Chapter 33 Enclosure of Gambling Stalls

  • Ancient Tomb Cooker
  • Good season of grass wall
  • 2688 characters
  • 2021-08-24 15:00:00

it's dawn.

For the first time in more than two years since the journey, Weibo Castle has slept so deeply.

Open your eyes and stretch.

This room is elegant and exquisite, with a unique style.

Light pink gauze curtains were hung on the bedstead, and wisps of cigarettes curled through.

The arm hit the soft cheek of the person beside the pillow.


How can I sleep beside my beautiful intellectual sister?

Not a trace yet?


I only remember the night before that I drank and talked with this sister in the delights.

Did you drink too much?

How could such low alcohol liquor get drunk so quickly?

No matter how drunk he is, how can he talk about his bed?

This is awesome!

Isn't he polluting the innocence of such a good elder sister?

Oh, no, this is Nuwa Country. It should be the elder sister who has polluted her innocence.

That's all right.

Since the raw rice is cooked, I should show my attitude to others.

"Sister? What happened last night? If it was my drunken gaffe, please forgive me."

The big sister beside the pillow did not immediately reply to him, as if she had been brewing with her mouth closed for a while.

Then he opened his mouth and sprayed a large amount of water on the face of Weibo Castle.

"Wake up! When are you going to sleep?" The majestic voice that Big Sister never showed last night came from her.

Weibo Castle opens its eyes.

Where is this elegant and exquisite room.

There is no big bed, nor any light pink gauze curtain.

There is a wall of instruments of torture.

There were several bright torches on the wall, emitting the smell of burning oil.

Both hands and feet of Wei Po Castle are locked with iron chains and pulled into a big character.

I can't move my hands and feet at all, and I can barely stand.

The Big Lady sat down in front of a square table full of torture tools and looked at the Weibo Castle thoughtfully.

"Look at your cheap smile. What dream have you just had?"

Weibo Castle made no secret of it, and immediately arrived at it: "Wake up with my sister on a big bed with a pink veil."

The big lady's expression changed into contempt and sulk: "It seems that she is not a native of Nuwa because she is so shameless."

"Say, where are you from? Why do you want to harm me?"

Weibo Castle thought about it for a while, so he said frankly: "I come from another world, not from this world.

"The world I grew up in is technologically advanced. People live and work in peace and contentment. The houses I live in are dozens of stories high, and there are countless delicious food and drinks.

"I really don't know what's wrong with my sister. If I offend you, please forgive me.

"And can you untie me? I'm about to be torn apart by the chain."

The big lady slapped the table and said, "What nonsense! Are you afraid you are not crazy? Tell me honestly!"

Huh? You don't believe the truth.

Also, even if the world that Weibo Castle comes from is described to people here, they may not imagine what it is like.

It's better to continue to use the previous settings, hoping to deter her.

"Don't be angry, sister. Take it easy. I come from Lanling and am the family member of the general of Lanling."

"Ah", the big lady sneered, "I have never heard of a general named Wei in Lanling."

As soon as the Big Lady said this, Weibu Castle knew that the big sister in front of him might have something to do with the gambling stall that he coveted the old farmer's land.

"Sister... that... you are the legendary gambling lady who loves flowers when everyone sees them blooming?"

The big lady smiled: "Has it taken so long to find out my identity? Why do you want to harm me?

"You and I have never been involved before. I also found out that you are not the son of the gambler. Why should you meddle?"

Ah, have you been seen through.

At present, the poor old farmer's family is afraid that something bad will happen again.

One does not do two does not stop.

Since the Big Lady tore her face and imprisoned Weibo Castle here, he certainly had no reason not to fight back.

Take down the Big Lady and tell Xia Wenxin all her guilt. I'm afraid she can't be cured.

"Hehe, sister, I have offended you, and I can't be trapped by this chain." Weibu Castle struggled fiercely, and wanted to break free from the chains that bound him.

The chain wire is not moved.

My strength is not strong enough to break the chain.

It doesn't matter. If you cultivate yourself, you can break the chain with a qi machine.

Qi accumulates in the elixir field, moving mountains to the sea!


Wei Po Castle can't feel the qi in his body at all!

He clearly knew that his vitality was still in his body, but he was completely unable to mobilize it.

Looking down, I saw a strange rune with black paper and silver characters pasted in my elixir.


Xia Wenxin, Liang Changzhu and others have been searching for it for two days, and even the leader of Wa Palace has sent people out to search.

So far, nothing has been achieved.

Although they are all cultivators, all of you here are still human beings.

You have to eat, you have to sleep, and you will be tired.

After two days of sleeplessness, everyone was in a tense mood, and their emotions fluctuated like the rolling water in the middle of a big river.

Two engineers who had previously refuted Weibo Castle proposed Liang Changzhu not to search any more.

It has been missing for two days. Maybe Weibo Castle has gone somewhere else, or something has happened.

I'm afraid that the intensive search will not produce results and will only waste everyone's energy.

Liang Changzhu jumped to his feet. First he shouted abuse at the two men, and then he started to fight.

This Weibo Castle is a bosom friend he can hardly find anywhere in the world. He is a brother who shares hardships with himself. How can he give up when he says he will.

Although Xia Wenxin and others were also very angry, they immediately came forward to take a stand.

Compared with other countries in Pangea, people in Nuwa will be more calm and calm.

But Xia Wenxin is more nervous about Weipu Castle than about herself. After all, Weipu Castle is her sweetheart and a rare man in the world.

If Liang Changzhu's feelings were not taken into account, she might have ordered the expulsion of these two people by now.

Just when everyone was talking and the scene was about to get out of control, a lady with high energy rushed into the hall.

"Your highness, I got the news that the men of the hurdles saw the big lady of the Huashi Niangzi Gambling Stall with a man into the hurdles last night, and left with a drunken man in the middle of the night."

"Can you show Mr. Wei's portrait to that door?" Liang Changzhu asked first.

The female official replied breathlessly, "Menfan said that he had a deep memory of the man, but the portrait was too rough for her to confirm."

Xia Wenxin signals the ladies to go down to rest.

Although it can't be confirmed that it is Weibu Castle, it is better to have uncertain clues than to look around like a headless fly.

"Let's go to the Niangzi Gambling Shop to investigate!"

Everyone should start with a tired body.

When everyone came to the gambling stall, the clerk didn't know what had happened.

Gambling stalls are places where people come from.

The dignitaries don't come here to amuse themselves.

I won't come here early in the morning.

The man whistled a few times.

The thugs in the backyard knew that someone was making trouble.

There is no newspaper media in this place, let alone the common people. Even many officials in the imperial court did not know that their general for the west expedition was actually the princess of Nuwa State.

The thugs only know that the newcomers are either rich or valuable, but they are not afraid.

Their leader, the Big Lady, has a background of the sky.

Xia Wenxin took out a scroll of drawing paper from her sleeve and opened it. She shouted to the casino crowd, "Have you ever seen the person in the picture?"

Several gamblers who came to deliver money early in the morning, seeing the bad situation, sneaked around the crowd and escaped.

There are only the players in the gambling stall and the thugs who just arrived.

The head thug recognized the man in this shabby portrait at a glance. It was the man who had ruined the big lady yesterday.

She was tied back by the big lady in the middle of the night last night and locked in the cell under the back yard of the gambling stall.

At this point, the head thug insisted that he had never seen him.

However, the change of his expression fell into the eyes of everyone.

Although Xia Wenxin is a rude person, she can see at a glance that the leading thug is lying after being honed in the battlefield.

In that case, you are welcome.

"Take them and interrogate them carefully!"

After three strikes and five strikes, a group of thugs were subdued by Xia Wenxin, Liang Changzhu and others.

It is easier to deal with ordinary people who have accomplishments than to sleep comfortably.

At this moment, six masked men suddenly appeared from the back door and the front door, and the weapons in their hands flashed red gold.

To my surprise, there are five thugs with cultivation hidden in this small casino.

If you only have accomplishments, it is not outrageous.

These five people are widely practicing Yang's vitality in Fuxi State!

All of them were caught in the dilemma of being attacked back and forth.

The strongest one on our side is the five elders of the sixth level realm. In addition, the only fighting force is Xia Wenxin, who will be the fourth level.

Although Liang Changzhu's accomplishments are not weak, the engineer system determines that they cannot form direct combat effectiveness.

At this time, it was too late to call for help. Without saying a word, the six men from Fuxi took the lead in attacking.