Chapter 16 Solitude

The days passed by day by day.

In a twinkling of an eye, it will be one month later.

This month, the city of angels became turbulent.

No less, the old minister of King Hua Xuan died unexpectedly, and the murderer acted decisively There is no living mouth left.

Hua Ye, the new king, was so angry that he ordered all the soldiers in the city to patrol day and night. He was bound to catch the murderer.

However, half a month later, the killer still hasn't been caught, which makes people have to wonder if this is the work of the new Wang Huaye

Yes, of course.

Bai Ze doesn't care about this very much. He has slept in Zhou Ze's office every day for a month. He knows these things and cares about me.

Zhou Ze, like him, entrusted the development of the tenth team to Charles, Lao Fa and others. Now the tenth team, after a month of recruitment, can barely make up three teams.

Due to Zhou Ze's policy, a special team composed of female angels was not large in number. Kaisha was in charge of the team leader. It is worth mentioning that Kaisha's ability was very strong. After joining the tenth team, she soon convinced a group of soldiers. Zhou Ze simply asked her to lead a team.

This is unheard of in the Third Corps, and many people have criticized it. However, neither the head of the corps nor the chief of the corps has spoken, and they can only talk about it.



After work, Bai Ze returned home and opened the door.


I glanced around the room, but there was no familiar figure.

"I'm back."


Just as he was wondering, he saw a letter on the desk.

Opening it, he understood roughly.

The letter was left by Hexi. It means that she went home and the jade pendant was given to him as his accommodation fee for this month.

"??? I want money. I was trapped in the sleeping trough."


be gone...

Bai Ze put down the letter without a trace of expression on his face.

In this month's relationship with Hexi, he gradually understood what behavior is considered to be straight male cancer.

It's OK to leave. I can be quiet now.

Seeing that he threw the letter into the trash can, he simply cleaned up the house.

Their relationship, except for that accident, was only between the tenant and the landlord.


The night is deep.

Bai Ze closed his eyes, and the picture flashed in his mind, making him unable to sleep.


Why? I can't sleep again?

He sat up and looked out the window at the moon in the night sky, frowning slightly.




A room in a castle in the center of the city of angels.

A girl with silver hair was sitting at one side of the window. Her blue eyes were looking at the moon, and she gradually lost herself. She was wearing a long skirt made of silver yarn, and her temperament was very cold.

She is the daughter of the collateral nobility of the royal family. Her name is Hexi.

After hearing the news that her father was seriously ill these days, she hesitated and left Bai Ze's side Back to this cold home.

But What she didn't think of was The news that her father was seriously ill was nothing but false news leading her home.


She sighed, learning the voice of the person in her mind.

Come back this time It's hard to sneak out.

Outside the door, her father sent a team of soldiers to guard. Outside the window, several teams patrol day and night.

"What should I do?" Hexi murmured.


As she looked in the far direction, it was the palace of the angel king.