Chapter 151 Call Me Shaoqing

The next day

"Zifeng, Zifeng Hello, I'm your alarm clock. It's seven o'clock in the morning, and it's time to get up. Zifeng, Zifeng Hello, I'm your alarm clock. It's past seven o'clock in the morning, and it's time to get up..." Yezifeng listened to the alarm clock that kept shouting in his ear, slowly opened his eyes, and got used to the brightness of the room before sitting up. He didn't see Lin Wan beside him, Only then did I realize that the voice was coming from the mobile phone on the bedside table, and I couldn't help laughing. This girl really knows him.

After getting used to Lin Wan's existence, the morning bell came from her cherry mouth. Without her voice, he would not wake up.


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