Chapter 18 Moonlight Fragrance Pavilion

Chang'e fairy ate cakes and chatted with the two people. The time soon passed. Chang'e fairy estimated that the time was almost up and took the two people out of the yard to the top of the whole Guanghan Palace.

Tan Fan looked around, but found that there was nothing around and the whole area was empty.

The Fairy Chang'e urged her magic power to wave her sleeves in the air, and saw a river composed of stars appeared in the originally empty sky. It was very strange that there was water flowing in it.

Tan Fan looked at it as if he knew what it was, but he was not sure. He asked Chang'e Fairy, "Is Chang'e Sister Tianhe?"

"Yes, this is the Tianhe River, a river composed of stars, and also the most fundamental river in the heaven. The whole river runs through all the important places in the heaven, and what you see is a tributary connecting the Moon Palace." After hearing Tan Fan's words, Chang'e Fairy explained to the two people.

"What are you bringing us here for, Sister Chang'e?" Zixun asked the Fairy Chang'e curiously.

The Fairy Chang'e first took out two small stones from the river, which looked like pebbles in an ordinary river.

Chang'e Fairy put two stones into her hands and injected magic into them. With the injection of Chang'e Fairy's magic, the stones began to emit silver light. The Fairy Chang'e gave the two stones to the two men respectively.

Then he replied to Zixun who asked him, "These two stones are called Xingling Stone in the Milky Way, and I injected my magic power into them. If you want to come to the Moon Palace to find my sister in the future, just use your magic power to inject it into the Xingling Stone, and I will feel that you will be guided by the moonlight, and then you will be able to come to the Moon Palace with the guidance of the moonlight."

Tan Fan looked at the Star Spirit Stone that Chang'e Fairy had brought to him and felt the strange energy in it, which was different from spiritual power.

Tan Fan then asked the system in his mind: "Can you feel the difference between the energy in this star spirit stone and the spiritual power in my body? Is this the magic power that will be possessed after becoming an immortal?"

System: "It takes five years to analyze the characteristics of the energy type. Does the host analyze it?"

"Will it hurt the Xingling Stone?" Tan Fan did not choose to analyze the system immediately after hearing what the system said, but asked the system if it would hurt the Xingling Stone.

System: "Don't worry about the host, it will not cause damage, because the current state of the host and system can not destroy the magic structure inside the Xingling Stone."

Tan Fan listened with relief and said to the system in his heart, "That's good. Let's start to analyze."

Chang'e Fairy looked at the two people who kept watching with the Star Spirit Stone without urging anything.

After a while, Tan Fan thought that Chang'e Fairy was right beside him, and said to Zixun, "Younger Martial Sister, give me the Star Spirit Stone first, and I will put them in the ruins. Don't lose them when we go back. I will give them to you when we get back to the Seven Kills."

Zixun didn't say anything when she heard what Tan Fan said, so she handed over the Xingling Stone to Tan Fan, and Tan Fan put Zixun and her Xingling Stone into his ruins.

Seeing that Tan Fan had already opened the ruins, the Fairy Chang'e said to Tan Fan, "I thought you had just broken through the Jiedan State and had no time to open the ruins. Now that you have opened the ruins, I will take some sweet scented osmanthus cakes, sweet scented osmanthus wine and sweet scented osmanthus tea made by me back. The cakes and tea are for you two, and the sweet scented osmanthus wine is for your master."

"Your cultivation is too low at present, and you may not be able to enjoy the osmanthus wine. When you break through the Sanxian in the future, I will prepare a new osmanthus wine for you to taste."

"Hey hey, thank you, Sister Chang'e, and don't forget to bring us food back." When Tan Fan heard that the Fairy Chang'e didn't forget to bring food back to her two, she knew that Sister Chang'e really regarded her two as brothers and sisters.

This is the first time for the two of us to meet Chang'e Fairy. She is so kind to them. This makes Tan Fan, who has experienced the strange relationship in a previous life, feel a little sad.

Tan Fan doesn't know which is the normal way to treat strangers.

Tan Fan made a request to himself in the bottom of his heart. He was determined to help Sister Chang'e find Hou Yi so that they could get together again.

Maybe Tan Fan is not a compassionate person, but when a stranger inadvertently makes a move that makes you feel warm.

If there is no harm or loss to yourself, why not help this stranger who brings you a little warmth.

Tan Fan took a look at Chang'e Fairy and said to himself silently: How can such a person suffer so much.

"By the way, if you want to find your sister in the future, you'd better come only when the moon is full every month. This day is the time when the moon releases the lunar essence. Other times, the lunar essence on the moon is in a closed state, which will cause some damage to you friars who have not yet become immortals." The Fairy Chang'e warned them.

After hearing the admonition of Chang'e Fairy, Tan Fanzixun and her husband nodded to Chang'e Fairy one after another and said, "We will remember when we know Chang'e Sister."

"Well, it's almost dawn, come with me, and I'll take you to get the cakes." After hearing the reply of the two, Chang'e Fairy waved away the Tianhe River in front of her.

Then Chang'e took the two people to a small room, opened the door and walked in, and they followed.

There are four or five double shelves in the room, and each shelf is full of various cakes. Chang'e fairy took out a three-layer wooden food box from the corner, opened the food box and took out a pair of wooden chopsticks from inside, and put several cakes on each shelf into the food box.

When the whole box was filled, the fairy stopped to give it to Tan Fan, who took it from her sister Chang'e and put it in her tripod.

After that, he took them to a room that was much larger than the room just now. When Tan Fan walked in, he looked around and found that there were sealed wine vats. There are also three cabinets with seven or eight transparent liquids in jade bottles.

Although Tan Fan has never drunk osmanthus wine, he probably knows that the liquid in those jade bottles is the osmanthus wine that Sister Chang'e said.

The fairy Chang'e took three bottles from the cabinet and gave them to Tan Fan. Tan Fan felt them with his hands and found that each bottle weighed almost half a kilogram.

Tan Fan collected them all in the market.

After seeing Tan Fan's collection, the fairy Chang'e took the two people back to the small courtyard at the beginning. Chang'e took out a packet of sweet scented osmanthus tea wrapped in purple bamboo leaves from the food box on the table and gave it to Tan Fan.

"What is the purple bamboo leaf of Chang'e sister so beautiful?" Zixun asked Chang'e fairy when she saw the purple bamboo leaf she had never seen before.

"This sweet scented osmanthus tea is easy to emit strange fragrance. Usually, it needs to be wrapped with purple bamboo leaves to prevent the fragrance from spreading. At present, I only have two or three leaves here, so I only prepared this bag, otherwise if the time goes by, the sweet scented osmanthus tea will not be sweet." Chang'e didn't answer Zixunde's question immediately, but told them that osmanthus tea was not easy to preserve.

"If you want to pick purple bamboo leaves, you will have to wait until next June. This time, I will only give you these. I will prepare more for you next year. And this purple bamboo is only available on several islands in the South China Sea, so I will pick some purple bamboo leaves every June." Chang'e Fairy then explained to purple.

"Well, put it away, and I should send you back. I remember that if I have nothing to do in the future, I will come to sit with me when the moon is full. I am bored here alone. If I can have you to talk with me, I can be happier." Chang'e fairy finally said to the two people that she hoped that they would come to talk with her from time to time in the future, and she also felt a little sad in her words.

Zixun, as a woman, could not help feeling sad after hearing the words of Chang'e Fairy.

Tan Fan looked at the two sad people and said to them without knowing how to comfort them: "Sister Chang'e, we can see the moon every night, as long as we see the moon, we will think of her sister. And you can rest assured, we will become immortals as soon as possible. When we become immortals, we can have more time to accompany her. Maybe we will be neighbors with you at that time."

When she heard Tan Fan's words, the sentimental atmosphere was suddenly broken, and she couldn't help smiling: "My brother is really ambitious, so my sister will wait for you to become a neighbor with her sister Zixun after becoming an immortal."

"Sister Chang'e, don't worry. My elder martial brother and I will become immortals as soon as possible. The master said that we have a great chance of success. In addition, with Sister Chang'e behind us, you can wait for us to become neighbors with you later." Zixun even followed Tan Fan's words after hearing that.

"Well, even becoming an immortal is something that will happen in the future. Let me send you back first. You should know that it is impossible to get out of the moon by your own strength alone." Chang'e fairy stopped saying sentimental words when she heard both of them say so.

Chang'e Fairy took them out of Guanghan Palace, and Chiyun took them out of the moon. Tan Fan followed Chang'e out of the moon this time, but he didn't feel the strange feeling when he entered the moon with a flying sword.

Chang'e put them at the place where Tan Fanggang and Chang'e communicated.

Tan Fan took out the fire glow sword from the ruins tripod. After using the aura, he jumped onto the fire glow sword. Zixun also jumped to the sword after seeing Tan Fan's action. They waved goodbye to Chang'e Fairy.

"You should remember the way back. I will let the moonlight accompany you to go back. After you go back, remember to communicate with me with the Star Spirit Stone." After saying that, Chang'e Fairy waved to the two people and flew to the moon.

With the feeling of being enveloped by moonlight before, Tan Fan's speed of driving the flying sword became faster this time.

After flying in the sky for an hour, they returned to Youxiang Pavilion before dawn. When they were just about to enter, they found that the moonlight made the whole Youxiang Pavilion extremely beautiful. However, only Tan Fan and Zixun could see this beautiful scene.