Chapter 17 Lingyuan Son, the Son of Heaven (for collection and recommendation)

"Your honor, you should break through with all your strength, and leave it to me for the time being!"

Lingyuanzi fished out several law spirit fish from the blood stream and picked several law spirit fruits from the blood vine, and said in a long, long, tiresome voice.

The blood cane dances gently to show understanding.

Lingyuanzi jumped on the gourd and turned outward.

Outside the forbidden area, all the people have their own thoughts.

"Mo Shang has been in for half a day and hasn't come out for so long, I'm afraid“

The sentient beings had already had a guess in their hearts, and they could not help feeling more cold.

This is the second middle stage of Daphne.

This is not a random creature, but a golden fairy.

What is Daluo Jinxian? It is the top existence that has stepped out of the self road.

No matter what era it is, no matter what level it is.

As long as we reach this level, we will have left the ranks of ordinary creatures.

"What is there in this forbidden area? Even the great Luo Jinxian who has the inborn spirit treasure can't escape?"

"Is there living beings in the forbidden area, or is it the self evolution of heaven and earth after the quantum robbery?"

Although no one spoke loudly at this time, the communication between them never stopped.

Some Taiyi Jinxian, who had entered the forbidden area, showed a secretive expression on their faces.

There is some doubt about the existence form of the forbidden area.

Are there really creatures in the forbidden area?

What level of creatures can make a great golden immortal have no chance to escape?

Think of the mysterious blood ivy everywhere in the forbidden area, as well as the nameless blood fog floating in the air, and the endless resentment cloud hanging over the forbidden area.

Can this really be formed by manpower?

"It may not be a warning, but a reminder, if you don't join the Dalai Lama and die."

Some living beings put forward new ideas.

As the saying goes, heaven has the virtue of being good at life. There is always a ray of life left.

Could the standing stone tablet be a good reminder of Heaven's good intentions?

In this way, the forbidden area is probably derived from heaven and earth.

"The two hegemonic races are so obsessed with the forbidden area of an abandoned place at the same time, I'm afraid there is much to be said about it.

Maybe the flood and famine that have been quiet for so long will start to be turbulent again! "

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"In a mass robbery, the ferocious beast was destroyed.

Ten thousand ethnic groups, led by dragon, phoenix and kylin, took the opportunity to rise one after another.

The dragon lives in the east land, the phoenix sings in the west, and the Qilin Town is located in the middle region.

The central region is rich, the eastern land is rich in resources, and the western land borders the northern land. Affected by ferocious animals, it is naturally barren.

It has been ten thousand years.

Over the past ten thousand years, there has been no disaster or difficulty in the world of flood and famine, and the cultivation of life has soared.

But the growth of accomplishments will consume resources. The flood looks boundless, but the creatures are endless.

This Beida Lu was destroyed by ferocious beasts and was in a state of tatters.

In the eyes of Zulong, Yuanfeng, Shi Qilin and other extremely powerful people, they are nothing.

But just at this time, there appeared a supreme forbidden area that could let the creatures break through.

If you think about it, how can these three clans give up this chance to their rivals? "

After that, everyone was shocked.

"The Taoist friend's analysis is so profound. It sounds like a sense of clairvoyance. I don't know what to call it?"

"I dare not. I'm just talking about Shangyang."

A foot of green bird and merchant sheep closed their eyes, and the deity often touched the surrounding creatures.

I didn't seem to notice that there was some awe in his eyes.

"Taoist friend, maybe we can analyze the Lingyuan Immortal. I wonder if he can walk out of the forbidden area alive?"

At this question, Qingniao Shangyang opened his eyes slightly.

"Lingyuan Immortal is the real son of Heaven. If he can't get out of the forbidden area, no one can get out!"

Although all sentient beings are awed by his analysis just now.

But when I heard these words, I still didn't believe them.

Even the two great golden immortals of the dragon family and the unicorn family were trapped in the middle of the period and could not escape. How could the Lingyuan Immortal He De come out of the forbidden area?

Shangyang did not argue, but said:

"The forbidden area in the northern region is determined by heaven. Everything is doomed."

As soon as his words fell, a cry of surprise rang out in the world.

The boy sat on the gourd and floated out of the stone tablet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, those who want to trade the spirit fish of the law and the spirit fruit of the law can come forward!"

The hearty laughter sounded, as if they did not realize how shocked they had brought to the people.

Ao Guang's face changed, and the first one couldn't bear it.

The dragon claw stretched out and grabbed Lingyuanzi.

The smile on Lingyuanzi's face did not change, and he reached out his hand to brush it, and the embryonic form of a light road hung in the sky.

The main road fluctuates. An invisible wave hits the dragon's claw and pushes it back.

"Taoist friends of the dragon family, why are you so worried? If we open a stall to do business, can we sell it to you?"

Ao Guang's face changed slightly, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"The middle stage of Daluo Jinxian!"

"The great Luo Jinxian!"

"When was the Lingyuan Immortal promoted to the Daluo Immortal?"

"How could it be that he had already entered the Daluo Golden Immortal when he was only a Taiyi Golden Immortal a thousand years ago?"

Compared with Ao Guang, the sentient beings present were deeply shocked.

The Lingyuan Immortal established the Lingyuan Immortal Hall. At that time, his accomplishments were less than that of the Taiyi Immortal. In a short period of 1000 years, he was promoted from the Taiyi Immortal to the Daluo Immortal. What a genius?

Could he really be chosen by heaven, the so-called son of heaven?

For a moment, the Taoist deities swept towards the Shang Yang.

The old god of Shang Yang was there, and he closed his eyes and cared nothing.

"Lingyuan, have you ever seen my elder brother?"

Ao Guang suppressed the impulse to start, and asked Lingyuanzi in a cold voice.

With a pure smile on his face, Lingyuanzi reached out his hand to take out the fruit and fish of the law and spread them out one by one in mid air.

"Lingyuan Daxian, will a small Daluo Jinxian dare not pay attention to our dragon family in the middle period?"

Ao Guang's voice was extremely cold, and his evil spirit soared to the sky. He meant to kill people if he didn't agree with them.

"Ao Guang, although the dragon family is strong, it is far away in the East China Sea. If you are so arrogant again, I don't mind killing you here. Do you want to try?"

Lingyuanzi was kneeling in the air, and Lingyuan Avenue was suspended behind him. His voice was flat, as if he was saying something that could not be more ordinary.

But this action falls in the eyes of the people below, which is totally different.

No matter how strong the Lingyuan Immortal is, he is only single.

But this single person is not afraid of the dragon family at all, and even threatens the dragon family Daluo to his face.

If I don't want to live, I must have a huge background behind me.

Can we say that Lingyuan Daxian is a member of the Phoenix family without fear of the background of the dragon family?

"The Son of Heaven, don't be afraid of it!"

When people were suspicious, they saw the merchant sheep shaking his head and looking up to the sky with a sigh.

Yaoyao arched his hand at Lingyuanzi, who was sitting in the air, and turned and disappeared into the crowd.

In mid air, Lingyuanzi's eyes suddenly froze.

It seems that he was shocked by his identity. He stared at the direction of Shang Yang's departure for a long time.

"The Son of Heaven?"

Ao Guang felt puzzled and looked at Ling Yuanzi in disbelief.

"Whether it's the dragon family or the forbidden area, I don't want to fight or kill, just do business quietly.

This is also the rule of Lingyuan Immortal Hall. Ao Guang, you should remember it well! "