Chapter 143?? Many troubles

The Tubo State sent envoys to the Tang State to ask for an alliance, one of which was the domestic turmoil.

Of course, the famous general Li Sheng, the famous minister Wei Gao, and the famous general Shi Jingfeng hurt the Tibetan state decades ago.


The Tubo State would never ask the Tang State for an alliance.

However, there are many reasons why the Tang State agreed to the alliance of the Tubo State. After all, the country is in turmoil, and no one knows what the consequences will be if we continue to fight with Tubo.

Speaking of Shi Jingfeng.

This person has to be mentioned here.

Shi Jingfeng, the original spirit warrior, is very short. He was originally a tooth general.

When Li Chun, Emperor Xianzong of the Tang Dynasty, was in power, in the 14th year of Yuanhe, that is, in 819 AD.

The Tibetan people led 150000 troops to besiege Yanzhou (now Yanchi County, Wuzhong City).

Li Wenyue, the then governor of Yanzhou, tried his best to defend the city. Nearly a month later, Tubo still failed to conquer Yanzhou.

But before Tibet besieged Yanzhou.

Shi Jingfeng had already taken 2500 soldiers and horses into the territory of Tubo, and ten days after his departure, no one knew where Shi Jingfeng was going.

Everyone thought that Shi Jingfeng had been killed by Tibetan soldiers.

I didn't expect it.

When the Tubo army besieged Yanzhou, Shi Jingfeng suddenly appeared behind the Tubo army with his 2500 troops, which made the Tubo army confused. Shi Jingfeng killed the Tubo army and fled when the Tubo army panicked.

That war.

The Tubo army was killed and wounded countless times, but also drove the Tubo army to the Luhe River and captured tens of thousands of sheep, horses, camels and cattle.

After that war.

In order to make peace with the Tang State, the Tubo State sent envoys to the Tang State to hope for alliance.

So far.

Only then did the border between the two countries settle down.


Shi Jingfeng played a very important role in the late Tang Dynasty. If it wasn't for the war, the Tubo State might have started wars against the Tang State from time to time to occupy the territory of the Tang State.

Since the founding of the Tang Dynasty.

Tibet has waged countless wars against the Tang State, and the territory has been invaded from the Western Regions to the Lingwu area in the hinterland of the Tang State, with Helan Mountain as the boundary.

Back to the point.

Li Yan'an sits in Jiedu Mansion, with the information Yuan Zhengshou prepared for him in his hand, and is carefully analyzing the information of all parties.

"Zhengshou, in your opinion, when do you think these mice will reappear?" Li Yan could not see why, so he had to ask Yuan Zhengshou for advice.

Yuan Zhengshou shook his head, "Your Highness, after the rat killing operation last night, other mice are unlikely to reappear. Even if they reappear, they will be more careful, and we will have to work harder."

"Yes. It must be a hidden danger if it is not completely eliminated for the first time. And the rats hidden in the southeast and southwest camps are the top priority. It seems that we must pay close attention to the ordnance." Yuan Zhengshou can see the problem, and Li Yan can also see it clearly.

People in the two camps moved.

At this time, Li Yan was eager to speed up the progress.

It is not far from the formation of the Tiger Army. He needs to control the southeast and southwest camps before the formation of the Tiger Army.

In order that these two camps would not stab themselves in the back when the Tiger Army and the Northwest Camp attacked the Nanzhao Kingdom, Li Yan could not let these two camps go on like this.

Yuan Zhengshou looked at Li Yan and said with certainty, "Your highness, Shi Kuan must be able to deal with these two camps. Besides, we have iron thunder, grenades and other powerful things in our hands. People in these two camps can't do anything wrong."

"These are only foreign objects. It needs to be hard to forge iron. Otherwise, when people really want to besiege them, even if they have these things in hand, they will die. In addition, in the war, the long-range weapons are bows and arrows, strong crossbows, and even heavy crossbows. However, our number is poor compared with Nanzhao, and there are few heavy crossbows. If we really want to fight, we need to use the armour of the southeast and southwest camps to reduce the casualties of soldiers. " Li Yan has no confidence.

The research and development of thermal weapons is too slow, so slow that Li Yan doesn't know how to deal with himself.

It's easy to say how to fire a gun, but it's hard to handle a gun.


Even if the fire gun came out, the range could not meet Li Yan's requirements.


Li Yan can only wait for the development of these thermal weapons.

After all.

These things can not be created. Even if we wait for three or five years, it is impossible.

Yuan Zhengshou listened to Li Yan's words and bowed his head.

He knows.

Li Yan wanted something, but he couldn't help, even a little help.

The Taoists and alchemists he invited were capable, but even if they were capable, they could not create the musket Li Yan said in a short time.

Although the fire gun has made a sample, Li Yan is very dissatisfied, because the range of the fire gun or the strength of the iron pipe cannot meet one tenth of Li Yan's requirements.

It's like shooting range.

It's only five feet away. It's such a distance. What's the use of such a gun?

Not to mention the strength of the iron pipe.

After 30 times of spraying, the iron pipe of the gun burst.

If there is no dead person, it is already good.


When Li Yan was preparing for dinner, Zuoyan suddenly arrived.

When Li Yan saw Zuo Yan coming, he asked the servant to bring a pair of dishes and chopsticks. But he did not expect Zuo Yan to ignore any etiquette when he came to the table. It was more like he had not eaten for three days. "Governor Zuo, don't tell me you are here to eat."

"Your highness, I haven't had a good meal since yesterday. The food here is delicious. If I didn't have a good meal last time, I would have lost." Zuo Yan continued to fill his mouth with food.

Li Yan shook his head helplessly. "Your Zuo Fu Yin is a civil servant, and he is also a civil servant who was once a Jinshi. Why do you have the same virtue as the leaders in the army?"

"Your highness, I learned everything from you. Oh yes, your highness, I told you that Huang Xu had a problem, and it was a big problem. After he went to the Yamen today, Huang Xu returned to his mansion. A servant of the Yellow Mansion who was bought by me said that Huang Xu seemed to be packing up his things and running away." Zuoyan ate a mouthful of food again, and then began to talk about business.

Hearing Zuo Yan's words, Li Yan immediately put down his chopsticks. "It seems that the government's affairs need to be consolidated. Governor Zuo, I need you to take control of the city defense army. In addition, I will ask Zhengshou to send some Taoists to help you and let them take charge of the city defense army for you."

"Good. However, they have to listen to their subordinates. Otherwise, if I can't manage them, the city defense army would be better left to your highness." ZuoYan nodded, but he put forward his own opinion.