Chapter 30: After Effects

Chen Qi, like Mu Wanqing, is a development manager.

The world is the same as the earth. Lin Yao was the first to stand up and oppose it, but you said it was totally different... neither.

The online game industry pattern is quite similar.

It is also a situation where two kings are strong.

The two kings on earth are goose factory and pig factory, and here are eBay and Tianhu.

Yaoshi Software, where Lin Yao is now, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of eBay.

Chen Qi works in the Jianmang Studio Group under Tianhu

In terms of games, the two groups are very similar to the earth, with different emphasis, but the needle point is opposite to the wheat awn.

This round based online game of the enemy's subsidiary made so much noise. As the development manager of the same type of game of the enemy's factory, Chen Qi needs to pay attention to it both emotionally and rationally.

Well, with the mentality of watching jokes.

"How's it going?"

Chen Qi is a slightly balding middle-aged man with a big belly and a lot of wealth.

He supported the back of the chair planned by his master, leaned forward slightly, and squinted to look at the screen.

He is a bit nearsighted, about 300 degrees, because he doesn't think he is suitable for wearing glasses, so he hasn't matched them, which causes him to squint at things that he sees farther.


The main planner opens the client of Fantasy OL, controls the characters, shakes around, occasionally sends a message, Or go to watch people play the zodiac sign: "There are many changes, which enhance the social attributes of the game, and then add some challenging activities. But the most important thing is the gang system and the derived gang war. This is really a genius idea, which is a good thing to create conflicts among players."

Chen Qi thought for a moment and nodded.

His opinion is the same.

The most noteworthy aspect of this game is the gang system. After all, players will fight, strengthen their attributes, and increase online game revenue only when they have conflicts.

When Chen Qi thought of this, he suddenly couldn't help laughing at himself: "I didn't expect to be in the mood of watching jokes, but finally I really learned something. Can we do with Travel Notes of Tianhu?"

The chief planner nodded: "Yes, just change the name. The guild and the escort agency can both play. We can also optimize the game. It can be seen that they are anxious to launch this new version, and many of their games are not completely perfect."

"Normally, the game Fantasy OL was too ugly before, but now it may be a change of planning and eager to prove itself... I have to admit that it is really a bit skilled.

However, this is an opportunity for us. Our "Travels of Tianhu" is a head game of turn system. It will be better to play this game. You can take the essence of it and eliminate the dross to consolidate the advantages again. Remember to be quick. It is estimated that many games of the same type have noticed the gang system, and we should be the first to launch similar games online. "

Chen Qi made a decision soon.

Then he thought for a while and added: "But you should also pay attention to legal issues, ask about legal affairs when the time comes, and try to avoid some unnecessary disputes."


The master planner nodded, then hesitated for a moment, and asked: "Do you want to follow up with others? It's easy to do things like how to play with friends, but the equipment system and pet system are troublesome, but more troublesome is to cancel the point card system and... cancel all attribute props."

As a game five years ago, Travels of Tianhu is the head of the same type of game. Of course, it also tested the charges for props. Although it is not as blatant as the old version before Fantasy OL, it is better than the large number of game players, and its revenue has always been very good.

The same is true for point cards.

With a large player base, the income in this area will be very large.

To the extent that no one is willing to give up.

"It is impossible for us to cancel the point card system. I agree with the above and will not agree. I have no confidence in convincing the above people."

Sure enough.

Chen Qi didn't even think about it, and immediately refused: "Now I dare not pat my chest and say that canceling the point card system is good for the game. Finally, if there is a problem, no one is willing to take the responsibility. The same is true for the charging of props. There is too much revenue in this area. This game..."

Chen Qi pointed to the "Fantasy OL" client on the screen: "It's just a test version, and there is no data to support the cancellation of the point card system attribute props. Their game was very bad before, and it can stand up after breaking, but we can't, and our game's size is doomed to not turn around like this."

"... I see."

In fact, the main plan is just a word.

He was unwilling to ask him to cancel the point card system and attribute props.

Because no one has walked this way yet.

As Chen Qi said.

Their "Travels of Tianhu" is the head, which can't be adjusted so big. It's just that someone touches them when they cross the river. They don't see someone swimming faster behind them, so they have to turn around and touch the posterity.

At least not until there is sufficient data support.

They can only learn from the people behind them.

"But to sum up... what do you think the final effect will be? Tell me your opinion."

After saying that, Chen Qi suddenly felt some palpitations for some reason. He looked at the so-called limited mount on the screen and asked suddenly.

"Ah?" The master didn't know what he asked.

"The other side is drawing a lottery and rewarding a limited mount. They are all resourceful. They just want to cancel the attribute props and the point card system. Obviously, depending on the play method, they can also attract people. The point cards and attribute props are a large amount of revenue."

Chen Qi put his arms around his chest: "But they just want to build a very green mall in their words. How do you think the final revenue of their games will be?"


The main policy hesitated, pondered for a long time, and then looked up and said, "I don't know. Nobody did that. They are the first people to eat crabs. This kind of game lets ordinary players and krypton gold players stand together and run the line, and then does not sell krypton gold player attribute props, only allows them to charge money to speed up the formation speed. No one knows how the revenue will be, and it is estimated that the other party's planning does not know."


Chen Qi didn't get the answer he wanted. He was disappointed, but he didn't show it.

Because he doesn't know.

The other party is like a man who is selling iron by smashing pots and pans.

Break the fire and sink the boat. Win the tender model at the meeting, lose the job at sea

This is really hard to predict, because there is no one doing this in the market.

"Don't think too much."

Chen Qi shook his head, as if to tell the main policy, or to say to himself: "It's just a test version. Our games have been running for so long. There is no reason to doubt this for the sake of each other's version. There is no problem with our way. Don't look at the other's popularity. Players may lose interest in their games when they find out the new playing methods.

We can pay a little attention, and the other party is not worried. You can ask the event planner to hold an event this week and deal with it a little. We will follow our established route. "

"Hmm." The main policy nodded and agreed.


In Chinese chess, there is a term called "after the horse".

It means farting afterwards.

Most people have done similar things more or less.

But in fact, no one can know the future before things happen.

Who would have thought that PUBG would become popular?

Who would have thought that the LOL, which was said to be the low configuration DOTA at that time, could be operated to the present, to overcome the DOTA that was at the height of its power at that time, and to make the tournament league the first in China?

Who would have thought that the Dream Westward Journey could be operated for nearly 20 years?

No one thought of it at that time.

Many things.

It didn't really happen.

No one knows what the final result will be.