Chapter 12 Vigorous Pill

"9527, get out."

"Because you haven't behaved well these days, the above authorities have decided to arrange you to isolate these people and go to the next dormitory for one night tonight."

The killer bear said solemnly, holding the baton in his hand, as if there really was such a thing.

At this time, the atmosphere in the dormitory suddenly exploded, and everyone knew where the dormitory next door was.

"Boss, the dormitory next door is Dami's territory."

"We beat Xizai and robbed their business just now. Killer Xiong must have no good intention of letting you go to the next dormitory."

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was right. He clapped his hands and stood up in front of Jiang Chen.

"Why move the dormitory at will? If you don't go, I think you want to revenge my boss, so you let him go to the next dormitory?"

"Come to me if you have the ability!"

Bareheaded directly roared, and all the younger brothers in the dormitory also surrounded them, forming a human wall to prevent Jiang Chen from passing.

The killer bear is really the killer bear, and is as insidious as ever.

The killer bear's face darkened as he looked at the little brothers who were united into a string.

"Whatever you fucking say, you must obey the orders from above."

The killer bear took a baton in his hand and knocked on the iron gate, then stared at his bald head and said.

Of course, whether this order is true or false depends on the killer bear's mouth.

The killer Xiong thought he could easily take Jiang Chen away, but he didn't

The thought of this bald head suddenly exposed his purpose.

"Die bald, if you dare to obstruct the office again, don't blame me for not giving you face and giving you a month's prison term."

"Don't forget that you will be out of prison in one year. Do you really want to oppose me for his sake?"

The killer Xiong was so angry that he directly said that he would add a bald sentence to his sentence and provoked their relationship by the way.

"Hum, do you think I will be afraid? Not for a month? I'm not afraid at all!"

"You can't take my boss next door anyway."

Dami is in charge of the dormitory next door. Didn't Jiang Chen just die?


The killer bear roared, which showed that he was angry with the bald one.

The attitude of both sides has been deadlocked. At this moment, Jiang Chen made a noise.

"Now that you are bald, don't make trouble with him. Isn't that the past night? What's to be afraid of?"

"Ho ho, I just don't know whether he can afford to let me go."

The killer Xiong has been talking about his sentence. Seeing that his bald head is so loyal to protect himself, he can't really watch him get an extra sentence.

"But the boss..."

Baldheaded tried to comfort him, but Jiang Chen stopped him.

"Keep your bald head away."

"I must go this time tonight if I want to unify the winning streak."

"Since this big cat wants to find me, I will compete with him."

"But the other party is a whole dormitory..."

"If you go, you will definitely be defeated."

The bald head who does not fully understand Jiang Chen's strength is still facing back.

He doesn't understand that even if Jiang Chen is strong, no one can fight against a dormitory alone. In addition, Dami is insidious and cunning, which may lead to black hands.

At that time, Jiang Chen will be abandoned under the siege of so many people, and everything before and after the winning streak will become a joke.

"Skinhead, it seems that you don't understand my strength."

Jiang Chen reached out and patted his bare head on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, even if they are all abolished, I will not be abolished. You have to trust me."

If a big cat can't be solved, how can he become the overlord of Stanley prison?

Even the Stanley Prison can't be taken down, so how to complete the task assigned by the son of a bitch? Not to mention being an undercover agent beside Big D.

"Don't worry. You are waiting for me here. I will come back later."

"Don't talk about it all night. It's estimated that in half an hour they will have to cry for me to come back."

After walking out of the "human wall", Jiang Chen walks to the location of the killer bear.

"Oh, you can play tricks."

Jiang Chen looks down at the killer bear and sneers.

"Hum, you should be stiff lipped now."

"But you will be miserable later. If you dare to provoke the labor and capital, they will not fucking kill you."

Then the killer bear made a gesture, and the prison guard behind him directly backhanded Jiang Chen and took him away.

"Oh, just you?"

Jiang Chen, who was stopped by the irony, also taunted the killer Xiong, who was suddenly angry.

"You can wait until you die. Take him away!"

wait for death? That's impossible. Don't mention that the body already has a lot of combat experience. Don't mention that the system is still on.

Now Jiang Chen just wants to say that I am proud of myself, but Jiang Chen is still playing handsome.

"Ho ho, it's just a bunch of miscellaneous things. I'll see how I can clean them up."

At this time, the system that has been installed with a crash suddenly makes a noise.

[Ding, the system has been successfully upgraded to Level II.]

[Sign in reminder: As a man who wants to conquer Stanley Prison, how can he easily be looked down upon by others? Please check in at the next dormitory, and he will get a random gift package soon.]

Random gift bag?

Jiang Chen asks the system in his mind: "What's in the random gift package?"

System: [I don't know, but only after the host signs in.]

Jiang Chen directly connected to the system in his mind and said, "What's your use?"

Soon Jiang Chen and his wife came to the dormitory next door. They saw that the other party seemed lazy, but they were already ready to go.

Seeing Jiang Chen coming in, they all started to cry like gorillas.

At this time, the killer bear gave Dami a look, and the other side nodded clearly.

"9527, you should settle in here for one night today. Don't make trouble for me."

The killer bear pretended to say such a sentence before leaving.

Then the killer bear locked them and took the key away.

"Bear sir, walk slowly."

Tonight the hapless guard saluted the killer bear, who nodded and then left.

Jiang Chen chose to sign in when he came to Dami's dormitory.

[Ding! Congratulations on the personality of the host. He has given a powerful pill. Note that the powerful pill is only effective within three hours.]

[Powerful Pill can lift a stone of 500 jin if it is used to the extreme.]

[The item has been distributed to the system backpack. The host can choose to take it out at any time.]

Mighty pill? 500 jin?

Ha ha ha, this thing sounds very powerful. With the full level fighting before, it's just a matter of minutes to clean up such small minions?

Jiang Chen immediately said to the system, "Take it now. I can't wait to feel the effect of this powerful pill."

Then Jiang Chen noticed that an inconspicuous black pill was in his hand, and then he swallowed it as if he were making a hash of it.