Chapter 893 A Bowl of Water Should Be Flat

Yinfeng Mountain is the name of the local mountain people. The reason is that the climate here is extremely cold. The more you go into the mountain, the more creepy it is. Therefore, everyone is unwilling to approach it.

There is no record of this mountain in the door of Shangqing School in Shushan - of course, most of the thousands of mountains in Shushan are also not recorded.

However, there is a Xuanyin Cave hidden in the Yinfeng Mountain.

The so-called Xuanyin, which is the combination of water travel and true yin, is also a rare wonderland in the world of truth building.

Because many of the water walking magic arts must be guided by the air of Xuanyin, the high level of Shushan has sealed the whereabouts of this cave tightly, otherwise

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