Chapter 72 Gunfight

Uncle Da touched his eyes and said doubtfully that his aura was still hanging just now, but how could he feel weaker now.

"Where are my glasses?"

"I'm not all right without my sunglasses."

Uncle Da felt his clothes and searched where the sunglasses were. He looked intently at the fact that the sunglasses had just been punctured into his windpipe.

Uncle Da felt that he had come to see him, and after blowing at the sunglasses, he put them on with satisfaction.

Since he is preparing for war, he must always be handsome, which is the basis of his action!


The bullets burst out and shot at Uncle Da. Fortunately, Uncle Da was quick and dodged.

"Shit, you are killing me!" Hiding behind the wall, Uncle Da loaded the bullets.

At the next moment, he suddenly jumped and rushed out.

Aiming at the two people in front, he directly threw two shots.


Two shots were fired at each other in succession, but they didn't react and died in blood.

Then someone rushed up again, and the two sides fought fiercely.

Then Uncle Da refused to be outdone. He raised his gun and fought back.


After Da Shu seized the opportunity to knock down a terrorist, he immediately put on a new bullet gate to let the gun have enough bullets.

After the change, Uncle Da took out a grenade from the package snatched by the terrorists.

Throw it towards the door


A huge sound comes out in an instant

Uncle Da opened the door and went out. After a while, Uncle Da turned back with a dirty face.

"Mad, the exit was blown up."

Uncle Da was choked by the ash. He was still swearing, completely forgetting that he threw the bomb.


Bang bang bang

Without giving Uncle Da time to respond, the terrorists immediately took aim at Uncle Da.

Uncle Da quickly hid in a small house made of iron mesh to fight against terrorists.

I didn't notice the words "Keep out..."

Uncle Da took off his sunglasses inside and looked in the direction of the terrorists, then said angrily.

"Blow up you bastards!"

Uncle Da put his hand into his bag and prepared to take out a grenade to bomb them.

When he took it out and put it to his mouth to turn off the switch, Uncle Da found that the taste was not right.

Looking down, the good guy's grenade turned into a sandwich.

Uncle Da threw the sandwich away and took out a hot dog from the bag.

"Ah ah! How can I become a hot dog?"

Anxious Uncle Da put his hand into the bag again and finally pulled out a pistol.

After seeing the pistol, Uncle Da's anxious face was filled with disdain.

"Hurry up..."

"Be careful..."

But Huang Xiaogui, who heard that they had escaped, was climbing a big stone one by one.

"Don't move! Police!"

The frightened students shouted and raised their hands immediately after hearing this sentence.

"Don't shoot, my own man."

After hearing this, the undercover of the Political Department, who was pulling people, immediately raised his hand and shouted.

"Officer Zhou, I met them in the tunnel..."

The undercover of the Political Department directly put on Sandy's shoulder and walked towards Zhou Xingxing and them.

"Squat down..."

"Get down quickly..."

When they saw the students coming, the special police quickly told them to stay down so that they could not be found by the people who were chasing them.

"Brother Xing, how terrible, how terrible..."

"There are terrorists..."

After Huang Xiaogui saw Zhou Xingxing, he looked back at him with a sense of security and kept saying.

"Be quiet!"

The situation is urgent. Zhou Xingxing can only ask Huang Xiaogui to shut up first. He looks to the undercover of the Political Department and asks him to explain the situation inside.

"How did you get out?"

"We came out of the air raid shelter under the school swimming pool."

"But now it has been bombed. You can't go in again."

The undercover of the Political Department explained the situation in a few words.

As soon as Jiang Chen heard this, it was not easy to do. He had to climb the wall to get in. Maybe he would alarm these terrorists.

At that time, the situation of the students and teachers in the school will be more dangerous.

"Is anyone injured?"

After receiving the information, Zhou Xingxing immediately inquired.

"No, everyone is safe except me."

After hearing his words, Jiang Chen and Zhou Xingxing rolled their eyes at the same time.

Who cares if you are injured? But now is not the time to say that.

"Then you are good."

Jiang Chen looked at the people in the Political Department and said directly with a smile, but he didn't expect Sandy to answer excitedly.

"Yes, he's really good. If it wasn't for him..."

The excited Sandy suddenly thought that the other side was Jiang Chen, then she shut her mouth and hid behind the undercover of the Political Department.

Zhou Xingxing took a sympathetic look at Jiang Chen. Did Jiang Chen say anything? He just looked at Sandy straightly.

Sandy is seen by Jiang Chen and hides behind the man.

"Are there any students in it?"

Zhou Xingxing asked to break the awkward situation. Huang Xiaogui immediately answered his question.

"There are no students, but Uncle Da is still inside."

"Uncle Da?"

Zhou Xingxing and Jiang Chen asked in surprise at the same time, because according to Uncle Da's urine nature, he could not have gone alone.

Unexpectedly, I passed alone this time.

"Yes, he saved us."

"What? He saved you?"

After hearing the words of the undercover of the Political Department, Zhou Xingxing was even more surprised that Uncle Da had saved so many people.

"Yes, dressed like the devil terminator."

The undercover of the Political Department whispered in Zhou Xingxing's ear that Uncle Da's appearance was too shocking.

It is estimated that the undercover of the Political Department will remember that shape for a lifetime.

"Devil Terminator?"

Zhou Xingxing asked curiously what is the shape of the devil terminator.

"I wonder if he is dead now."

After hearing this sentence, Zhou Xingxing immediately stopped being curious and turned to order his subordinates.

"Attack at once!"

“yes sir!”

In the basement

Uncle Da was still fighting with the assistant of the terrorist leader with a pistol.

The two men were also blind. After shooting so many shots, they were stunned and didn't hit a single shot.

Uncle Da found something was wrong when he was fighting. He picked up the pistol and looked at it carefully.

Strong headwind There are no bullets left.

"Oh, no!"

"Wait a minute..."

Without bullets, Uncle Da could only accept the fire from the other side, he said while hiding.

But where would the terrorists listen to him? They kept shooting in the direction of Uncle Da.

Bang bang bang!

After several shots, there was no sound from Uncle Da.

I saw a white inside slowly rising up Uncle Da also straightened his pants and stood up.

Uncle Da looked at the terrorists with a dark face and said to them.

"Stop playing. You are playing rashly. Two will fight one."

"When my partner comes, let you know."


Uncle Da proudly said with the white flag inside.