Chapter 174 Dare to Say Anything

Xiaoju looked at Lin Wan nervously. Yezi Feng wanted to follow Lin Wan every step of the way, but Xiao Mingjuan could not refuse to listen to her words. But if Lin Wan insisted, Xiao Mingjuan should give in.

"Aunt, Xiao Ju has never been to that kind of occasion, and I want to take her with me." Lin Wan said that he took Xiao Mingjuan's hand like a coquette. Xiao Mingjuan took her hand away quietly, and said coldly, "Who can enter the Huizhi Lanxin if he wants to." Do you really think that one person has won the praise of being a chicken?

"Gu Xin used to take care of Rose, and you know she took care of Rose very well. I believe she takes care of Rose today

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