture demons and become our power. So there is a bonus for capturing demons. Do you want to kill them? At least you can't let them go if you can't catch them alive.

"But even if these chips can be reimbursed, you can't use the same chip continuously within 24 hours, otherwise it may still cause memory confusion or undesirable emotions. In serious cases, it may even reduce the blue value."

Then the villain shook his chip box and said, "Therefore, there is usually only one chip for each chip. Your four chips are the standard level-1 psionic chips for each executive. In the order of red, yellow, blue and green, they are respectively 'Juli', 'detection camera', 'protection against light bullets' and' rapid healing '. If there is still a need, you can apply for another level-2 chip. However, if the psionic chip exceeds level 3, it must be purchased from internal channels at a discount... But please note that it must not be sold to outsiders. The unused chips have application batch numbers, which is easy to find.

"Used chips can be thrown away or recycled. The data and batch number inside have been destroyed when exiting. So don't worry about being picked up and doing bad things."

Hearing this, Russell became more curious.

Although he didn't know whether this question could be asked... but after struggling for a long time, he still asked.

"Then," he asked, "what is the minister's psionic power?"

Hearing the words, there was a moment of silence around.

"Don't call me Minister, call me Delphine."

Delphine sighed: "My psionic power... has many usages.

"But the memory I made into a chip has only one effect. That is, when the blue value is below the sixth level, I can temporarily increase the blue value by one level. This means that as long as the mood is appropriate, I can safely produce a higher level of psionics."

She smiled with a fake smile somewhat similar to the bad day: "This is one of the reasons why I was pushed to the position of 'executive director'. In this way, I would have to voluntarily provide chips for my subordinates."

"... Is it a painful process to make chips?"

"No. To be precise, there is no burden other than recalling that memory."

Delphine shook his head: "But just like my code name, using this chip has negative effects..."

"What negative effects?"

"It will be poisoned."

The Delphine said in a soft voice: "Using it to 'safely' temporarily enhance psionic power is equivalent to ingesting a kind of poison that causes a great burden to the heart. But because this poison is not ingested in fact, it is impossible to use antidotes to neutralize the toxin and can only directly treat the poisoning symptoms. As the time of using it increases, this poison will gradually start to cause irreversible damage to the heart. For those who use prosthetic heart, they may have asthma, convulsions, vomiting, fainting and other types of poisoning symptoms.

"But the most dangerous thing about it is that... it will break the subconscious constraint of experienced psionics. For example, people will instinctively not use all their strength to avoid being hurt by reaction force. The wall of reason shown by the blue shift level will suppress the expansion and irritability of psionics.

"But if you use it too many times, so that you are accustomed to a higher level of psionics, it may make your brain think that your blue shift is one level higher than the real level. In the inherently dangerous transition state, when you do not use chips, you may also subconsciously explode stronger psionics. But this completes the transfinite - when the red shift exceeds the blue shift, the original personality will collapse. That will lead to irreversible and extremely rapid demonization. "

"That's why... I named myself Delphine. That's why I changed my name when I became the executive director."

——It is a poisonous flower. It is a relative of the same family as Aconitum.

"You just asked me what my psionic power is... It was a little late when I finished the transition ceremony and got my own psionic power's real name and detailed ability.

"I just knew at that time that its name was [Lethal Love]. It was a poisonous psionic power that all derived abilities had deadly side effects."

She said so, and a nearly gorgeous, but not bright, even sad smile appeared on her face.