Chapter 24

The emperor stopped looking for Liang Yuan for several days. Maybe he was annoyed and decided to forget her. She felt a little lost in her heart, but she was also calm. Let the days go by peacefully. Sometimes she feels that she will live a long time in this life, and sometimes she feels that she will leave tomorrow.

The queen is also a stranger to her. No one asked her to take part in the big or small affairs in the harem. No one cares what she does. There are already capable girls and hard-working boys taking care of Sangtian. She is no longer as important as before.

But there should be many examples. She is such a person with no position and no identity. She is very embarrassed to be in this harem. It's better to write poetry and paint in idle time than to bask in the sun. Where can she go? It's better to go anywhere than walking in the mulberry fields. She decided to go there to see those magical plants. Look at these mulberry trees that the western world could not grow even though it was full of brains.

She came to the mulberry fields, which had grown very tall. She felt that the boys were still irrelevant. For mulberry trees, if their leaves want to grow well, their branches and tops must be pruned, and the buds at the top of their branches must be pinched off. She took a pair of large scissors to trim the branches, but found that the edge of the scissors had been curled and could not work.

She sighed and muttered to herself, "These scissors belong to farm tools. I don't know which black hearted workshop made them. The quality is so bad. How long has it been since I bought them? They were hemmed! Hurry tomorrow, the emperor has taken back all the privileges of operating farm tools. See if you can still do this black hearted business?"

"The Empress is free today. Come here to check whether these boys are lazy?"

Liang Yuan turned around and saw Hehe in official clothes. He seemed to have been promoted again.

Hehe's spirited appearance made Liang Yuan feel distressed. This poor Hehe didn't know that the bad luck was approaching him step by step.

"Hehe!" Liang Yuan greeted him with a smile.

"See you, Goddess!" Hehe knelt and saluted.

At the end of the ceremony, Hehe stood up, looked at Liang Yuan's scissors, and said, "What your mother said is true! The quality of farm tools in the whole country is extremely poor!"

"Hehe, why did you come here? Is there something?"

"I will accompany Lord Wang Wentong back to the court and report to the emperor about the reform of government affairs in the north. I will come here by the way!"

Liang Yuan thought that this marriage would not be to find the girl she had been dating before, would it? If so, Hehe is really a person who values friendship.

"Is everything all right?"

"It's all pretty good. But this Lord Wang Wentong is very naughty and jealous. He always offends people, and many things are difficult to deal with. He offends all the nobles in the north. I constantly match and mediate between him and those nobles."

"He He, you are capable. Lord Wang must trust you very much!"

"The emperor trusts the king very much. Say something inappropriate." He He turned his shining green eyes, approached, and said in a low voice, "The emperor is deliberately using Wang Wentong to lead the battle and cure those Mongolian nobles."

"Those Mongol nobles, who have already submitted and been incorporated into the unified management, are also legitimate!"

"However, those old Mongolian tribes involved a lot. Apart from the others, the emperor's mother family and the mother family of the empress should be included. The emperor could not get rid of his feelings, but he was determined to take charge of it in a unified way, so he chose the prickly character of the king to help him take care of this matter."

"The emperor is right about what he has decided. You can do it for Lord Wang, but don't worry about anything else!"

"As a slave, I think so! Most of the time, Lord Wang threw the mess to me, and I cleaned it up for him. Sometimes, he was so angry that he refused to write a document. I can't even write his handwriting. How many times, I mediated among them and did many things for him, but he didn't know about it. I simply didn't tell him about many things. If he knew that I had shown weakness to those nobles for him, he would have overthrown everything. I would have wasted all my previous efforts! If I hadn't dealt with him, those Mongolian nobles would have killed him many times.

Liang Yuan suddenly felt something was wrong when she listened to Hehe's words.

He He didn't give Liang Yuan time to think, and he kept on saying: "Lord Wang has bad relations not only with Mongols, but also with Han people. He is very talented, but he doesn't know how to make good relations. It should be noted that his ability to do things only needs two points, and that eight points depend on relations. The relationship is not good, and there is too much resistance in doing things! Unfortunately, Lord Wang doesn't understand this truth! As servants, we only have a lot to bear.

”Listen to you, are you going to change the master? "Liang Yuan asked, the more he said, the less attractive he became. But thinking that he trusted himself so much and told her all his private thoughts, she felt that Hehe regarded her as her own person after all.

”Lady, don't think so. Hehe is not a person who thinks differently. What Lord Wang has done is also very handy. You know, I'm pretty good at managing household registration and taxation. You know, I am not good at poetry and writing. I know arithmetic. "He He said and smiled.

Liang Yuan also smiled, which was true. After all, he came from a business family, and his arithmetic must be excellent.

”The silk reeling factory over there is very profitable! Hehe, thank you! "Liang Yuan said.

”Thank me for what! It's right to be a slave and devote yourself. The empress told me something. I'm exhausted and have to deal with it. Don't slack off!

”Our food and clothing in the palace depends on this silk reeling factory. Of course I should thank you!

”Thank you! "Heheyi is excited. When he finds that he said something wrong, he quickly changes his mind and says," I have to thank Empress Xie for working in the mulberry field and teaching everyone to raise silkworms.

”What's wrong! "Liang Yuan said. Suddenly she felt sad. Thinking about planting mulberry and sericulture and writing documents, she was busy and full all day. Now she doesn't need to interfere in anything. She seems like an extra person, not even a speaker!

”How are you, Empress? You look worried!

”You can see that I have something on my mind? "Liang Yuan smiled and thought, is she really sad?

”The Empress is the one of the Emperor's heart. If you have something on your mind, you should talk about it. The emperor and empress are extremely kind people.

”I know that! "Liang Yuan smiled bitterly and then said," Hehe, I have to go back.

”Madam, can you show me your scissors? "He He asked.

Liang Yuan inexplicably closed the scissors.

He He looked carefully at the scissors, didn't say anything, and gave them back to Liang Yuan, then bowed down to say goodbye to Liang Yuan.