Chapter 77 Letter Inkstone in the Freudian Period

"What's wrong with you today? Why are you holding Xiao Bao when you haven't slept in the middle of the night?" Shen Tangxin murmured

"It's all right. I'm just sleepy... I'm hungry" Xin Yan's voice is still cold, but after seeing Shen Tangxin and Xiao Bao standing together, he softened a bit

"I'll start cooking in a minute." Shen Tang gave him a sideways look and comforted himself that he had paid points.

After Xiaobao was coaxed, she went downstairs and saw Li Yan sleeping with her body rolled up on the sofa.

She looked at him, her long eyelashes covered the cold in the ordinary days, but she felt like a poor little animal.

"It's not about eating

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