Chapter 5 Trial

"You have ten seconds to rest."

Sonia took a long breath and raced against the clock to recall all the details of the battle just now. Although she thinks that she has not lost her memory because of constant death, if she really forgets something, she cannot realize this, and can only avoid the worst situation as far as possible.

She could not count the specific number of deaths, and she did not deliberately count them. Now she has no superfluous things in her mind. In reality, her mother, classmates, exams, and field vision were all swept to the most remote corner by her. She put all her mind on the enemy named 'the end viewer' in front of her, and tried her best to break down every detail of his movements, Use your body to remember his every cruelty!

She found that the end viewer did not master any extraordinary ability, even the physical advantage was not superior to her.

Compared with her, the viewer is just an enemy who can use a sword - at best, an enemy who can use a sword very well.

Sonia has seen swordsmen who have cultivated swordsmanship to the highest level. Even if they wield swords routinely, they can bring pressure to the onlookers like a needle in the back; Just holding the sword hilt can make the weak give in to fear.

Compared with those really high mountains, the viewer is just a plain stepping stone.

Yes, just stepping stones.

Although she experienced another death, Sonia successfully counterattacked the viewer with her desperate strike just now.

But it seems that the thrown sword will return to his hands again. The viewer who has just been hit by a sword in his chest has recovered as before, and seems to be cured in an instant.

If there was a recovery time, Sonia would surely kill him by exchanging death for injury. Unfortunately, this duel was fair and did not leave such a loophole for her.

Sonia felt a little ironic about the fair fight.

But she also admitted that all this was fair.

All sorts of unreasonable restrictions made her realize that she had only one choice: to defeat the end viewer with absolute strength in the duel.

Ten seconds have passed. At this moment, time seems to be a tangible entity. As soon as the time came, Sonia suddenly tightened up and rushed towards the audience with her sword!

In the first second of the battle, the viewer will certainly maintain the stance of holding the sword, and then rush forward to pull out the sword to swing and chop. The farther Sonia is away from the viewer, the more fierce the attack will be, and she will even be cut off by the viewer!

This move is very similar to the rumoured Juhe Sword Pulling Chop, and the way to deal with this move is also very simple. You must not hide. You must take the initiative to break his circle!


Sonia's arm was almost numbed by shock, but she finally stopped the swing of the viewer and successfully dragged him into the most easily fought close fight!

After dying so many times, Sonia didn't care about the extra holes on her body. As long as you can kill the audience before you die, it is her victory!

Dang! Dang! Dang!

Sonia secretly counted the times of several airtight confrontations. When she counted to five, she just cut the air.

The onlooker evaded in the opposite direction very strangely and abruptly, and then stepped forward with a sword cut at Sonia's head!

No omen, very dangerous!

Sonia thought it was an extraordinary ability. After several times of experience with death, she found that it was a kind of fighting pace.

But even if she saw through the details, Sonia had no way - she could not see which direction the viewer would avoid!

Because the viewer often evades suddenly after seeing Sonia's attack, and then cuts back immediately, Sonia names this move "see cut".

It is easy to block when staying together, but hard to prevent when seeing.

So Sonia didn't defend at all. She raised her hand and stuck the sword blade of the viewer with her arm bone. She took advantage of the situation and tried to bow the viewer's head with one sword!

The biggest weakness of Jianche is that she is not strong enough to cut off her arm!

However, at the moment when the viewer cut his arm, his legs suddenly slid on the sand, evaded in another direction again, and narrowly avoided Sonia's sword blade, and then stepped forward to cut Sonia's neck!

See you in the second company!

"You have ten seconds to rest."

Sonia patted her face, clenched the hilt of her sword and looked at the audience. "Come on!"

The viewer can't help but enter the sword bearing posture and launch Juhe to pull out the sword——

There was no sound of the metal hitting each other, and the viewer still kept the posture of the whirling chop, but he did not cut anything.

At the moment when the viewer is about to cut Sonia, Sonia suddenly slides on the sand with her feet and evades in another direction with an extremely strange posture!

At this time, the viewer is still in the middle of the slalom, but Sonia can attack him!

However, Sonia took the sword into the scabbard!

"After so many deaths, even if I was a pig, I should learn your moves!"

With Sonia's charming drinking, she stepped forward, whirled forward, drew her sword and waved!

See Qie · Juhe · Pull out the sword!

Use Juhe as the next move of Jianqie to make up for its low attack power!

In fact, Sonia had already learned Juhe to pull out the sword, but she had been patient until she was confident that she could grasp the cut, and then burst out together to kill the audience!

With the violent rotating potential energy, Sonia hardly felt any resistance. Her sword blade cut into butter like a hot knife, and smoothly cut open the viewer's chest!

It's not that she doesn't want to cut the neck of the viewer, but that she is not tall enough. Every time she raises her arm in the roundabout, it is a great burden for her, so she can only retreat to cut the viewer's chest.

So smooth? Sonia was incredulous. She quickly adjusted her balance from the lingering charm of the slalom, and looked at the audience warily: "I beat you, didn't I?"

"Yes," said the spectator, "Congratulations."

"You successfully defeated me with only one sword."

A sword... When Sonia was slightly stunned, the viewer kicked into the sand with his toe, and then gently hooked a long sword from the sand.

"The first half ended and the second half began." The spectator put his two swords in a cross stance: "Yes, there is no ten second rest time next."



"Sonia, there is an early class today. Won't you go?"

Sonia sat up with her head covered and found Ingrid alone in the bedroom. Ingrid is now neatly dressed and ready to go out.

"What time is it now?"

"At seven thirty," said Ingrid, "there is a public course this morning. I remember you usually get up an hour earlier in the morning of public courses to protect your skin and make up... They have gone out... You don't look very good."

"Really?" Sonia unconsciously touched her neck, then came back to her senses and shook her head: "Maybe she had a nightmare..."

"Nightmare? It will be forgotten soon." Ingrid said flatly: "Remember to come to class, don't be absent, or you will deduct the dormitory score."

After saying that, Ingrid closed the door and left, leaving Sonia alone in the dormitory.

In the morning of other nights, Sonia would certainly be busy getting out of bed to wash, wash and make up. But today, Sonia was not in the mood. She sat on the bed in a daze.

It is strange that it is a dream, but it is so real; What's more strange is that she didn't have any sign of forgetting. She clearly remembered everything from her first death to her ninety-nine death.

Even every pain is still fresh in my memory.

When the end viewers entered the dual holding mode, their battle intensity instantly increased several times - Sonia hardly had any chance to breathe. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw the audience pounce, her arms were almost numb with fatigue, and finally she almost relied on her physical instinct to meet the ravages of the wild storm and rain.

See Qie, Juhe, see Qie Juhe, Juhe meet Qie, three consecutive see Qie, three consecutive Juhe... Sonia uses these two moves to deal with the audience, and almost exhausted all derivative changes.

When she defeats the viewer, she has almost no special feeling. In any case, she keeps seeing and living together, avoids all the attacks of the viewer, attacks all the flaws of the viewer, and then the viewer falls down.

But after defeating the audience, Sonia did not have any joy.

Because the viewer said a word.

"This trial is over, but your life has just begun."

Although she could not see his face and hear his tone, Sonia was absolutely sure that this was not a blessing.

"The ultimate viewer..." Sonia chewed the name carefully, as if she were crushing it with her teeth and then swallowing it for digestion.

At the same time, in the luxury suite on the ground floor of Caemont Broken Lake Prison.

Ashu sat up with a yawn. Somehow, he felt very tired during his sleep, as if he had been beaten.

Open the light curtain, open the "Aurora's Magician Manual", and Asia Xiu saw a new message:

"After the trial, the bond between the crazy sword and you has deepened."

Asia Xiu scratched his head: "... arranging trials can increase the fetters? Is there such a good thing?"