Chapter 9 Entering the City

  • Ancient Tomb Cooker
  • Good season of grass wall
  • 2150 words
  • 2021-08-13 20:30:00

Looking at the sun, it is estimated that it is more than four o'clock in the afternoon.

Nuwa's army marched into Heyang City.

There is no picture of ghosts entering the village, but it is more like a tourist group.

There are only more than one hundred people, which is insignificant in Heyang City, where nearly one million people live.

Although everyone was dressed in blue battle robes, the residents in Heyang City were all in a hurry and no one paid any attention to them.

The night shift workers went to work.

Since the capitalist's machine turns, it will never stop.

Liang Changzhu, who walked at the front of the team and led the people of Nuwa, was excited.

The machine can be kept running. But after tonight, the machine will belong to the workers.

As he was too excited, Liang Changzhu accidentally whispered out two sentences, "Tonight, tonight!"

"What are you going to eat tonight?" Walking in Weibu Castle beside Liang Changzhu, he looked at the street view of Heyang City, and instinctively answered.

Liang Changzhu was stunned, and vaguely felt that the boy beside him understood his own feelings. Without thinking, he replied, "Eat tigers tonight."

"Huh? Not to mention it. Although we are talking about international exchanges, it's a bit too much to kill tigers for us. Just make some delicacies."

Liang Changzhu didn't find that their chat was not on the same channel at all:

"The tiger was not killed for you. It was meant to be killed, but when you came, you were more confident.

"We have been waiting for this day for a long time, and the delicacies are not enough to express our feelings. Besides, if we can talk later, we may not need to divide between 'you' and 'us'."

Liang Changzhu's words made Wei Po Castle clap repeatedly, "Captain Liang is really good-natured and hospitable. If you like me, why don't we choose a good day and become sworn brothers?"

Liang Changzhu knew the other side's expression and laughed heartily. "Those who know me, Zhuge... Brother Wei!"


Sitting down in the second hall of the prefecture magistrate's office in Heyang, Weibu Castle was still dreaming about what the tiger meat would taste like.

In the world where he was born, tigers are all protected animals.

It is protected that even if the tiger is killed, a group of people will jump out to condemn the inhumanity of the shooting.

Even eating fresh food in the Yangtze River is illegal after a decade's ban on fishing. I still feel insecure about eating tiger meat tonight.

Tigers have become protected animals from mountain aborigines. On the one hand, their fur is popular.

However, the main reason is to actively compete with people for land, which affects the safety of daily life and production in rural areas.

The tiger fighting teams and heroes of the last century are the best footnotes to the success of the tiger.

Although in the second half of the last century, the urgency of fighting the tiger was better than the defense against the enemy, there was no rumor about the taste of tiger meat left.

What's the taste of tiger meat?

It is said that cat meat is sour, like a crowd called "Jiaoji People" who are often said to eat cats.

Can tiger meat also be sour?

You must use a lot of baking soda when dealing with tiger meat.

The baking soda is in place, and the meat cooked with firewood is tender.

I have a good taste tonight.

In that case, one tiger must eat more.

Braised in brown sauce and fried in oil.

Stir fry and thicken a sauce.

Frying, frying, stewing, stewing, etc.

But I still think it's bad to eat tigers.

If one day he returned to the original world, he would not be arrested, would he?

What a terrible voice! Unlike me, I only love hsiu hsiu~


At the same time, Xia Wenxin, Huang Jingwu and the five generals fell into a heated discussion when the tears of Wei Po Castle flowed from their mouths.

They were all shocked by the appearance of Heyang City.

Behind the magnificent city wall, there were scenes they had never seen before.

Unlike Lu Ling, houses are built with wood. The exterior wall is plastered with a layer of plaster. At most, they can be built to three floors.

More ordinary families are basically just one floor low houses, some even have no yard.

The house here makes them feel fear, which comes from unknown fear.

In the buildings here, no columns or beams can be seen, and the gray plaster on the exterior wall is so strong that it cannot be pulled at all.

If this is the case, it is not enough to frighten them.

To their horror, every building in Heyang City has four or five floors, and each floor has several side by side doors. The corridor in front of the door connects all the doors and shares a staircase.

One by one, such buildings are neatly arranged in every street of Heyang City.

Rows of them are so orderly that the uninhibited Lu Ling sisters feel sick.

What kind of array is this? Is Heyang City between these two mountains carved out of the mountains?

But they did see that ordinary people in ordinary clothes went up and down in and out of these buildings that seemed to be carved on the wall in the rocks.

It can be seen that the door is their home.

This is not the end.

They could clearly see that in the southwest of the city, there were towering cylindrical towers towering into the sky, with cigarettes curling around them.

They think that if you look down on Heyang City from a high place, you may find that Heyang City is a huge incense burner, and those cylindrical towers are incense sticks that never burn out

Wei Po Castle is full of dry food, and has never paid attention to the discussion of these women adults.

When he entered the gate of Heyang City, he was hungry and did not notice the abnormality of Heyang City.

Rather, it is not abnormal at all.

The four or five storey buildings in rows are steel brick concrete tube buildings suitable for office and residence.

And the incense sticks that never burn out in the mouth of female adults are just the chimneys of factories.

Wei Po Castle, who was hungry, had lived in such a place since childhood, and did not detect any sense of hostility.

He had already filled his mind with dry food, and even ignored the fact that he had crossed the ancient style and different world.

"When will the banquet begin?" The stomach growled in the Wei Po Castle, which was sitting in the second hall of the Prefecture Magistrate's Mansion.

The people of Nuwa looked at Weibu Castle as if they were fools.

At this time, a forty year old woman wearing a khaki patchwork round neck official gown strolled into the second hall, followed by Liang Changzhu, who had taken off his armour and put on his official gown.

Liang Changzhu's quilt is embroidered with something similar to a unicorn. It is a little cute, with its teeth flapping and eyes askew.

The female's complement is embroidered with a crane with a scroll in its mouth, just like this woman, who is dignified, peaceful and full of wisdom.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Nuwa, we have been waiting for a long time. Please forgive us for our bad reception.

"I am the Duke Ruyang of the Xuanyuan State, the Prefecture Chief of Heyang, and Xiong Lingli."

When Nuwa's people saw that the person coming was the Heyang Prefecture Chief, they got up and introduced themselves in turn.

Wei Po Castle also followed the crowd to get up and salute Tai Shou Xiong.

Liang Changzhu took the lead in introducing Weibu Castle to Tai Shou Xiong, and attributed all the credit for facilitating the talks to Weibu Castle.

At last, he hinted to the Chief Executive whether he was a master or a comrade.

The Weibo Castle monster was embarrassed, and his stomach growled.

The bellyache is called back, but Weibo Castle is careful.

Among the titles of Heyang Prefecture Chief, there is a "Ruyang Duke".

The title of the Lord of Xuanyuan is the king, so he can be granted the title of Duke

Could it be that