Chapter 63 First Kiss

"Alas, they have gone."

Sandy looks at Jiang Chen and then lowers her head shyly. Jiang Chen also smiles and says to Sandy.

"They are gone, playing ball."

Then Sandy took Jiang Chen to a remote corridor.

"I will try this time anyway."

Sandy took Jiang Chen's hand and said, Jiang Chen looked down at her hand and answered Sandy.

"I don't think so."

"Because this kind of thing is not something that children like us can play with."

Jiang Chen also looks at Sandy seriously, trying to break her back.

But how could Sandy, who was determined by the weight, listen to Jiang Chen.

"Sister is not afraid. Why are you so old-fashioned?"

"Haven't you tried?"

Sandy frowns and looks at Jiang Chen to excite him. Jiang Chen looks at Sandy proudly with his hands akimbo.

"Yes, I haven't tried."

Sandy got excited when she heard this and pulled Jiang Chen to say.

"I haven't tried either."


"Let's try."

"If I tried, I would not be a child."

After hearing this, Jiang Chen touched his nose and looked around, but he still refused Sandy symbolically.

"I don't think so."

Jiang Chen observes whether there is anyone around. Sandy shakes his arm and says excitedly.

"Don't be afraid. There is no one here. Give it a try."

"Are you sure?"



"Hurry up."

Jiang Chen directly took off the black eye socket and put it in his pocket. He didn't forget to ask Sandy.

"You hold on?"


Sandy nodded excitedly, and then urged Jiang Chen.

"Hurry up."

"Here we come."

Jiang Chen didn't know where he learned to put a lip balm in his pants pocket. After taking out the lip balm and applying it for a circle, he handed it to Sandy.

Sandy shook her head, Jiang Chen put away the lip balm, looked at Sandy and asked.

"Don't you close your eyes?"

"Not closed."

"Here we are."

"Come on."

Sandy looks at Jiang Chen excitedly and replies.

"Here we are."

Jiang Chen immediately picked up Sandy's face and kissed her.


After the kiss, Jiang Chen was still calm, but he suddenly covered his chest and breathed.

"What's wrong with you?"

Seeing this scene, Sandy's face, which was still smiling, turned pale in an instant.


Jiang Chen hurriedly takes out a spray and sprays it into her mouth. Sandy hurriedly checks it, then points to Jiang Chen and asks.

"Do you have asthma?"

"No, breathe."

After spraying, Jiang Chen immediately panicked and shouted.

"Why can't I see? Where are my glasses?"

"Here it is."

Sandy pointed to his glasses hanging from his collar and said.

"Thank you."

Jiang Chen put on his glasses, took a deep breath, put his hand on the railing and surrounded Sandy, then asked Sandy.

"What do you think?"

"Very good, and you?"

Jiang Chen nodded and said, "Very good."

"But the little girl should not try this kind of thing casually."

"But if you want to try next time, please call me next time."

With that, Jiang Chen grabbed Sandy's back and prepared to leave here.

"Aren't you afraid to breathe?"

"I'm afraid, but I can't do anything for you."

Just as they were approaching the corner, their geography teacher suddenly appeared and pointed to Jiang Chen and shouted.

What's more, Jiang Chen is also an expert in love. How can he miss this opportunity to learn from his master.

He is still single and has never been in love.

He is a teacher in teaching and educating people, but he is a rookie in love.

Compared with Jiang Chen, the latter totally dumped him for more than ten streets!

This great opportunity, which will never be missed, must be seized!

"Jiang Chen!!"

Sandy was scared and ran away, but Jiang Chen wanted to run but was caught by the geography teacher.

"I want to ask you something."

This made Jiang Chen stop. Ma De almost scared him to death. He thought the teacher was going to scold him.

Love is really out of control, and Jiang Chen can't help it.

"Don't be afraid."

The geography teacher held the book and comforted Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen asked after looking around.

"What's the matter?"

"I've been thinking for a long time. Can you teach me?"

The geography teacher looked at Jiang Chen firmly. Jiang Chen nodded and asked.

"Okay, okay, what is it?"

"How to pick up girls?"

"Picking up girls?"

"Why ask me?"

Jiang Chen doesn't understand why the geography teacher suddenly asked him this question. It's hard to see his potential?

"Because I just saw you two..."

"It seems that he is very skilled."

The geography teacher also made a gesture of "Bo". Jiang Chen laughed when he saw this.

Then Jiang Chen started his special skill again - loading 13.

"It's just basic action. Is there any object?"

"There are some, but sometimes they are cowardly."

After hearing this, Jiang Chen smiled, and then held the geography teacher's shoulder to impart love experience.

"Picking up girls is such a thing. Let's kiss it first."

"It doesn't matter whether you are bold or not. But what's our top priority? I think you should change your hair first..."


The picture turns inside the school canteen

Huang Xiaogui, Jiang Chen, Zhou Xingxing, and one of their newly collected curly haired boys sat together.

"It was a waste of time and effort, but nothing came of it."

Jiang Chen rubbed his eyebrows and said weakly. Unexpectedly, Sandy had nothing to do with the case.

Just then, Zhou Xingxing saw the yellow turtle with his hands pestling his chin in a daze.

"Hey, Huang Xiaogui, what are you doing?"

"Ah ah ah..."

Huang Xiaogui quickly stepped out of his fantasy and looked at Jiang Chen excitedly.

"How powerful! Why does one mouth plus another have such power?"

Obviously, Huang Xiaogui has been completely conquered by Sandy's sister.

"This must be the power of love, Brother Xing."

Huang Xiaogui said that he was still making a kiss. Jiang Chen smiled and asked Huang Xiaogui.

"Did she say when to get married?"

When Jiang Chen asked here, Huang Xiaogui completely withered.

"She said she would wait until she became financially independent."

Jiang Chen smiled and suddenly thought of something and couldn't smile.

"It's better than me. Now I'm the most innocent person. I got a girl for no reason."

"I don't know how to end it."

Jiang Chen said helplessly that he was not ready to fall in love at the moment, and he really didn't know how to end it.

"Cut, what are you afraid of? Anyway, you don't have a girlfriend. Just stay with her."

After hearing Jiang Chen's complaint, Zhou Xingxing said to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen glanced at Zhou Xingxing and asked after he was as white as he was.

"When are you going to get married?"