Chapter 136 The Heavenly Pivot Becomes, All Nations Bow Down, and the Top of the World (For Monthly Tickets, For Subscriptions)

Bamboo Pavilion.

Beautiful women have bright red clothes, ice skin and snow skin, and the waist hip style is full of style when walking.

Zhang Yizhi, with his negative hand behind him, stood at the side of the table, stared at Taiping, and asked:

"Your highness, don't you need to avoid suspicion?"

Taiping looked at his swollen face and smiled:

"Director Zhang, a woman in my palace doesn't care about rumors. What do you care about?"

Her voice is crisp and light, her rhythm is reserved and slow, and she is as beautiful as a cloud.

Zhang Yizhi wondered why he spoke so softly?

Taiping's apricot eyes narrowed slightly, and a kind of saying no appeared in her heart

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