Chapter 23 Happiness is Obligation

The young minister in his early twenties gave Russell a sense of motherly relaxation in his gentle words.

But fortunately, Russell's string of reason was stretched at the last moment.

He tried to resist the idea of asking "Have you ever heard of the name Nanliujing", and with this sense of hesitation, he naturally turned to the Delphine and asked:

"... I want to ask, what is our main work content in weekdays? How about the working hours? How about the remuneration?"

Extremely realistic three consecutive inquiries.

After all, Russell was directly assigned - in order not to become a devil out of control, he had to enter the special execution department.

However, in any case, he is a double master of Chongguang University. If the salary is too small and the work is busy and dangerous, he may not go to a psychologist to wash away his psionic power

——Although in the juvenile comics, many young saviors seem to be willing to give up their studies to save the world... There are also reliable adults in the special film, who have given up their good jobs, participated in some organizations to save the world in secret, and even lost their arms and legs or burped their farts directly.

But Russell had already passed the age of youth.

Now he has become very realistic.

As a savior to fight with the devil? Use superpowers to secretly fight against enemies and protect people?

That's not bad.

Even Russell, who is not good at fighting, is ready to be injured from fighting to daily life.

However, it is enough to save the world and fight with the enemy once or twice. It should be regarded as a good young man's righteous act - the blood of the brave is not an excuse for the king, princess, and great sages to go whoring for free.

Appropriate salary, appropriate leave, medical security and accident insurance in case of serious injury or death in the battle are all necessary.

If you don't, you have to fight for it. If you do, you have to bargain more. After all, he is more or less the armed department directly under the "Big Seven"

In the face of this problem, Delphine obviously had expected it.

"It's different from the gentlemen and ladies in the executive department."

Delphine nodded and became more serious: "Our working hours are relatively more 'relaxed possibility'."

"... possibility?"

Russell's expression became somewhat subtle.

"Yes. Because whether we are busy or not depends entirely on whether there is a 'suspected devil', the number of 'suspected demons' and emergencies. In other words, we have the possibility of working overtime - and the overtime hours are irregular and may continue to occur."

Although Lingqin is Samoye, it gives people a feeling of fox.

Delphine said very smoothly: "In short, our job is to 'solve the incident'. But in the absence of emergencies, we are very free.

"As long as you can reach the target position within one hour after receiving the emergency notice, whether you are on duty or not, you can play games, read books here, or find a part-time job with flexible working hours.

"Of course, you can also be like the baddies... in your spare time, you can help the colleagues of the Executive Department to arrest mercenaries in the downtown area. That can also be used as your performance, which is counted in the salary of the month. Mercenaries are certainly not as dangerous as demons, but they can also be used to practice.

"As for income - you don't have to worry about that."

When Delphine said this, he reached out and opened a picture in the void, and then set the picture to be visible around.

This is not a projection of the picture. If you take a video camera to record, you can't take this picture at all - the bird just shares what it sees with others. Only people with the same chip can see it... It is probably similar to the feeling of 3D glasses.

Russell looked at the picture and his eyes lit up.

Delphine explained: "The monthly basic salary is fifty five thousand. Every time we work overtime in a devil event, it is calculated as three thousand per hour. If we finally find the devil, everyone will be given a bonus of one hundred thousand. If we arrest the devil and add another hundred thousand, the hundred thousand will be distributed by me according to the merit, but if the devil is killed, there will be no reward of one hundred thousand.

"However, if the devil has not been found three days after receiving the report of 'suspected devil', and the devil is allowed to cause casualties among innocent civilians, 10000 performance will be deducted for each person killed."

"Ten thousand..."

Russell murmured.

Not too much.

——He felt a little too little.

If one person dies, only ten thousand will be deducted?

Of course, the purchasing power of this 10000 yuan is not small.

Take the income of a skilled volunteer doctor with a normal university degree and a master's degree as an example. His monthly salary is about fifteen thousand yuan. In a less prosperous area, the monthly rent is about 800 to 1000... In Tianen District, the rent is about three to four times.

A one bedroom suite with an area of more than 40 square meters will cost about 230000 yuan if the property tax paid to the local head office by 1% every year is not included. But when the property tax is included, it is more reliable to rent a house.

Moreover, in theory, each person can only hold one house. Generally speaking, starting from owning the second house under the name, the annual property tax payable by individuals will directly become ten times - that is, 10% of the house value.

Among the seven empty islands, only Tongshen Island does not need to pay property tax, and even can distribute houses for free.

However, the residents of Tongshen Island have at least 12 hours of basic working time every day, which is basically extended to 14 hours, and the allocated houses cannot be bought or sold. Therefore, there are many vacant houses on Tongshen Island.

So who should the spare houses be sold to?

The answer is no need to sell. Because the ownership of these houses has always belonged to the local "head office".

The land use right and building ownership of the entire Happy Island belong to Tianen Group.

Even if the other seven giants want to open a branch here, they must find Tianen Group to purchase the land use right every year.

For the rental business, only those who receive the "legal rental" from Tianen Group. In other words, the houses purchased by ordinary people cannot be rented out and can only be used by themselves or lent to relatives.

Of course, they can also collect money and send people to live in their own homes, but if something happens, the Executive Department will not take care of it.

For example, if the landlord loses something, he cannot report the tenant as "theft" or "burglary"; If a tenant is kidnapped or violated by the landlord, he or she cannot report to the landlord. Because the act of "borrowing others' houses" is tantamount to the acquiescence of "the relationship between the two parties is as close as relatives".

Every month, if you have a job, you can jump to more than 100000 yuan. This is really a high paying job. Even houses in Tianen District can be bought as long as they work for the first half of the year.

——Although people in this world are used to renting houses, Russell still subconsciously believes that if he does not buy one, he will not be confident enough.

"In addition, the company provides free housing and food, and consumables below Level II can also be reimbursed."

Delphine stretched out her finger, crossed in front of her, and sent the building picture to Russell: "In theory, we all live in the three storey villa. I am in the room closest to the gate on the first floor, and you can live on the second floor... The whole second floor is yours. You can also go to the third floor if you want. Of course, if you don't want to live with other people, you can rent a house outside like a villain. The Group will reimburse all rental expenses.

"It's completely free to pick up and use food in the company canteen. In addition, you can order takeout or eat and drink outside, and there is also a reimbursement limit of 3000 yuan per month. Your uniform has been sent to your room, and you should remember to wear it when you go to work tomorrow. You can also apply for any non lethal weapons you want to use, and you can apply within a week."

With these words, Delphine took out the electric shock gun from his waist, motioned to Russell, and then put it back.

It seems to be a magnetic placement method, because there is no place to place weapons in her waist. But Russell looked at the white waist of the Delphine, but could not understand why she had absorbed the gun.

"... What about our work?"

Russell could not help asking: "What is the 'Suspected Demon Report'?"

The more Delphine kept telling about the generous treatment of this post, Russell became more worried.

According to his common sense, it is impossible for a capitalist to be kind.

At this point, the Delphine became serious and sat up straight.

"I remember you were born in Chongguang Island, right?"


"How do you detect demons over there... If you don't know, you can guess now."

"It means artificial intelligence?"

Russell guessed, "But isn't AI not popular on the side of Happiness Island?"

"Right. Each empty island has its own means of detection. Happiness Island uses' happiness detection '."

"... What is that?"

Russell was stunned by the words that were too dystopian.

"-- Here, [Happiness is an obligation], Mr. Russell. I'm afraid you don't know, let me remind you."

It was the villain sitting aside who interrupted their conversation.

His eyes showed a little sarcasm, but his words were very flat: "This is the basic principle of the Happy Island... it is the 'rule' of this ruin."