Chapter 68 Desire

This new spirit is naturally the harvest of the exploration of the virtual world last night.

Facts have proved that it is worth waiting for Yashu and Jianji.

On the eve of the disappearance of the vortex, Arthur finally saw that the map tip changed from "Wait a minute" to "Rush", so he quickly grabbed Jianji and jumped into the vortex.

After crossing thousands of miles of sea, a seriously wounded fish chopping dragon appeared in front of the two men.

To deal with this kind of knowledge creature, Yashuo and Jianji naturally didn't talk about Jianghu morality. They took advantage of his illness to kill him, and burst out five spirits. Unfortunately, they didn't have experience jewels, but these five spirits had their own magical uses, which could be called a great harvest.

The reason why Asia Xiu tried his best to establish a 'trade' relationship with Igula was that the newly acquired 'Libra' spirit gave him sufficient confidence.


"Yi Yi Shu Ling"

"Limitation: The technician must master basic mathematical knowledge such as trigonometric function, number sequence and probability theory."

"Basic effect: feedback any effect to the performer in a certain proportion."

"Passive effect: greatly enhance the balance and the ability to adjust the center of gravity of the surgeon."

"Balance exists among all things."

Originally, Asia Xiu intended to use the Libra spirit as a counter armor, but he didn't think much about it. But when he left the virtual world and returned to reality, he suddenly found that he could easily resonate with the Libra spirit.

Maybe it is because he is proficient in all the basic mathematical knowledge required by Libra's spirit. After all, those are math exam sites. Although he can no longer do questions after four years of degradation in college, he can still understand the basic concepts.

It is the first time that Asia Xiu has seen the spirits who have requirements for knowledge. According to Jianji, it seems that only the spirits who are close to 'fate', 'prophecy' and 'truth' will have requirements for knowledge. These spirits can rarely be used for actual combat or production, but they often play an unexpected role. The social status of the prophets is also high.

Being able to resonate with the Libra spirit at any time means that Asio can also make use of the Libra spirit to make profits in the "civilized society" of Broken Lake Prison, in addition to the virtual world.

However, Libra's spirit belongs to the kind of "enemy can't move, I can't move" Notre Dame police. It will only go to the police when other people use the spirit to cast spells. In the prison where everyone can't use the spirit, in fact, Libra spirit has few objects to target.

In addition to this' good friend 'that Asia Xiu just met.

"Not bad, Yashuo." Igula said as quietly as possible: "Since you have my wish and I have your wish, then we have reached a balance of wishes at this time. I will live my life in the future, and you will live your life. How about we live together peacefully without aggression and build a harmonious prison together?"

"Not so good." Arthur smiled slightly, "I'm going to use my wishes now."

"You have a clear idea!" Igula said in a gloomy tone: "After you use your wishes, there will be no means to threaten me! At that time, I can let you do anything I want you to do, let alone make you shit on your head and roll on the spot, even if you take the initiative to lose the fight!"

"Of course I think clearly." Yashu stepped forward and approached Igula.

Igula had a bad feeling in her heart. She backed away and said, "Yashuo, really, there's no need to go this far. Or you can talk with me instead of wishing. I'm your good friend. If I can help you, I will help..."

"I don't want 'if', I need you to 'wholeheartedly' meet my wishes."

"I'm just an ordinary swindler with limited ability. You look up to me too much, Yashuo. How about this? I'll try to establish a contract with another condemned person. If you have any requirements, I'll let him meet you, ok? Anything can be done, and there is no limit to the number of times!"

"No, no one else is good, only you."

Igula's back was already against the wall, and there was no retreat. Yashuo put one hand on the wall, looked at him and said, "Igula, my wish is --"

"I won't listen!"

Igula directly covered his ears with his hands to escape, but he could not use the magic spirit. The physical qualities of both sides were similar. Yashu ran to grab his arm and shouted:

"Igula, I want you to help me escape from prison!"

The guard who patrolled by glanced at them, shook his head and whistled away.

Prison guards don't know that they have heard such speeches as "I want to be the man of the king of prison break" for hundreds of times, so they won't keep them in mind.

He even felt a little sympathy for these prisoners of death. After all, he was daydreaming just after breakfast, which seemed pitiful.

But the parties do not think that this is nonsense.

Igula gasped and looked at Yashuo. Her expression was ugly, like a blow. Her back was full of cold sweat unconsciously.

He knew it! He knew it!

What else can a man who has just survived the bloody month trial wish for? Apart from the case where the hard knife enters the soft knife, isn't it just a prison break?

When Yashu held his wish in his hand, Igula knew that he was finished this time. As expected, only those who are good at swimming will drown, and those who are lustful for flowers will die in bed. He is a fraud who has reaped many IQ taxes, but he was also trapped one day.

As for using his own desire to resist the desire of Yashu, it is impossible - because it violates the limit of "helping Yashu", and Igula can't do it!

The wish made by Asia Xiu makes it impossible for Igula to do anything to 'prevent Asia Xiu from escaping from prison'!

He sighed, "Come with me."

Igula took Yashuo to his room. Broken Lake Prison did not prohibit prisoners from visiting. Even prisoners wanted to sleep and chat together. Anyway, they could do nothing but sleep. Chip restrictions included 'intimate contact'.

Only the couple's room can temporarily release the 'intimate contact' restriction, only the Death Fighter Club can temporarily release the 'combat' restriction, and even only the toilet can release the 'excretion' restriction - yes, the death penalty criminals have no freedom to shit in public.

In other words, the death penalty has the same freedom as the normal person, but you must submit a report application to the prison before doing something. You can only do it if the prison allows you to do it.

The difference between the death penalty criminals and the free people may be the difference between 'no action without permission' and 'no action without prohibition'.

"Your room is quite large."

Yaxiu sat down on the velvet bed and fell back into the bed. Igula, who had just moved out of the chair, watched the scene and couldn't help twitching her mouth.

Yaxiu looked at him, waved his hand and said, "Don't be so constrained. Just sit down. I don't care about etiquette. Don't pour me water."

It's a pity that I just wanted to ladle some water from the toilet to quench your thirst. If I hadn't just finished urinating, I would even like to add some ingredients to you... Igula, who was holding a bad breath in her heart, sat on the chair, with her fingers crossed, staring at Yashu.

"Do you really want to escape from prison?"

"As you said, who lives here doesn't want to escape from prison?"

"A lot." Igula said quietly: "For example, 'Diamond' Tiger doesn't want to escape from prison. He offends too many people outside, and it's more dangerous to go out. In addition, the weak and bitter sect magicians have no other way of production except to be a thug bodyguard. As long as he is not elected to the blood month trial, Tiger's life here is more comfortable than outside."

"There are still many people like Tiger, or those who have lived here for several years have basically found a new way of life and have no idea about the outside world. To them, the outside world is just a bigger prison“

Igula looked at Yashuo, secretly launched the "resonance" spirit, and said in a seductive tone: "Since you have survived the first blood moon trial, if there is no accident, you will participate in the blood moon trial in the same order as us in the future. As long as you have made enough contributions, you will not be selected."

"Your strength is good, and you have a great chance of winning in a dead fight. In other words, you also have the ability to live comfortably here." He opened his hand. "If you want, you can also live in such a large room, let the restaurant do whatever you want to eat, read books if you want, watch movies if you want, drink, dance or even eat moon candy. If you have any requirements, you can ask the prison for advice. The new skating rink was built because some prisoners like skating. "

"In the eyes of outsiders, we may be the ideal village - no crime, no vulgarity, no competition, even no work. Every day is a peaceful life with regular work and rest and full of energy."

"Life here is no worse than that outside."

Seeing that Yashuo seemed to have some intention, Igula was secretly excited and couldn't help praising her wit.

Yashu's wish is not without loopholes. The premise of 'helping Yashu escape from prison' is that Yashu wants to escape from prison, so as long as he is persuaded to give up this idea, Igula naturally does not have to realize this wish.

But this is also the truth of Igula.

Escaping from prison is a dead end without an end. Escaping is not a momentary victory, but a lifelong torture. Not to mention whether they can escape from prison, even if they can escape from prison, what awaits them is a more cruel challenge - like a street mouse, they are afraid to breathe the free and fragrant turbid air in the sewer in anonymity.

To them, it is easy to get happiness by living in a muddle.

A condemned man who survived the bloody trial knows how to choose.

"You are right."

Yashuo sat up and nodded in Igula's expectant eyes: "Indeed, prison break is a thorny road full of danger and unknown. Although living here also has risks, it is generally much more comfortable. If I stay here for a long time, I will probably become like you. I know how to enjoy prison life."

Igula was overjoyed. "Well, if only you understood, then --"

"That's why I have to break out of prison, and fast, the faster the better!"

Yaxiu looked at Igula and shook his head gently. "I don't want to become like you, polished edges and corners, dampened courage, and broken backbone."

"I don't want to live like a... dog!"

Igula's expression froze.

After a moment of silence, Igula slowly stood up.


He kicked the chair down, turned and punched the wall, but just one second before the hit, his body suddenly froze and the chip blocked the kinetic energy output.

"Interesting, isn't calling yourself a dog a dirty word? This should be a loophole in the chip, right? Hahaha......"

"Good! Prison break, break, break!"

Igula shook his hand in disgust and said coldly: "But the premise of escaping from prison is that we must first find a way to kill... get rid of the back neck chip! As long as the back neck chip is still there, let alone escaping from prison, you have to look at the prison wherever you want to shit! Hehe, I can't do this. Do you have any way, my dear leader of the evil cult, Arthur Heath?"

"I can handle chips."

"I knew you didn't... What“