Chapter 238 Zhuluan Eggs

As the last strong man to break the void, Xiao Xiangzi's life can be described as shocking. At the age of three, he practiced martial arts; at the age of six, he had a perfect physical state; at the age of nine, he had a perfect gathering of qi; at the age of ten, he stepped into the natural state; at the age of fourteen, he had a perfect natural state; in less than a year, he had no rivals in the natural state; at the same time, he stepped into the legal state; seven years later, he had a perfect legal state; in three years, he was invincible, He has been preaching in the world for 120 years. At the age of 145, he broke the void to find the way of immortals.

At that time, the emperors and princes of various countries invited Xiao Xiangzi to their countries and prefectures. It can be said that the fame of the magic gun at that time was more than ten times more than that of today's sword immortals. Where he came

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