Chapter 56 Participants

Among the candidates for the speaker, one is disabled, the other is in the ICU, and the other is not.

Then Jiang Chen is definitely the best person to talk to, and it will soon be the election day.

In the lobby, many uncles and elders sat together, only Jiang Chen and Jimmy were present.

As for Dongguan Aberdeen and the plane, maybe they are packing up their belongings and fleeing here.

"I won't talk much nonsense."

"This session of people who agree with Jiang Chen to do things raise their hands."

Then Deng Bo took the lead in raising his hand and silently looked at the others.

Everyone looked at one by one and raised their hands. After all, Ah Le, the fate of the plane is there.

If anyone dares not to join Jiang Chen, no one can tell what Jiang Chen will do.

"Well, since everyone has made the same decision, Jiang Chen will be the person who will be involved in this session."

"Fat boy, take out the dragon head stick."

Deng Bofei ordered his younger brother to take the dragon head stick. It turns out that after Ah Le died, Deng Bofei sent someone to take the dragon head stick back without anyone knowing it.

Ah Le's men had secretly searched for the dragon head stick, but they found nothing.

Soon the fat man came back with a black box in his hand, which should be the dragon head stick.

After taking out the dragon head stick, Deng Bo took it in his hand and looked at it. After a while, he handed it to Jiang Chen and said.

"Well, this is the dragon head stick. I'll leave it to you."

"Now that you have done something, you must take the community to develop and work for it."

"I will, Dumbo."

Jiang Chen smiled and promised Deng Bo that he would take the dragon head stick.

Although I have taken the dragon head stick before, it is totally two feelings.

Now Jiang Chen feels that the satisfaction brought by the dragon head stick in his hand is incomparable.

"Well, it's up to you to win in a row."

Deng Bo stood up and patted Jiang Chen on the shoulder before leaving.

When other uncles saw that the overall situation had been decided, they also left one after another. Finally, only one Jimmy was still sitting there.


After congratulating Jiang Chen, Jimmy planned to stand up and prepare to leave.

Just then Jiang Chen suddenly stopped him.

"Wait for Jimmy."

"I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?"

After hearing Jiang Chen's words, Jimmy stopped doubtfully and turned to look at Jiang Chen doubtfully.

As a matter of fact, Jiang Chen and Jiang Chen have nothing to do with each other. Long before the election, Jimmy had said to Jiang Chen that he was not interested in the identity of the interlocutor.

I don't know why Jiang Chen calls him now.

"Let's go somewhere else to talk. This is not the place to talk."

Jiang Chen thought for a moment. He didn't know if anyone was watching in the election lobby.

So he wanted to take Jimmy to another place to talk. Jimmy became alert when he heard this.

After killing Ah Le, the plane and Dongguan boy have also been solved. Don't you even let yourself go?

Jiang Chen almost laughed when he saw Jimmy's face, and could only hold back his serious words.

"I have something important to talk about with you. I believe that if you missed it today, you will regret it."

Jiang Chen didn't look at Jimmy's expression after saying that. He took the dragon head stick in his arms and left.

Jimmy, who stayed where he was, was still thinking about whether Jiang Chen had any plot against him.

Jimmy couldn't figure it out. He didn't offend Jiang Chen when he sat down.

What should not happen? With this mentality, Jimmy gritted his teeth and followed.

Jimmy opened the door and sat in.

"Tell me what you want."

Jimmy looked ahead and said without any mood fluctuation.

Jiang Chen turned to look at Jimmy, the co pilot, and said.

"Don't worry, I'll take you to a place first, so that the next thing is easy to say."

After saying that, Jiang Chen drove directly away from here, and soon the car came to Jiang Chen's territory.

Jimmy turned to look at Jiang Chen. What does that mean? Clean up the place you brought to him.

"Come on, get out and show you a document."

Jiang Chen was the first to get off the bus after he turned off the engine. Jimmy, the co pilot, thought for a while and then followed him.

Judging from Jiang Chen's attitude, Jimmy felt that he didn't mean anything to himself.

Soon came to the second floor office.

Jiang Chen takes out a document from the drawer and throws it to Jimmy in front.

Jimmy glanced at the other party, and Jiang Chen made an eye gesture to let Jimmy look at the document.

Jimmy opened the file and looked up at Jiang Chen.

"You stole my business?"

Jimmy looked at Jiang Chen with an ugly face. This document was not anything but the information of a logistics company. It was recently registered and the registered address was in Shenzhen.

It turns out that Jimmy has always wanted to enter the mainland to do business. The other day, he discussed with the director of the department, but he was beaten by the other party.

What does Jiang Chen mean by giving this information now?

"Don't worry, I have no other malice, I just want to cooperate with you."

"Hum, why should I share a piece of the cake with you if I can do it myself?"

Jimmy replied to Jiang Chen with a cold hum after leaving the document.

"Well, you are wrong. How many times do you go to the head of the hall and run into a wall?"

"And you also know that the director will not help you, so it would be better to work with me."

"I will clear away the hidden obstacles. You can do your business well in the open."

Jimmy is still unmoved, and his good words are cooperation. Don't he help Jiang Chen work for himself?

Jimmy swore to death not to be a migrant worker!

(My dream is the same.)

"We have three or seven points."

"I am three, you are seven."

"Is that all right?"

It was Jiang Chen's expectation that Jimmy would not agree. If he agreed, Jiang Chen would be surprised.

Jimmy looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief when he heard that he was going to score three or seven points.

Three or seven minutes? How dare you? You just register a company. If you don't do anything, you will need 30% of the shares.

"Hehe, what you think is beautiful."

Jimmy smiled and said to Jiang Chen.

"It's too much to register a company."

Jimmy shook his head and continued.

"I can also register a company, but it's just a matter of time."

After saying that Jimmy turned to leave, Jiang Chen immediately shouted at him.

"Two eight, two eight, is that all right now?"

Jiang Chen is really interested in Jimmy's ability to do business. It's OK to let Jiang Chen do it, but Jiang Chen doesn't want to go. If he just sits there, he will have money. Why do he go to work?

After hearing this, Jimmy, who was going to leave, stopped.

Although the company can register itself, it will definitely encounter many difficulties along the way. Now that Jiangchen has a ready company.

It is not impossible to cooperate with him.

Just thinking of this, Jimmy turned to sit in Jiang Chen's seat.

"Cooperation is OK, but you can also draw some strength."