Chapter 33 Michigan

After a day of trimming in Weixian County, Zhang Xun was left to pacify the refugees, and Yan Gang led the three armies out of camp and headed for Mizhou, the hometown of the Yellow Three Rebels.

A month ago, Yan Gang led an army at the foot of the city of Mizhou. If it had not been for the exorcism, Huang San would have been defeated. Later, when Yan Gang's army was defeated and withdrew, the three armies of the Yellow Army fought back. Although they occupied the surrounding cities, they did not have strong control over them because the time was too short.

Therefore, as soon as Yan Gang's army arrived, Li Yu was able to deal with the evil law demon and recover the county and town.

Strange to say, Yan Gang led the army all the way, but Huang San didn't send a large army to stop him, and he arrived at Mizhou City more than ten days later.

Yan Gang ordered that the three armies should be in the underground stronghold a mile away from the city of Mizhou. The middle army should be in the west of the city, the front army should be in the south of the city, and the rear army should be in the north of the city. Li Yusu Zhaoju is in the Chinese army camp. In addition, many soldiers were sent to cut trees in the nearby forests to make siege ladders and catapults.

When setting up camp, Li Yu and Su Zhaolai observed the city of Mizhou outside the military camp. Mizhou is an important town on Jingdong Road. It has been occupied by Huang San for two years. It is a rebel stronghold. The city wall is ten feet high, and the wall is wrapped with green bricks. It is very solid. Now the city gate is closed and isolated from the outside.

The city is full of swords and guns, and flags are hunting. The soldiers at the city head are much more elite than the defenders they met on the way. Most of them are armed with armour and have a strong appearance.

In Li Yu's original memory, she had followed her master to the city of Mizhou many times. Now we are back at the old place, and the memory comes to Li Yu's mind, which reminds her of her kind and kind teacher who has been getting along for a short time.

On the same day, they camped in the stronghold, and after cooking, the soldiers went back to their tents to rest. There were no twists and turns in the night. Until the next day, the rebels in the city did not send a single soldier.

After getting up early and using some dry food, Yan Gang ordered the three armies to surround the city.

As if it had been agreed, this side had just formed an array, and the city opened from the west gate. Several battalions of people came out of the city. The shield hands were in front, and the elite archers shot at the array feet, and the city was formed in an orderly manner.

Looking at the opposite formation, Yan Gang said to Li Yu beside him, "The one with the yellow cloak was the thief's head, Huang San." Li Yu smelled the words and saw that there was a thin, black young man wearing delicate armor and a yellow cloak on his back in front of the enemy's formation.

Before looking carefully, Yan Gang said, "The same was true a month ago. After I set up camp and formed an array, he sent people to form an array. When the array offered a magic law and disordered our formation, he led the army to rush over, which cost a lot of military supplies."

Li Yu asked, "Yan Xiang, is the cinnabar I took out ready?" Yan Gang said, "Gu has packed the cinnabar in different parts as instructed and is ready to be at the gun carriage. Just wait for the signal from the real person, and I will give an order to launch it."

Li Yu nodded. A few people were silent, watching the enemy.

In the three armies of Huang, there was no magic cult. The formation was divided from left to right, leaving a way in the middle, and more than ten people were carrying one to drive out. Nian Shangduan was sitting alone in a black robe, but his skin was unusually white; Her face is beautiful, but her golden crown is tied in a bun... I can't see men and women. In front of him, there was a front runner scattering flowers to open the way, and behind him, there were attendants holding the umbrella ritual.

Before the big banishment, Huang San got off his horse and saluted the person who was chasing him. The rebels bowed their heads and shouted in unison: "Hunyuan Laozu, reunite the real body; reopen peace, and benefit all living beings."

After the call sign of "three links" was completed, the enemy's military formation was silent. I heard that there are two immortal friars coming. I don't know who they are. Please come out and have a look

When Su Zhao heard the words, he knew that this was a demon, so he jumped out and threw a ball of fire. But Yin Kui pointed at it, and a black light shield appeared in front of him, blocking the fireball.

It seems that he is a devil friar, not a mortal. Li Yu leaped out and said to Su Zhao, "Younger martial brother, don't worry. This Yin Kui seems to be a monk of the Demon Sect, and he should be careful."

Li Yu said to the Yin Kui, "I'm a Kunlun friar. Why do you, the Demon Sect, touch the world, provoke swordsmen, and kill creatures?"

Yin Kui said, "The people are oppressed. They should vent their anger. The world is troubled and angry. We are just helping each other."

Su Zhao said: "The Demon Sect is always cruel and ruthless. How can they care about the life and death of mortals?"

The Yin Kui said: "We are friars in freedom, but we are willing to do what we want. We don't want to follow your hypocrisy and restrain our desires. How can we be evil? Seeing that the people are suffering, we want to help them. Besides, don't you also get involved?"

Li Yuzheng replied, "It's not because of you that we are going down the mountain..." Before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly tightened, and a sense of extreme danger came to his mind. A black glazed arrow more than ten feet long flew from the city head. Li Yu hurriedly dodged to his side, only to see that the black arrow would turn and deflect, still shooting at Li Yu.

I was worried. The black arrow was a magic weapon. I could not stop it with my Holy Shield.

When I was running away, the message came into my mind:

"At a fatal moment, it takes 1000 belief values to respond to prompts"

How expensive it is to save your life! But life and death are at stake. No matter how expensive you are, you should be reminded. Fortunately, he has recently gained tens of thousands of belief values.

Spend 1000 belief points and get a prompt:

'Use of alchemy - taking things from space'

The situation was urgent, so I didn't have to think about it, so I picked up the black arrow from across the sky. Then, in Li Yu's hand, a dark arrow with long palms and thick chopsticks appeared out of nowhere. Worried about being toxic, they quickly put it into the Xumi bag.

A irascible man on the tower shouted, "How dare you take my magic weapon and kill me!" After calling, he saw a man in a dark cloak jump down from the city head, carrying a dark chain with iron claws, and approaching Li Yuchong. Su Zhao hurried to meet him with bare hands.

Li Yu was about to go to help, but she saw the Yin Kui flying towards her. She had only time to shout to Su Zhao, "Be careful, Younger Martial Brother." She dealt with the Yin Kui.

With a flick of the Yin Kui's finger, a green and faint Yin fire flew over. Li Yu transported the Holy Power to the leg meridians and hurriedly got out of the way. But the hell fire flew straight back into the army. The hell fire burst out, which seemed to be very powerful, and more than ten sergeants turned to ashes in an instant. The rest of the sergeants in the array ran away in fright. The commander cut several retreating and escaping sergeants before regaining their footing.

Although the military formation was not disordered, all the soldiers of the court looked afraid. Li Yu was worried that Yin Kui would attack again, and the sergeant would not fight, so he hit back two fireballs. One flew towards the Yin Kui, and the other flew towards the rebel army. Yin Kui then released a light shield to block the fireball flying towards her. Another fireball flew into the enemy's line and made more than ten people disappear.

Seeing Li Yu's magic power, Qi Qi, a military officer of the imperial court behind him, shouted, "Kill! Kill!" His morale returned.

There are two of them. One of them kills dozens of people. Li Yu is uncomfortable. The dragon and tiger exorcism voice said to Yan Gang, "Yan Xiang, if you use magic on the other side, use the prepared things." Then he turned and led Yin Kui to the outside of the military array,

Leaping out more than ten miles, Li Yu stopped and saw Yin Kui coming.

Yin Kui smiled and said: "As the master said, your Immortal Sect friars are slow in progress, and their magic power cannot match that of our friars at ease. After receiving my elder martial brother's killing immortal arrows, they set off two fireballs, and then they ran away without magic power. But they can actually receive my elder martial brother's killing immortal arrows. You must have a more sophisticated treasure collecting magic tool, which will consume your Holy power. Take it out quickly, and I will let you die happily."

Li Yu looked inside and saw that there was still enough psychic cyclone in her elixir field. The bottom of the cyclone was colorful and the top was green. She thought: She didn't know that my psychic power was still sufficient. She looked down upon me. Why not take the chance to kill her by selling a flaw.