Chapter 25 The Straightly Styx River (for collection)

It is clear that such a huge vitality and the power of the blood law have been swallowed up by themselves, and the blood fetus has not changed at all.

This is somewhat unreasonable.

Huang Tian increased the mana output again, and the swallowing vortex has wrapped the whole blood fetus.

A greater amount of vitality and blood ways are swallowed up, and the blood way is approaching to a great state.

This is equivalent to Huang Tian swallowing up a very strong person from the great Luo Jinxian.

"Don't waste your efforts. I was invincible before I was born. Even if the god of chaos came, he could not hurt me. Who do you think you are?"

The voice of the Styx River is noisy in Huang Tian's mind.

The yellow sky frowned slightly.

"The god of chaos has not been swallowed by me. I have swallowed more than you eat salt."

The yellow sky is not cold and not light.

The boy is too noisy.

"I don't believe it..." Styx River was silent for a long time and squeezed out a few words.

Huang Tian is inexplicably pleased. Don't say you don't believe it. I don't believe it myself.

Why does the Styx River feel somewhat upright?

Huang Tian did not respond to the Styx River, and his mind spread out to explore this different space.

He wanted to find the reason why the blood fetus could not be swallowed.

As time went by, Huang Tian's face gradually became dignified.

This boundless sea of blood is really a joke.

He could not cover the whole different space with his divine idea at the top of the Golden Immortals.

The space here is larger than that in the Northern Continent.

"Did you really devour the Chaos Devil?"

Suddenly, the sound of Styx came again.

Huang Tian didn't respond for a moment and was stunned for a few seconds.

Why does the Styx still feel a bit less intelligent?

"Yes, I was in the Forbidden Area of the Northern Region, which destroyed the two Devil Avenue..."

Huang Tian thought for a moment, but this was not a lie.

At that time, the road of death demon god and devouring demon god was indeed integrated.

"Where is the forbidden area in the northern region? Can it trap the Chaotic Devil? How does it compare with the dark sea of blood?"

Huang Tian: "..."

For a moment, Huang Tian was speechless and didn't know how to answer.

"If you can really swallow the Chaos Devil, I have one thing to ask!"

Huang Tian: "..."

Huang Tian was a little bit unsure by the Styx River.

After a careful look, I was really devouring the blood fetus. Although I didn't make any achievements, I was also fighting against the Styx River anyway, right?

"You are really deceiving me, despicable!"

"Ho ho, why should I help you?"

"Oh? Can you really swallow the Chaos Devil?"

"What if you can swallow it? What if you can't swallow it? If you have a god of chaos here, you can't swallow it."

"Alas, I can even see it. It seems that I really have some skills!"

The tone of Styx suddenly became excited.

Huang Tian was shocked and suddenly looked at the blood fetus.

Chaos god?

Is there really a god of chaos here?

Huang Tian immediately converged his mind and was on alert.

Chaos Demon God, that is, he has truly transcended the Golden Immortals of the Great Luo, and has cultivated a great way to a perfect existence.

It is a strong man who can walk in chaos and compete with Pangu.

If there is really a god of chaos here, Huang Tian will definitely abandon this ghost and return to the forbidden area at the first time.

"If you can swallow up the Chaotic Devil, I can be born now, and take you to a treasure land to find a supreme treasure!"

Huang Tian's eyes flashed slightly.

"What a treasure?"

"Hum, don't try to talk to me, swallow up the Devil God. I'll take you when I'm born."

Huang Tian's mouth curled when he heard the words. Why is this guy so impatient to listen.

"Styx, now it is you who ask for this seat, not this seat.

Even if we can't swallow your blood fetus for the time being, the sea of blood will be swallowed up one day.

After the sea of blood is swallowed up, it will be wonderful to slowly wait for your birth and swallow you up little by little. "

"As long as you make a vow, if you get such a treasure in the future, you can let me go. Why not tell you!"

"No standing!"

"If you don't stand up, then we will spend it here, reflecting that I am not born yet."

Huang Tian: "..."

It was the Styx that poked his weakness, and he really could not afford it.

For a dark sea of blood, giving up the good layout of flood and famine is not to be penny wise and pound foolish.

"Ho ho, I have set up more vows than you drink blood. Why not set up one?"

It's nothing to let go of a Styx River. Anyway, without the dark sea of blood, he is at most a bigger mole ant.

Finally Huang Tian made a pledge.

Only then did the Styx slowly tell the treasure.

This talk, however, completely made Huang Tian unable to sit still.

"Are you sure it's that treasure?"

"Of course, I'm sure that I never tell a lie!

But can you really swallow up the Chaos Devil? "

There was also some doubt in the voice of Styx.

Huang Tian's mouth slightly twitched, depending on what kind of chaotic demon it was.

If Bing Xie is reincarnated, he has just gone up.

If the only thing left is the road, he can swallow it himself.

But if a disabled devil hid in the famine to recover his wounds, he would withdraw at the first time.

It's a big deal to give up this corpse.

"Lead the way!"

Huang Tian's voice sounded quietly, as if he had a plan in mind.

In the sea of blood, there was a sudden roar.

The whole sea of blood suddenly scattered around the blood fetus.

"The Styx River has never been born, but it has completely controlled the sea of blood. It is worthy of being the Lord of the sea of blood, which is much better than Lingyuanzi's false identity as the son of heaven."

Huang Tian murmured in his heart.

With the separation of the sea of blood, the atmosphere of the whole different space suddenly changed.

A completely different avenue from Sanqian Avenue occupies the whole space very quickly.

And in a very short time, it squeezed Sanqian Avenue into one place.

Feeling the repulsion from the space, Huang Tian carefully prepared to escape at any time.

"All right, right ahead."

With the sound of the Styx River, the yellow eye looked forward.

Beneath the blood fetus, a huge and incomparable angle protrudes from the ground, which is closely connected with the blood fetus.

The giant horn has been here since ancient times.

The main roads are dense and the roads are surrounded.

At a glance, it seems that there are countless worlds sinking into it. The mind is inexplicably attracted and wants to explore.

At the next moment, it seems that there is an endless source of the Tao, and the Tao sounds around the ears, leading people into the Tao.


In the understanding of the sea, the source road vibrates.

A sense of coolness quickly swept through the body.

Huang Tian suddenly broke away from this dreamlike land.

"What a powerful road! It made me fall into it unconsciously."

Huang Tianxin murmured with lingering palpitations.

If I hadn't been warned by Yuanzhi Avenue just now, I would have been taken to the ditch by this Avenue.