Chapter 74 She Is Urgent

In the evening

Yezifeng drove back to Yejia's old house and found that the whole old house was bathed in the afterglow of the sunset, surrounded by an orange halo. After getting out of the car, Yezi Feng handed the key to the servant and strode towards the gate of the old house. He happened to see Lin Wan coming out with a suitcase. He was surprised, "What happened?" Where is she going?

"I'm going to go home and stay for a few days." Lin Wan looked straight into his puzzled eyes, not asking but informing him of the result directly.

"So if I didn't come back and meet you, you wouldn't tell me." Since last night, she has been very strange. She wouldn't say anything when she asked her. Now it's better to just leave him. "At least you should let me know why."

"I stayed for a few days and then came back." That was her domestic clown. She didn't want to cause him trouble. "You should remember to miss me." Lin Wan gave him a peck on his lips and walked to the oncoming taxi. The driver helped her put her suitcase in the trunk.

Get in, start the engine and leave.

The whole action was performed in front of Yezi Feng, but he didn't know why Lin Wan suddenly made such a decision! For the first time, he felt that the innocent and cheerful Lin Wan, whom he was familiar with, had disappeared. She would not tell him anything.

Although he clearly felt that a lot had happened around her.

"The third younger sister is filial. I heard that her father was ill and was eager to go back. Maybe I haven't discussed it with you yet. Don't take it to heart. She is in a hurry." Yeziqiao put one hand in his pants pocket and arranged his tie. She walked out of the mansion smartly, looked at Yezifeng in front of her, and said with a smile.

Lin Qingfei is ill, but Lin Wan didn't tell him about his husband! "What did the elder brother say? Of course, I know her father is ill, and she is anxious to go back. But I am really busy with some things, so I can't go with her."

"Really?" Yeziqiao smiled and put both hands into his pants pocket. "I have already told my grandfather about the matter at the shareholders' meeting today. He thinks you suddenly increased your dividend share by 5%."

I made a small report so soon! Ye Zifeng took off his suit and coat and handed it to the servant, and strode toward the living room. I can't help thinking that Lin Qingfei is ill. Shouldn't he be the second one to know?

How could Yezi Bridge know?

"Uncle Qin helped me prepare some gifts. I'm going to visit my father-in-law in the Lin Family in the evening."

"OK, three young." Qin Bo promised to send someone to prepare. Yezi Feng loosened his tie on his neck and went straight upstairs.

Yeziqiao smiled and drank coffee with dim eyes. The first step seemed easy.


The Korean restaurant has a table full of delicious and rich dishes. The large plates and small jars are very exquisite. Lin Wan sits opposite Liu Jiayao and doesn't mean to move his chopsticks. Instead, he looks like he wants to talk and stop. The current Liu Jiayao is really heartbreaking, but Tian Lei and her baby are not.

Even though she had a friendship with him for more than ten years, everything began to disappear on the day she married Yezi Feng, which was not what she had always expected.

Now, what's the meaning of her meeting him except for Tian Lei? Lin Wan finally summoned up the courage to look directly at his bright eyes in front of him. "Jiayao, do you remember Tian Lei?"

Liu Jiayao thought for a moment and nodded, "She is your good friend, of course I remember. What's wrong?"

"On the night of my wedding, she was always with you." Lin Wan tried to be calm and said, trying to remind Liu Jiayao, "Do you remember?"

"I was very drunk that day." It was really a headache for him to remember. After all, when he woke up that day, there was no one around him, only a vague impression in his mind, "That person was her that day?"

"She... is pregnant.

"Er?" Liu Jiayao's expression could almost be described as stunned. "She is pregnant... Tell me, can you say..."

"That child is yours." Lin Wan suddenly looked up at him, his sharp and firm eyes firmly locked him, not giving him any chance to question.