Chapter 36 Norman's Ultimate Creature Cultivation Plan (for collection!)

"I can't take the money!"

"You must take the money! Listen to me, I know exactly what Peter thinks. He thinks that coming to our company to do research takes advantage of us, but without rules, there is no square. To be honest, Peter is really a genius, and he is not inferior to the doctor at all!" After repeatedly evading, Su He firmly put the check into Ben's hands, and then jumped far away.

Ben looked at the check in his hand in embarrassment. What's the matter with giving him the money?

Seeing that Ben still wanted to say something, Su He hurriedly said: "You see, you are living here now. Although it is not too bad, the security here is not very good. So, it is better to exchange this money for a place to live. In this case, it is also good for Peter!"

Mormon ruled the United States in the dark, and was the real dark emperor.

However, the rule of the Devil Sect was elite.

The powerful Devil Sect strongmen are like humanoid nuclear bombs. They don't need to face everyone, they just need to rule some people.

Gangs are prevalent in the United States.

All the gangsters do their own things, and the one who unites all the gangsters is Mang King Kong and King Kong.

Queens is very big, and there are many gangs.

Although it is not enough to fight in the street, it is the kind of RPG. But sometimes one or two people die.

"This is not good..." Ben said in embarrassment.

Ben never thought about spending Peter's money.

Due to cultural differences, Americans do not have the habit of buying houses for future generations.

In fact, they were the same before, but in recent years. Americans prefer freedom, so many people do not buy houses for their descendants.

Why should I be a house slave when I can live a life of elegance?

A large number of white people at the bottom and other black people believe in this so-called freedom, and there is no way to do otherwise. They have no money!

"What's wrong with that? Are you still greedy for his money? Uncle Ben, these days. Buy a house as early as possible!"

Buying a house is very important everywhere.

After saying that, Suhe took out a house purchase contract and a photo album.

With the efforts of Suhe, Ben accepted the check and signed the contract.

Seeing this, Su He took out his mobile phone and called the moving company. Soon, several cars came and the workers skillfully packed everything in the house.

"Su He, it's good that Peter has you as a friend!"

In a small garden villa, Ben praised.

The villa selected by the Soviet Union Nuclear Power is very close to Osborne Industry, which is mainly to dispel Ben Parker's doubts.

You can't move your house to the suburbs, can you? Does your high-tech company operate in the suburbs?

After solving Peter's crisis, SNP quietly installed a positioning chip for Ben.

It was the most crucial link to tie Peter firmly to his chariot.

Back home, Suhe saw Norman unexpectedly.

"Harry, it's really great! Where did you get the blood? We succeeded! We succeeded!" Seeing Suhe push the door in, Norman hugged Suhe happily.

The longer Su He enters the world, the more people will call him Su He instead of Harry.

Until now, Norman still calls Suhe Harry.

Su He patted Norman on the back and asked doubtfully, "Father, what happened to the blood?"

"That blood is amazing! I saw Richard's shadow on it, right. Richard is a friend of mine and Peter's father." Norman was confused: "You know, you know. I have been studying hard all the time. Now, we have succeeded! From now on, Osborne will get rid of the cage!"

The Osborne people have always been troubled by genetic diseases, once before the emergence of genetics. Osborne's ancestors thought they were cursed!

One ancestor once found the legendary druid, but the other did not cure Osborne.

Osborne was a paladin of the Holy See at that time.

Paladins are good at fighting and have firm beliefs. Killing people is merciless, but unfortunately, the Holy See has no priest who lives and dies.

In Norman's generation, my father died early. His mother also died early. Young Norman started from scratch with tens of millions of legacies. After decades of struggle, he became a big entrepreneur in the United States.

Norman is not afraid of death, but Norman is very clear that his Harry is not a qualified soldier.

If Harry had to face it alone, those guys would have eaten him dry.

"Harry, you don't know what happened in the past. Once upon a time, in order to cure our diseases, I conducted research with Richard Parker and Kurt Connors. Among the three of us, Richard was the best at research, but just when the experiment was about to succeed, Richard... Richard..." paused, Norman still chose a more benign saying: "Richard was captured by a group of agents, and the experimental data disappeared. Now it seems that Richard's original research was successful!"

What's the truth?

This is not the case. Norman paid Richard Parker and Kurt Connors to do research.

But, like most scientists. They don't have the idea of achieving their goals for investors. In their view, investors are just fools with too much money.

When the experiment was about to succeed, Richard took all the materials with him.

In his words, he doesn't want his invention to be used in war.

Norman is about to be angry!

Whether it is used in war or not, I will pay you to do research. Is that how you repay me?

At the beginning, why didn't you study it directly?

But death is the greatest.

Norman didn't want to destroy Harry's relationship with Peter.

"Come on, I'll give you an injection!" Norman took out a serum and poked it directly on Su He.

With the completion of serum injection, Su He only felt itchy.

But unlike the last time when he used the blood vessel fusion magic drug, Su He didn't feel that pain. On the contrary, Su He only felt warm.

so comfortable!

"I used the gene of the scarab. This special beetle in Egypt has the ability to absorb sunlight and strengthen its body. Harry, I want you to become the most perfect creature in the world!" Looking at Harry, who attracts sunlight and gradually darkens his surroundings, Norman mumbled to himself crazily.

A faint green light flashed away in Norman's eyes.

Su He, wrapped in a light cocoon, did not know Norman's plan. Now Su He is looking at the constantly lit ghost swordsman's skills and studying them carefully.

The earthen pot is a big man, a big man.

You know, earthen jars exist in a different world. But this kind of existence, but went to New York sewer to play tricks!

"The sword spirit, ghost crying, Ashura, the blood demon... Of course, the sword spirit is chosen! What if you are weak? Handsome is the most important!"