Chapter 86 Sealing the Wife (I)

The empresses did not dare to take care of Yuanmu, but each did not save his mind.

Some people sent palace people to the imperial hospital three times a day to ask about the situation of the imperial physician Yuanmu, while others always wandered around in front of the imperial court, hoping to get some truth from Qiao Haikou.

Qiao Hai is tight lipped, and won't leak any information if he is ordered by Yuanmu.

But the doctors in the Taiyuan Hospital are different.

This time, Yuan Mu was interviewed by the hospital verdict of the Taiping Hospital. He was known for his honesty in the previous dynasties. But even if the honest officials are honest, who will not be moved when the real gold and silver fall in front of their own house like snow?

Su Rou applied both hard and soft to the court verdict, and the son of the court verdict also happened to work under Su Jian'an, Su Rouze's father's nine door supervisor.

The court judge can be honest, but his son's future is at stake, and he may be confused sometimes.

So under the threat of Su Rouze, he had to quietly tell her about Yuanmu.

When Yuanmu's condition eased and the hospital judge confirmed that the ill breath would not be passed on to people, Su Rou was ready to start acting.

She stayed up for two nights to make herself look terrible.

He also painted his face white with gouache, which made him look more vulnerable.

With such a 'sick look', she broke into Chaoyang Palace despite Qiao Hai's obstruction.

Yuanmu was having dinner when he saw that she was shocked, "Why are you here?"

"Your Majesty, the palace men in front of the emperor stopped my concubine from seeing you, but I was worried about tea and food every day, and I missed you very much. I slept for an hour last night, and woke up three times with nightmares. I can't stand such torture!"

She rushed to the front, but Yuanmu stepped back and waved her hand to stop her. "You haven't covered me with a scarf, and I haven't recovered from my illness. I'll give you my illness carefully, so don't make a fool of yourself."

Su Rou dared to come because she knew Yuanmu was OK. What was she afraid of?

She stuck it on Yuanmu like a piece of dog skin plaster. Tears came and made her cry.

Yuan Mu couldn't help wiping her tears. When he got close, he saw that she looked very bad and asked, "Is she ill? Is her face so ugly?"

"Since the emperor was ill, I couldn't sleep well all night. I went to the Qin'an Palace to pray for the emperor. I hope you can get better soon."

Yuanmu smells the faint sandalwood smell floating on her body, which seems to have infiltrated into her clothes. It can be seen that she really thinks about herself these days and often worships Buddha.

Yuan Mu was moved. He pinched her tender cheek and comforted her, "Don't cry. I'm OK. I'll recover in two days."

Su Rou was overjoyed, smiled and wept, and then buried her head in Yuanmu's arms as if she were a little bird.

However, just when she secretly liked that she was the first to win the face in front of Yuanmu, Yuanmu gently pushed her away.

"Your Majesty?"

Su Rou was puzzled. She followed Yuan Mu's gentle eyes and saw that Song Zhao was standing behind them.

Song Zhao greets her with a smile, and then busies himself with his meticulous efforts.

She is grinding the powder for Yuanmu and mixing it with honey. She is skilled in putting on gloves, carrying the mixed ointment to Yuanmu, and jokingly said: "The emperor said yesterday that the medicine smelled bad, which made the children's spleen refuse to take medicine. Today, my concubine asked the imperial doctor and added a honey to the powder. Does the emperor think it tastes better?"

Yuan Mu praised Song Zhao for her ingenuity after hearing about it. Su Rou asked with a smile on her face and a smile on her face: "Sir Song? How could you be here?"

"Noble Song has been taking care of me in the Chaoyang Palace these days, and I owe it to her that I can recover quickly." Yuan Mu took Song Zhao's hand and looked at her with a smile, "The high ranking imperial concubine has spared the six palaces for greeting these two days, and Fengyi Palace is far away from Zhuixia Palace. You don't know that she is not strange here."

"Oh, really..." Su Rouze's twisted smile was more ugly than crying. "Master Song really wanted to..."